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  1. uk29

    Is India using Hindu pilgrimages to tighten its grip around Kashmir?

    Cheap propoganda channels cannot even let peaceful historical pilgrimage go off without adding a twist
  2. uk29

    India slips to seventh largest economy. WB

    Ok ... So indicators such as forex reserves , fdi etc which can be quantified must also fake ?
  3. uk29

    India slips to seventh largest economy. WB

    Wow modi controls imf ... Cool dude...
  4. uk29

    India slips to seventh largest economy. WB

    Living in 2018 ? Don't you know according to 2019 india is already 5th largest economy having gdp of 2.97 trillion $ ...
  5. uk29

    Sri Lanka Dissatisfied With India’s Budget Allocation, Requires More Funds

    Can pakistan help us with aid ? I mean 430 billion dollars in forex is too low ... Maybe pakistan could give us something from its massive 15 billion $ kitty ?
  6. uk29

    Muslim lawyer calls to take up arms, asks minorities to sell Property & buy weapons

    Why don't you join this movement .... And meet us ... Serious question
  7. uk29

    Chinese diplomat takes Lal Topi wala to task

    Do you even read bro ?
  8. uk29

    Chinese diplomat takes Lal Topi wala to task

    So what we indians do to our minority is also our internal matter? ( I am leaving kashmir here )
  9. uk29

    Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

    Nahh we don't use this borrowed arabic word in my house
  10. uk29

    Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

    Don't wanna be in YT its too easy ... I like it here when odds r stacked against me ...
  11. uk29

    Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

    Is this military forum or some youtube comment section ... If its the latter then i invite you to engage with me in this language in any YT channel of ur choice ...
  12. uk29

    At Least 37 Afghan Policemen Killed Amid Dunford's Visit

    I mean he said it in his capacity as an individual ... Are you that dumb to see it .. geesh!
  13. uk29

    "President Doesn't Make Things Up": Trump's Advisor On Kashmir Comment

    If we get stick like these in exchange of 80 billion dollars worth of trade,tens of billion in remittances and weapons like apache, chinook,c5 galaxy, p3 orion and predator drone that too without doing any dirty work in Afghanistan then may God continue this forever
  14. uk29

    "President Doesn't Make Things Up": Trump's Advisor On Kashmir Comment

    Don't know why all of a sudden language of pakiatanis in this forum have become increasingly hostile.... Is it because of backing of " only super power in the world "
  15. uk29

    "President Doesn't Make Things Up": Trump's Advisor On Kashmir Comment

    Yawn .. tell me when something concrete happens untill then enjoy the American carrot ... Well untill you receive stick ...
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