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India slips to seventh largest economy. WB

Rss types always quote IMF. IMF rely on Indian government statistics. They do not have their own independent teams roaming india.
Ok ... So indicators such as forex reserves , fdi etc which can be quantified must also fake ?
How did this happen ?

I believe India grew faster than UK and France. Exchange rate issues ?
What’s there to worry about?
PPP still high.
People getting fed.

In America you pay $20 for some typical Indian dish after tip.
Ok ... So indicators such as forex reserves , fdi etc which can be quantified must also fake ?

Indians have the highest bad debt levels ever, their exports are shrinking, their unemployment rate is the highest ever, thousands of farmers commit suicide every year , they have fudged their growth rates for years , income disparity is shocking, PhDs show up to apply for a job of clerks and yes India is growing in Modi’s world. India has more people below the poverty line than the entire population of Pakistan.

Just read this article to open your eyes:
It’s from Reuters not some Pakistani newspaper:

(Reuters) - Economists and investors are increasingly showing that they have little or no confidence in India's official economic data – presenting whoever is elected as the next prime minister with an immediate problem.

There have been questions for many years about whether Indian government statistics were telling the full story but two recent controversies over revisions and delays of crucial numbers have taken those concerns to new heights.


Here is your declining FDI.... hail MOdI


Here is declining Foreign exchange reserves .... hail MoDI


Here is Indian government going to international market to borrow foreign money.... no different than going for help.... hail MoDI

Indians have the highest bad debt levels ever, their exports are shrinking, their unemployment rate is the highest ever, thousands of farmers commit suicide every year , they have fudged their growth rates for years , income disparity is shocking, PhDs show up to apply for a job of clerks and yes India is growing in Modi’s world. India has more people below the poverty line than the entire population of Pakistan.

Just read this article to open your eyes:
It’s from Reuters not some Pakistani newspaper:

(Reuters) - Economists and investors are increasingly showing that they have little or no confidence in India's official economic data – presenting whoever is elected as the next prime minister with an immediate problem.

There have been questions for many years about whether Indian government statistics were telling the full story but two recent controversies over revisions and delays of crucial numbers have taken those concerns to new heights.


Here is your declining FDI.... hail MOdI


Here is declining Foreign exchange reserves .... hail MoDI


Here is Indian government going to international market to borrow foreign money.... no different than going for help.... hail MoDI


Stop it. You're starting to embarrass yourself now :D
Indians have the highest bad debt levels ever, their exports are shrinking, their unemployment rate is the highest ever, thousands of farmers commit suicide every year , they have fudged their growth rates for years , income disparity is shocking, PhDs show up to apply for a job of clerks and yes India is growing in Modi’s world. India has more people below the poverty line than the entire population of Pakistan.

Just read this article to open your eyes:
It’s from Reuters not some Pakistani newspaper:

(Reuters) - Economists and investors are increasingly showing that they have little or no confidence in India's official economic data – presenting whoever is elected as the next prime minister with an immediate problem.

There have been questions for many years about whether Indian government statistics were telling the full story but two recent controversies over revisions and delays of crucial numbers have taken those concerns to new heights.


Here is your declining FDI.... hail MOdI


Here is declining Foreign exchange reserves .... hail MoDI


Here is Indian government going to international market to borrow foreign money.... no different than going for help.... hail MoDI


are bhai bhai bhai
And you're to innocent that you would not doing bad thing against Pakistan, only Pakisttan spreading terrorism against India, What a loser you're @Ashwasthama

The whole world is beginning to see India for what it is.....a disgusting dishonest terrorist state. What was kulbhoshen doing in Pakistan carrying an Indian passport with a Muslim name? The ICC saw right through India’s argument that he should be released.
India is country where a Muslim man can be killed on the mare rumour of eating beef. If that is not terrorism then what is?
I am sorry but you guys need to know that India was NEVER in top-10 economies anyways. Because their GDP numbers were always faked. Realistically, India should be around number 15 purely due to the fact that 1.3 Billion people live there, even if they live below poverty lines. With such a big population, it sits there economically.
One reason must be dollar and Indian Rupee parity fluctuation...


Modi hai tau Mumkin hai...

OH MY GOD... such HUGE difference between 5th, 6th and 7th position... just because UK and France earned more... does not means that India declined... we are still the FASTEST GROWING MAJOR ECONOMY...

Recent Developments
With the improvement in the economic scenario, there have been various investments in various sectors of the economy. The M&A activity in India reached record US$ 129.4 billion in 2018 while private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) investments reached US$ 20.5 billion. Some of the important recent developments in Indian economy are as follows:


  • During 2018-19 (up to February 2019), merchandise exports from India have increased 8.85 per cent year-on-year to US$ 298.47 billion, while services exports have grown 8.54 per cent year-on-year to US$ 185.51 billion.
  • Nikkei India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) reached a 14-month high in February 2019 and stood at 54.3.
  • Net direct tax collection for 2018-19 had crossed Rs 10 trillion (US$ 144.57 billion) by March 16, 2019, while goods and services tax (GST) collection stood at Rs 10.70 trillion (US$ 154.69 billion) as of February 2019.
  • Proceeds through Initial Public Offers (IPO) in India reached US$ 5.5 billion in 2018 and US$ 0.9 billion in Q1 2018-19.
  • India's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflows reached US$ 409.15 billion between April 2000 and December 2018, with maximum contribution from services, computer software and hardware, telecommunications, construction, trading and automobiles.
  • India's Index of Industrial Production (IIP) rose 4.4 per cent year-on-year in 2018-19 (up to January 2019).
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation stood at 2.57 per cent in February 2019.
  • Net employment generation in the country reached a 17-month high in January 2019.

How did this happen ?

I believe India grew faster than UK and France. Exchange rate issues ?

Partially yes... but the main reason was PREPARATION OF ELECTION ORIENTED budget in 2018... still managed to grow at 7%...

Some fools who are beggar too... don't know that we stood at 2.7 trillion (in USD)... Let me give you one example...

Modi has SET target to become 5 trillion economy by 2024... IF India will become 4.99 trillion economy... these people will try to show... HOW badly and miserably MODI has failed... so don't worry about them...

now lets come to Indian economy and its current status... DEEP CLEANSING is going on in almost every sector... BANKS, NBFCs, corporates... and when I see that even after this we are growing @7%... I feel amazed... tax collections are at all time high...

2016 - 2.29
2017 - 2.65
2018 - 2.72

There is no decline in Indian growth... it is just that France and UK have performed better...


Ji MoDi

NewIndian stocks suffer worst July in 17 years

Shine comes off market after election bump

Benjamin Parkin in Mumbai 5 HOURS AGO

Indian shares endured their worst July in 17 years, a sign that stewing trouble in the country’s economy has been catching up with the stock market after a stellar run.

Equities hit record highs on the back of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election in late May, with investors betting that his return with a strong mandate would bring about a wave of business-friendly, pocket-lining reforms such as privatisation of state assets and the relaxation of labour laws.

But Indians have been battered by a stream of bad economic news since, prompting a sharp correction in stocks. The benchmark Nifty index fell 6 per cent in July, the worst since July 2002, and has lost 9 per cent since its record high in early June.

The rout has exacerbated concerns that shares in India, along with other emerging markets like China or Brazil, are losing their shine as growth slows and a recent trend of globalisation unravels.

“Earlier we thought this was a cyclical issue, but now the slowdown is getting more structural in nature. It’s taking in a lot of industries,” said Rusmik Oza, head of research at brokerage Kotak Securities. “It needs a lot of bold measures for us to come out of this problem.”


Soon after Mr Modi’s re-election, India lost its claim to being the world’s fastest-growing large economy to China, when it emerged that gross domestic product growth slowed to 5.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2019, a five-year low and down from 6.6 per cent in the final quarter of 2018. More data showed unemployment at its highest level in decades.

The strain has been reflected in a number of industries, with carmakers the most high-profile victims of the recent malaise. Car sales have endured their worst spell since the turn of the millennium, falling 24 per cent in June and 26 per cent in May, compared with the same time a year earlier.

Total sales for July have not yet been released, but Maruti Suzuki, India’s largest carmaker which makes almost half the country’s cars, said this week its sales dropped 36 per cent in July from a year earlier. Maruti’s shares lost 16 per cent over the course of July and it reported a 27 per cent drop in its net profit for the quarter ended June.

Shares in other major vehicle makers like Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra also ended July lower.

Analysts said they do not see an easy solution for the carmakers and their share prices amid a global slowdown. “The key question to ponder is, is this the new normal?” said brokerage Edelweiss. “The near-term outlook is bleak.”

But the sell-off in stocks has been exacerbated in part by some of the Modi government’s early moves, with investors feeling that the government missed an opportunity to enact bold reforms when it unveiled its first annual budget in July.

In one measure that spooked traders, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that she would increase a tax on India’s “super-rich” to more than 40 per cent, a move that includes foreign trusts investing in India.

That prompted some investors to leave their positions, with net outflows from foreign portfolio investors of $5.5bn in July, according to rating agency Care, ending a trend of money flowing into the country from overseas.

OH MY GOD... such HUGE difference between 5th, 6th and 7th position... just because UK and France earned more... does not means that India declined... we are still the FASTEST GROWING MAJOR ECONOMY...

Recent Developments
With the improvement in the economic scenario, there have been various investments in various sectors of the economy. The M&A activity in India reached record US$ 129.4 billion in 2018 while private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) investments reached US$ 20.5 billion. Some of the important recent developments in Indian economy are as follows:

Partially yes... but the main reason was PREPARATION OF ELECTION ORIENTED budget in 2018... still managed to grow at 7%...

Some fools who are beggar too... don't know that we stood at 2.7 trillion (in USD)... Let me give you one example...

Modi has SET target to become 5 trillion economy by 2024... IF India will become 4.99 trillion economy... these people will try to show... HOW badly and miserably MODI has failed... so don't worry about them...

now lets come to Indian economy and its current status... DEEP CLEANSING is going on in almost every sector... BANKS, NBFCs, corporates... and when I see that even after this we are growing @7%... I feel amazed... tax collections are at all time high...

OH MY GOD... such HUGE difference between 5th, 6th and 7th position... just because UK and France earned more... does not means that India declined... we are still the FASTEST GROWING MAJOR ECONOMY...

Recent Developments
With the improvement in the economic scenario, there have been various investments in various sectors of the economy. The M&A activity in India reached record US$ 129.4 billion in 2018 while private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) investments reached US$ 20.5 billion. Some of the important recent developments in Indian economy are as follows:

  • During 2018-19 (up to February 2019), merchandise exports from India have increased 8.85 per cent year-on-year to US$ 298.47 billion, while services exports have grown 8.54 per cent year-on-year to US$ 185.51 billion.
  • Nikkei India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) reached a 14-month high in February 2019 and stood at 54.3.
  • Net direct tax collection for 2018-19 had crossed Rs 10 trillion (US$ 144.57 billion) by March 16, 2019, while goods and services tax (GST) collection stood at Rs 10.70 trillion (US$ 154.69 billion) as of February 2019.
  • Proceeds through Initial Public Offers (IPO) in India reached US$ 5.5 billion in 2018 and US$ 0.9 billion in Q1 2018-19.
  • India's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflows reached US$ 409.15 billion between April 2000 and December 2018, with maximum contribution from services, computer software and hardware, telecommunications, construction, trading and automobiles.
  • India's Index of Industrial Production (IIP) rose 4.4 per cent year-on-year in 2018-19 (up to January 2019).
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation stood at 2.57 per cent in February 2019.
  • Net employment generation in the country reached a 17-month high in January 2019.

Partially yes... but the main reason was PREPARATION OF ELECTION ORIENTED budget in 2018... still managed to grow at 7%...

Some fools who are beggar too... don't know that we stood at 2.7 trillion (in USD)... Let me give you one example...

Modi has SET target to become 5 trillion economy by 2024... IF India will become 4.99 trillion economy... these people will try to show... HOW badly and miserably MODI has failed... so don't worry about them...

now lets come to Indian economy and its current status... DEEP CLEANSING is going on in almost every sector... BANKS, NBFCs, corporates... and when I see that even after this we are growing @7%... I feel amazed... tax collections are at all time high...

I will respond to you later as
I don’t have time to respond right now but I would like to remind you that you are comparing Indian GDP of 1.2 billion people to GDP of England and France of barely average 60 million people .

You guys are far far away from
Coming anywhere near the big boys.
And hence, create a conflict to distract from these issues and more is the plan of the fascist government there.
And hence, create a conflict to distract from these issues and more is the plan of the fascist government there.

1.2 billion people are struggling to come near 60 million population countries...... no where near Germany or Japan and while economy is slowing down with Suzuki sales alone 35 percent down (reflects consumer spending, income growth and banking loans etc ) Modi is dreaming of five trillion economy in four years . Only Modi can pull this out of his ***.
@Gandhi G in da house

very good article to answer your question on slowdown...


1.2 billion people are struggling to come near 60 million population countries...... no where near Germany or Japan and while economy is slowing down with Suzuki sales alone 35 percent down (reflects consumer spending, income growth and banking loans etc ) Modi is dreaming of five trillion economy in four years . Only Modi can pull this out of his ***.

Give some credit to government's policy on Electronic vehicles... curb on diesel cars... Indians going for bigger cars... too much stock of used cars... Even we have decided to wait for next year before buying new SUV as fuel type is the BIGGEST QUESTION...

I agree with you that now banks are not as liberal as they were 2/3 years back while providing new loans... specially to new customers... old, with good records are apple of their eyes...
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