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At Least 37 Afghan Policemen Killed Amid Dunford's Visit


Mar 30, 2010
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At least 37 Afghan police officers were killed in over-night assaults by the Taliban militants on security check points in northern Takhar province, said an official on Thursday.

According to the provincial council chairman, Wafiullah Ameen, the Taliban stormed the security check posts in the restive and remote Ishkimish district late Wednesday night. He told Anadolu Agency that 24 members of the Afghan National Civil Order Police and 13 members of the Afghan National Police got killed in the assault.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. The group’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahed, said in a social media post that two bases and two check posts have been overrun in the district sharing border with neighboring Kunduz province.

This is a relatively higher death toll of the Afghan forces in one attack amid evident surge in the violence across the country in recent days as the Taliban prepare for next round of talks with the U.S. in Doha, Qatar.

Meanwhile, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is in an unannounced visit in the war-torn country, stressed the Afghan government and coalition forces are working to support the negotiations process and that have not changed the military mission in the country.

“Part of the problem is that the Taliban are not a monolithic entity, but rather a group of groups with different degrees of ideological purity and different goals. Some Taliban groups may work with the government. Others take a more hardline approach. Some want all foreign troops out immediately. Others will take a conditions-based approach,” he said, according to a statement from the Pentagon.

Dunford arrived in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Thursday for consultations with the U.S., NATO and Afghan officials.

I mean he said it in his capacity as an individual ... Are you that dumb to see it .. geesh!

Really? How do you know? Do you think the Indian government announces their goals on pdf too?
Freedom of Speech. It's my opinion and my right to make it. You have the right to disagree with it.
try to make any opinion against rss or bjp in your democratic india . :) . you will sure endup like the journalist of u.p

Really? How do you know? Do you think the Indian government announces their goals on pdf too?
lol . you will surely have stakes when u reach this level in Afghanistan.
unless Taliban become Part of Government there will be civil war, now ISIS is a huge factor but with the help of Taliban The Kabul regime can get rid of them, Cause having Taliban on your side is better than ISIS . ISIS is ruthless and scum of earth , you can negotiate with Taliban but not with ISIS scum .
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