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Chinese diplomat takes Lal Topi wala to task

Whatever we say it is a fact that in this province of China Muslims are persecuted and in the pre-dominantly Muslim population was decreased by systematic relocation of Muslims from this province and Han people to this province. But this is also a fact that this province has never been a separate state for a longer period of time in history. Chinese government should respect the religious freedom of people and in return Muslim people living in those areas should not ask for freedom. But then why would they ask for freedom if they knew that they will have religious freedom. Its a two way relationship between people and state but right now muslims are facing a systematic persicution in that province and like it or not rest of the Muslim world (as always) is playing the hypocrite
Zaid Hamid has good intention but he should understand that whole Islamic world is too weak to take strong stance on each matter and we need diplomacy to resolve such issues.Many such news about chinese Muslims are not correct and are part of u.s 5gen war against china so we should not believe on such news without proper verification.u.s has killed more Muslims than China in the name of war on terror and trump openly hate Muslims and Islam so u.s cannot be trusted in this matter as they never condemn israel killings of Muslims children and women
Dont get worked up my fellow Pakistanis its not like your gonna be able to do anything

Just like Palestine Myanmar and your on backyard in Kashmir

Condemn and move on :p:
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