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Chinese diplomat takes Lal Topi wala to task


Aug 22, 2018
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United States
ISLAMABAD: Deputy Chief of Mission in Chinese Embassy in Pakistan Lijian Zhao on Monday took to task self-proclaimed war veteran and analyst Zaid Hamid alias ‘Lal Topi Wala’ (red capped) for commenting on China’s internal issues. Replying to Zaid Hamid, the Chinese diplomat said: “A person who doesn’t know ABC about China. Do some homework before you write about my country.” This message further flared the self-proclaimed analyst and he further commented against China and the deputy head of mission. To this Lijian Zhao said: “Not only western propaganda sabotaging relations between China & Muslim countries. Here’s one in Pakistan. Homework: There’s no ‘East Turkistan’ . Only terrorists & their sympathisers call Xinjiang ‘East Turkistan’. Education & training centers are schools to counter terrorism.”

Pakistanis have habit of involving in others internal matters. How would you like if others start poking their noses in ahmadi issues, Christian issues, bla terrorism, ptm terrorism or ttp terrorism?

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.
Pakistanis have habit of involving in others internal matters. How would you like if others start poking their noses in ahmadi issues, Christian issues, bla terrorism, ptm terrorism or ttp terrorism?

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.

>Internet Pakistanis

Vs > in real life Pakistanis

To be honest most Pakistanis in real life have no time to spend on PDF they may get news from social media or what talk show they like but in general the diaspora thinks differently than Pakistanis back home
Zahid Hamid , has good analysis skill set , but sometime we need to pick balance wording regarding sensitive issues and try at most refrain commenting on those issue without legit reference. And also adopt Pakistan foreign neutrality policy to keep our relationship balanced. China is our iron brother and we should refarin ourself into their internal issue unless we have legit source then escalate with Chinese foreign office to see issue can be resolve at diplomatic level. But commenting directly into their internal affairs without legit source it is big " NO".
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Caveat being introduced in friendship. Good for Pakistan in long term.
Is this guy some important politician that Chinese diplomats had to answer him?
Good to see Pakistan politicians calling out Chinese propaganda and human rights violation.

No, he is some islamist fantasy tweeter army fan. Irrelevant at best. He has tried to mislead people many times, and is a complete childish retard.

The only reason he is popular is because his rhetoric appeases to the larger masses.
Pakistanis have habit of involving in others internal matters. How would you like if others start poking their noses in ahmadi issues, Christian issues, bla terrorism, ptm terrorism or ttp terrorism?

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.

Xinjiang is legal part of China. Stop falling for Western and Indian propaganda.
So what we indians do to our minority is also our internal matter? ( I am leaving kashmir here )
So what we indians do to our minority is also our internal matter? ( I am leaving kashmir here )

I have said it before here always. What happens in India to minorities is also not our concern. Our one, and only, concern is Kashmir. After that comes recognition of Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic, recognition of Taiwan as part of one China.

Anything else is not our concern unless it effects us or our allies. Simple.
So what we indians do to our minority is also our internal matter? ( I am leaving kashmir here )
No( one can see that in half of the threads opened on this forum ),unless we start throwing them some dollars,then all ummah goes to hell.
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