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Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

#LalTopi is National Security Threat!

Must be deported to gangadesh along with #FazoolMullMaffia

Zaid Hamid is interesting character first he claims he fought in the Soviet Afghan war no records or photos of his service,he only started showing up in the media sphere in the late 2000s so this guy is a charlatan by the same lifafa journalists and media besides he did do shirk so the idiots who will call me a libtard cause I dislike him really should take look at this miscreant

Someone should tell this maniac that Turks make good fun of us because we have no identity other than Islam, and he promotes that. What an ego centric retard.

People like him, Haqeeqat TV and stop Whatsapp and Facebook groups taking part in this extreme Islamization need to be leashed.

Isn't this what we were trying to escape?

To be fair the Turks will look at this at cringe Zaid is symptom of what's wrong with Pakistan you got folks who a..s kiss the Turks,Arabs ,Chinese or the small minority of elite class enamoured by the west or America
Zaid Hamid is interesting character first he claims he fought in the Soviet Afghan war no records or photos of his service,he only started showing up in the media sphere in the late 2000s so this guy is a charlatan by the same lifafa journalists and media besides he did do shirk so the idiots who will call me a libtard cause I dislike him really should take look at this miscreant
On a lighter note it is said that he speaks Urdu,Punjabi,Persian,Pashto,Dari,Russian & English quite fluently.
I have seen him many times doing weapon drills like elite troops,so he is no Joke.
For all the ummah chummahs out there. This is what happens. Strictly speaking Zaid Hamid is absolutely right. Lets accept the truth here. The Chinese are effectively carrying out a genocide in East Turkistan. We should not be calling it Sinkiang. It's fcukin East Turkistan. The name change is part of the destruction of the Muslims of China. Kashgar has become Kashi. Thousands of Muslims are in concentration camps for practicing their religion. Chinese security goes around forcing Muslim shops to sell pork or alcohol. Fasting is banned for officials. Display of religious ritual is looked down on. Muslims in East Turkistan are faciing a athiest, ungodly onslaught that threatens their existence. These facts too recorded, too reported to be ignored. So what Zaid Hamid is saying is the absolute truth. But.


The question is do we pursue the interests of Pakistan or of Muslim ummah? If we follow the Muslim ummah then we need to openly tell the Chinese. Only problem is if we do that the Chinese will tear Pakistan so many new assholes that we will fall apart.

So the question is -

  • Do we put Pakistan first
  • Do we put the Ummah first.

I put Pakistan first. Let's pretend nothing is happening or even deny what is happening. In private try to reason with the athiests. This is exactly what Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Pakistani state is doing. That includeds the elected governmernt, military and the diplomatic service.

Please go to 4:10 and see how PMIK outright denies the Muslim Uighur issue. Gen. Bajwa, Nawaz Sharif or any other Pakistani leader would do the same. Deny it. It's called self interest and Pakistan First.

For all the ummah chummahs out there. This is what happens. Strictly speaking Zaid Hamid is absolutely right. Lets accept the truth here. The Chinese are effectively carrying out a genocide in East Turkistan. We should not be calling it Sinkiang. It's fcukin East Turkistan. The name change is part of the destruction of the Muslims of China. Kashgar has become Kashi. Thousands of Muslims are in concentration camps for practicing their religion. Chinese security goes around forcing Muslim shops to sell pork or alcohol. Fasting is banned for officials. Display of religious ritual is looked down on. Muslims in East Turkistan are faciing a athiest, ungodly onslaught that threatens their existence. These facts too recorded, too reported to be ignored. So what Zaid Hamid is saying is the absolute truth. But.


The question is do we pursue the interests of Pakistan or of Muslim ummah? If we follow the Muslim ummah then we need to openly tell the Chinese. Only problem is if we do that the Chinese will tear Pakistan so many new assholes that we will fall apart.

So the question is -

  • Do we put Pakistan first
  • Do we put the Ummah first.

I put Pakistan first. Let's pretend nothing is happening or even deny what is happening. In private try to reason with the athiests. This is exactly what Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Pakistani state is doing. That includeds the elected governmernt, military and the diplomatic service.

Please go to 4:10 and see how PMIK outright denies the Muslim Uighur issue. Gen. Bajwa, Nawaz Sharif or any other Pakistani leader would do the same. Deny it. It's called self interest and Pakistan First.

Allah ko akhirat main jawab de sako gay?
China must be told in clear terms. They must back off. Similarly ET muslims need to abandon terror and be more inclusive.

You can disagree with ZH on many accounts but he is right on this one.
Allah ko akhirat main jawab de sako gay?
And what Allah asks you what you did for the Muslims in China whats your reply gonna be? I did not want to give up my 99p chicken chips in UK so I could not go on jihad and fight with my brothers?
You the devil that want's to know? It's been myself and my maker.
It is a rhetorical question.

One for all of us.

And what Allah asks you what you did for the Muslims in China whats your reply gonna be? I did not want to give up my 99p chicken chips in UK so I could not go on jihad and fight with my brothers?
Imaan ke buhat darjay hain.
Sabse kam burai ko manana aur us se zyada bolna. You don't know me, I don't know you. That is why the question wasn't for you personally.
Afghani who lived in misery but remained true to his imaan is better than us, sugarcoating our cowardice.

For all the ummah chummahs out there. This is what happens. Strictly speaking Zaid Hamid is absolutely right. Lets accept the truth here. The Chinese are effectively carrying out a genocide in East Turkistan. We should not be calling it Sinkiang. It's fcukin East Turkistan. The name change is part of the destruction of the Muslims of China. Kashgar has become Kashi. Thousands of Muslims are in concentration camps for practicing their religion. Chinese security goes around forcing Muslim shops to sell pork or alcohol. Fasting is banned for officials. Display of religious ritual is looked down on. Muslims in East Turkistan are faciing a athiest, ungodly onslaught that threatens their existence. These facts too recorded, too reported to be ignored. So what Zaid Hamid is saying is the absolute truth. But.


The question is do we pursue the interests of Pakistan or of Muslim ummah? If we follow the Muslim ummah then we need to openly tell the Chinese. Only problem is if we do that the Chinese will tear Pakistan so many new assholes that we will fall apart.

So the question is -

  • Do we put Pakistan first
  • Do we put the Ummah first.

I put Pakistan first. Let's pretend nothing is happening or even deny what is happening. In private try to reason with the athiests. This is exactly what Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Pakistani state is doing. That includeds the elected governmernt, military and the diplomatic service.

Please go to 4:10 and see how PMIK outright denies the Muslim Uighur issue. Gen. Bajwa, Nawaz Sharif or any other Pakistani leader would do the same. Deny it. It's called self interest and Pakistan First.

This choice exists of 'ummah chumma' or Pakistan because of oversimplified reading of Islamic values.

If you read the life of RasulAllah pbuh, you will see multiple examples of strategic decisions that made the harsh choice. The treaty of Hudaibiya led to some serious problems for some Muslims of Makkah. However, it proved to be the best thing for the Muslims as a whole. However, a group of Muslims did suffer and it was very hard for Muslims to see that at the time.

For instance:

Hearing that the Prophet Muhammad was near Mecca and coming, Abu Jandal, bound in chains escaped and ran to the camp of the Muslims at Hudaybiyyah. The Muslims were shocked to see his condition.[1] According to the treaty, any Meccans who attempted to become Muslim and flee to Medina without the permission of his guardian(s) would be returned to Mecca. Upon seeing his son and understanding that he was attempting to flee to the security of the Prophet, Suhayl pointed at his son and informed them that he would be the first person returned to Quraysh. Abu Jandal exclaimed to the Muslim people that they would return him to the polytheists when he comes to them as a Muslim?! Unfortunately, the Prophet had to return Abu Jandal but encouraged him to remain steadfast.

Does anyone think it was easy for the Muslims to do this?

So a better understanding of Islam would help us be better.

With regards to 'Ummah Chummah', we didn't complain about it when the Saudis bailed us out after nuke tests or in recent times. The UK has learnt there is strength in numbers now that the Iranians have their tanker. It is the Ummah Chummah that is behind the Turks and Malaysians asking Pakistan to join them in forming a block. And many other initiatives we are part of simply because we are Muslims.

This Ummah Chumma is certainly worth a lot more in terms of potential than what many recognise.

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