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Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

I dont Think anyone takes you seriously but i want to understand your fixation with race.

Lets break it Down a little.

Who do you Think the Pakistani Race should do trade with? You already Think Caucasians are superior race. Probably claim Turks as Brothers.

i am just curious what goes on on the streets of London These days

On a serious note, BEWARE of the streets of London nowadays. There are random killings and stabbings ALL the time. A bit of a war zone at the moment. AVOID South London at all costs. Even Croydon is a mini war zone now.
I know it's Trump but he's right. In fact minus the guns, London is probably more dangerous and violent than LA. Sad the way London has turned into a hell-hole since 2008.........:(

Its unfortunate.

Hopefully Boris will make London great again
Really? Someone needs to let the Gulfis, other Arabs and Iranians know. They couldn't give a damn about the so called Muslim world or "Ummah".......:lol:......their bodies are ceryainly not hurting in line with the "Ummah"

ONLY Pakistanis will care about people who don't give Pakistanis the time of day, let alone care about them or Pakistan........:lol:.........that is a clear sign of having no dignity, a low IQ and possibly being even mentally retarded.

The Chinese are more than welcome to whatever they want in their country. It's not our business or concern.

The Israelis are more than welcome to do whatever they want to the Palestinians. When the Arabs/ Palestinians start caring about the Kashmiris/Pakistanis and Pakistan then we'll start to care about them.

PS I am not mocking the Ummah but simply pointing out the fact that it CANNOT exist without all Muslim nations and most Muslims demanding it. Apart from uneducated Brit-Pakistanis with no future and who have a low IQ, NO OTHER Muslim groups or people want it. In fact they hate the idea and concept more than the non-Muslims do.

ALSO, The Chinese brothers and sisters whom you hate gave Pakistan the means and ability to defend ourselves against an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us and who wants to wipe out the entire Pakistani race, nation and Muslims globally. The Chinese have done more for defending ISLAM than the Arabs, low IQ retarded terrorists and other Muslim groups have done. Now they are investing in billions in trying to make Pakistan a developed nation. May Allah swt always bless China and the Chinese people Inshallah.

Disgusting. You actually prayed for the Mushrikeen who are oppressing Muslims and who consider Islam a mental sickness.

As for the rest of your post, if that's what you think so be it man. Maybe you don't consider yourself a part of that Ummah and maybe you've experienced worst Muslims.

WHERE is the evidence that the Chinese are oppressing the Uighers? If what you say is true then please remember to post the links here.

Head over to the World Affairs and Chinese section. I have been posting proofs after proofs for months there.

Here's one video from a famous Arab vlogger who went there.

Funny coming from a PTM supporter which itself is an Ethno-Facist organisation.

If i am a PTM supporter then you're a Nazi supporter.

Can't be worse than a Nazi supporter.
Disgusting. You actually prayed for the Mushrikeen who are oppressing Muslims and who consider Islam a mental sickness.

As for the rest of your post, if that's what you think so be it man. Maybe you don't consider yourself a part of that Ummah and maybe you've experienced worst Muslims.

Head over to the World Affairs and Chinese section. I have been posting proofs after proofs for months there.

Here's one video from a famous Arab vlogger who went there.

If i am a PTM supporter then you're a Nazi supporter.

Can't be worse than a Nazi supporter.

Anyone who supports and protects Pakistan is a TRUE Muslim MASHALLAH. Allah swt blessings will be bestowed on them. And the Chinese brothers and sisters are doing just that MASHALLAH.

Funny how the Arab blogger condemns the Chinese but fails to do the same to the americans who have killed between 5-10 million Muslims since 1990. Or even condemn ISIS who have killed 100,000s of Muslims too. That is hypocrisy at it's greatest.

PS How many Muslims have the Chinese killed and how many Muslim nations have the Chinese destroyed???????........:azn:

May Allah swt always bless Pakistan and China INSHALLAH.

Pakistan and China ZINDABAD

Anyone who supports and protects Pakistan is a TRUE Muslim MASHALLAH. Allah swt blessings will be bestowed on them. And the Chinese brothers and sisters are doing just that MASHALLAH.

Funny how the Arab blogger condemns the Chinese but fails to do the same to the americans who have killed between 5-10 million Muslims since 1990. Or even condemn ISIS who have killed 100,000s of Muslims too. That is hypocrisy at it's greatest.

PS How many Muslims have the Chinese killed and how many Muslim nations have the Chinese destroyed???????........:azn:

May Allah swt always bless Pakistan and China INSHALLAH.

Pakistan and China ZINDABAD


Cuckoo :cuckoo:

Can you provide evidence that the Chinese have killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim nations like the americans have?

Funny how you condemn the Chinese for reeducating possible Islamic radicals but NEVER criticize the americans for genociding 5-10 million and destroying 4/5 Muslim nations since 1990

Also, who has killed more Muslims, Muslim ISIS or China?

Funny how this guy criticizes China for reeducating Islamic radicals but fails to condemn Muslim ISIS for killing 100,000s of Muslims.

Tell me Mr Hamid, who has killed more Muslims, ISIS or China?........:azn:
Can you provide evidence that the Chinese have killed Muslims and destroyed Muslim nations like the americans have?

Funny how you condemn the Chinese for reeducating possible Islamic radicals but NEVER criticize the americans for genociding 5-10 million and destroying 4/5 Muslim nations since 1990

Also, who has killed more Muslims, Muslim ISIS or China?

Funny how this guy criticizes China for reeducating Islamic radicals but fails to condemn Muslim ISIS for killing 100,000s of Muslims.

Tell me Mr Hamid, who has killed more Muslims, ISIS or China?........:azn:

China isn't a democracy or free country. Can you give me proof of things North Korea is doing wrong with its people? You can't. Same way with China.

The most we have from the struggles of brave journalists is just what they could gather from outside.

Who has killed more is irrelevant to this discussion. Chinese haven't murdered many Muslims because it was an atheist country and Muslims are a very tiny amount.

Also China has murdered probably more people than West combined. Whether its a Muslim, Hindu or Jew, they're humans and all life is precious. China has no regard for life.

Anyway since you're praying for the Mushrikeen to succeed in wiping out our Uighur Muslims brethren who have every right to live life according to Islam, i am not going to waste my time arguing further.

From my experience, people like you only believe something when it happens to you or your family and until then no amount of proof will be sufficient for them.

Saw it happen with PTI supporters countless times. Many of people who couldn't stop singing praises of IK when his wrongs were pointed out immediately became haters when they saw the bills or lost jobs and couldn't find more.

Some people are physically incapable of empathy. It's like i am all good, what the hell do i care if someone else is raped, tortured, murdered, forced to atheism, their organs harvested, their life and hopes and dreams shattered.
It is disgusting to see you chandus and American goras cashing in on China's horrific ethnic cleansing campaign and using it to your own advantage.


We will not let you high jack XinJiang cause to flame tension between China and Pakistan.

This is a serious issue. A whole ethnicity is being systematically being wiped out. Pakistanis can't stand idly by and conveniently call this American propoganda. We have first hand seen the racist attitude of the Chinese. Several Pakistanis lost their wives and children(widely documented on Pak media but ignored by Pak govt) to this chilling and horrifying ethnic cleansing genocide.
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