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Zaid Hamid throws down the gauntlet on Xinjiang

"UMMAH" doesn't exist. Only some Pakistanis believe it. All other non-Pakistani Muslims do not believe in it and laugh at the idea.

Only for someone who has no clue of history and has a deep inferiority complex that has caused them to lose their faith.

For those of us who have read our history and know what happened, we know that Ummah has always existed and has constantly been with us. And constantly helped Pakistan. Libya gave huge sums to help Pak develop its nukes. Saudi is helping us as we speak. Indonesia opened its military hardware for us in 65. Jordan gave us its warplanes... and these are but a few of the thousands of times we Muslims (does not include wannabe godless hypocrites) were one, and our love for each other held the day.
South China Sea will be blocked in any future conflict between the US and China. Pak and central asia are the only routes left to China. Yet, they show us that they hate us, hate Islam, hate Islamic civilization. And will be more brutal to us than Hitler was, at the same level as Stalin.

If they want to be strategic partners they have to respect us and this includes respecting Islam and Muslims. If they don't, they will have 1.5 billion Muslims as their enemies. And we don't forget our enemies easily.

It seems standing for justice and against the vilest kind of oppression and mass ethnic cleansing will get the godless secular in this forum in a chaddi twist. They just need everyone to support oppression.

let me also add....
And Pakistan is the only country that can save mankind from Apocalypse! US China and Russia better take permission from Pakistan before they do anything from now on.
Only for someone who has no clue of history and has a deep inferiority complex that has caused them to lose their faith.

For those of us who have read our history and know what happened, we know that Ummah has always existed and has constantly been with us. And constantly helped Pakistan. Libya gave huge sums to help Pak develop its nukes. Saudi is helping us as we speak. Indonesia opened its military hardware for us in 65. Jordan gave us its warplanes... and these are but a few of the thousands of times we Muslims (does not include wannabe godless hypocrites) were one, and our love for each other held the day.

Try telling that to the afghans, indian so called "Muslims" and bengalis. They hate Pakistani Muslims more THAN the hindus and Sikhs do. The Arabs hate the Iranians more than the Jews do........so much for the "Ummah".........:lol:
let me also add....
And Pakistan is the only country that can save mankind from Apocalypse! US China and Russia better take permission from Pakistan before they do anything from now on.

Hypocrites have a very interesting sign mentioned in the Quran. We are told that we can spot them by their (forked) tongues.

Making two penny jokes on serious matters, that is a sign that you neither respect us Muslims, nor are here to have a serious discussion. You're like a dhoti boi doing a bollywood drama.

Try telling that to the afghans, indian so called "Muslims" and bengalis. They hate Pakistani Muslims more THAN the hindus and Sikhs do. The Arabs hate the Iranians more than the Jews do........so much for the "Ummah".........:lol:

I laugh at you. Why would I say anything to anybody based on the ramblings of someone who claims to be "Pakistan First" but isn't even a Muslim. Newsflash - Pakistan was first and foremost made for the Muslims. We respect our minorities (including the foul mouthed atheists) but that isn't whom Pakistan was made for... so your input is meaningless to me.
Okay internet tiger what exactly have you done for these Muslims. Show us the path by picking up a AK-47 and fighting the heathen Chinese.

Stop preaching. Instead practice.

Hindi has ton load of Arabic, Persian words.

That would be unIslamic and terrorism. Because the authority over me i.e Pakistan government hasn't declared Jihad.

Do you know the conditions for Jihad right?

And i am doing my part. I speak against and loathe the Chinese. Unlike you who is preaching being accomplices in wrongdoings

"UMMAH" doesn't exist. Only some Pakistanis believe it. All other non-Pakistani Muslims do not believe in it and laugh at the idea.

Prophet Muhammad (saww) said that Muslims are like parts of a body. If one part hurts, the whole body aches.

People like me who believe Prophet Muhammad (saww) believe that to be true because our Prophet Muhammad (saww) spoke absolute truth.

I don't care about others. I am responsible for my actions and my beliefs.

The whole of Pakistan can love these Zalim Mushrikeen and I'll alone proudly consider them what they're. Zalimeen.

Truly, we are so close to end times that the concept of Ummah is mocked.

That's how Shaytan will take over people and has taken over people. Little towards big.
That would be unIslamic and terrorism. Because the authority over me i.e Pakistan government hasn't declared Jihad.

Do you know the conditions for Jihad right?

And i am doing my part. I speak against and loathe the Chinese. Unlike you who is preaching being accomplices in wrongdoings

Prophet Muhammad (saww) said that Muslims are like parts of a body. If one part hurts, the whole body aches.

People like me who believe Prophet Muhammad (saww) believe that to be true because our Prophet Muhammad (saww) spoke absolute truth.

I don't care about others. I am responsible for my actions and my beliefs.

The whole of Pakistan can love these Zalim Mushrikeen and I'll alone proudly consider them what they're. Zalimeen.

Truly, we are so close to end times that the concept of Ummah is mocked.

That's how Shaytan will take over people and has taken over people. Little towards big.

Really? Someone needs to let the Gulfis, other Arabs and Iranians know. They couldn't give a damn about the so called Muslim world or "Ummah".......:lol:......their bodies are certainly not hurting in line with the "Ummah"

ONLY Pakistanis will care about people who don't give Pakistanis the time of day, let alone care about them or Pakistan........:lol:.........that is a clear sign of having no dignity, a low IQ and possibly even being mentally retarded.

The Chinese are more than welcome to whatever they want in their country. It's not our business or concern.

The Israelis are more than welcome to do whatever they want to the Palestinians. When the Arabs/ Palestinians start caring about the Kashmiris/Pakistanis and Pakistan then we'll start to care about them too.

PS I am not mocking the Ummah but simply pointing out the fact that it CANNOT exist without all Muslim nations and most Muslims demanding it. Apart from uneducated Brit-Pakistanis with no future and who have a low IQ, NO OTHER Muslim groups or people want it. In fact they hate the idea and concept more than the non-Muslims do.

ALSO, The Chinese brothers and sisters whom you hate gave Pakistan the means and ability to defend ourselves against an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us and who wants to wipe out the entire Pakistani race, nation and Muslims globally. The Chinese have done more for defending ISLAM than the Arabs, low IQ retarded terrorists and other Muslim groups have all done put together. Now they are investing in billions in trying to make Pakistan a developed nation. May Allah swt always bless China and the Chinese people Inshallah.
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That would be unIslamic and terrorism. Because the authority over me i.e Pakistan government hasn't declared Jihad.

Do you know the conditions for Jihad right?

And i am doing my part. I speak against and loathe the Chinese. Unlike you who is preaching being accomplices in wrongdoings

Prophet Muhammad (saww) said that Muslims are like parts of a body. If one part hurts, the whole body aches.

People like me who believe Prophet Muhammad (saww) believe that to be true because our Prophet Muhammad (saww) spoke absolute truth.

I don't care about others. I am responsible for my actions and my beliefs.

The whole of Pakistan can love these Zalim Mushrikeen and I'll alone proudly consider them what they're. Zalimeen.

Truly, we are so close to end times that the concept of Ummah is mocked.

That's how Shaytan will take over people and has taken over people. Little towards big.

WHERE is the evidence that the Chinese are oppressing the Uighers? If what you say is true then please remember to post the links here.
WHERE is the evidence that the Chinese are oppressing the Uighers? If what you say is true then please remember to post the links here.

Why should Chinese trade with you? You share no DNA with Chinese Race.

Your posts are contradictory.

You said only Pakistani race, Turkish race and British Race is what matters.

your words not mine. stick by them
Why should Chinese trade with you? You share no DNA with Chinese Race.

Your posts are contradictory.

You said only Pakistani race, Turkish race and British Race is what matters.

your words not mine. stick by them

Bring up the post where I said we should not trade with the Chinese or do business with them?
You're not making any sense. So according to you, China should not have a relationship with Pakistan according to the views on race of PAKISTANFOREVER?..........:lol:

I dont Think anyone takes you seriously but i want to understand your fixation with race.

Lets break it Down a little.

Who do you Think the Pakistani Race should do trade with? You already Think Caucasians are superior race. Probably claim Turks as Brothers.

i am just curious what goes on on the streets of London These days
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