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Proud Pakistani..Meet the first ever Pakistani Hindu MAJOR in the Ministry Of Defence, Dr. Kelash Ga

There was also a Qadyani General ( can't remember his name) that was about to win Kashmir in 1965 but was removed from command and replaced by Yahya Khan mid-operation.

Akhtar Hussain Malik
This thread wasn't needed there are a lot of Christians hindus Ahmadis etc in every institution of Pakistan even in parliament
But please don't give them higher ranks

It was needed, and your comment is the ditto reason why it was needed.
There was also a Qadyani General ( can't remember his name) that was about to win Kashmir in 1965 but was removed from command and replaced by Yahya Khan mid-operation.

I don't think anyone was close to winning Kashmir in 1965, not without having captured a vast majority of the territory which we were not close to and indian won't give it up that easy either.
Why he was removed mid op though?
All of our history of wars has been shrouded by the mediocrity and cowardliness of the Generals. If only their decision making reflected the valor and honor of our nation and the troops in general.

This thread wasn't needed there are a lot of Christians hindus Ahmadis etc in every institution of Pakistan even in parliament
But please don't give them higher ranks

Your stupid comment wasn't needed on this platform either.
There are many non Muslims in every sphere of our country and they should get ranks based on their ability and experience, not based on some little insecure child's thinking like yours.
Someone please confirm if this is correct.

I know for a fact that there was no restriction against Christians and Sikhs on joining the army.
Idiocy at best any religious group or person can join Pakistan armed forces after declaring their faith only problem with Qadianis who call themselves Muslims and who declare themselves non-Muslims can join forces on merit.
@Oscar @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Rashid Mahmood @Khafee
good he and others high rank people from Thar should always work for development of Thar area and its people.

BTW what does it has to do with him being Hindu or any other? he is just Pakistani and this is enough.

This thread wasn't needed there are a lot of Christians hindus Ahmadis etc in every institution of Pakistan even in parliament
But please don't give them higher ranks
i mistakenly gave you a thumbs up but had to undo it after see the highlighted retarded comment above.:cuckoo:
good he and others high rank people from Thar should always work for development of Thar area and its people.

BTW what does it has to do with him being Hindu or any other? he is just Pakistani and this is enough.

i mistakenly gave you a thumbs up but had to undo it after see the highlighted retarded comment above.:cuckoo:

He's just insecure. Ignorant and retarded folk quite often feel threatened by others doing better than them. And some one getting the name and fame while this mr. nobody will remain a nobody is sometimes a bit hard to absorb. Specially when that some one is a non Muslim, and being better at being who is then this Mr. nobody is doing at being even a Muslim.
And some one getting the name and fame while this mr. nobody will remain a nobody is sometimes a bit hard to absorb.
Sir I have no problem with anyone getting any ranks but I said this just because Pakistan is an Islamic republic so rulers or high ranking officials should be Muslim nothing against any person or any religion
The development came late but at least it came. Best wishes to Kelash and hope he not only achieves great things but makes the nation proud.
Sir I have no problem with anyone getting any ranks but I said this just because Pakistan is an Islamic republic so rulers or high ranking officials should be Muslim nothing against any person or any religion

President, PM, Chiefs etc are Muslims...Nothing wrong with minorities becoming atleast Major Generals...
One correction friends. I would like to recommend not using religion but he is Pak soldier; that is all that matters.

Absolutely true. But in the current situation the minority status of our heroes needs to be highlighted until it's one of those unquestionable underlying facts that every Pakistani needs no mention, like the green in our flag. Not for scoring some perception points with a third party, but to make sure that the imbeciles in this country, who are hellbent on creating divides through differences, don't have the balls to say anything. So that next time when they open their foul mouths against Hindus in general Maj. Garvada is already there to slap them in the face. There are a few of them on this very forum.
Salute to the Major and God bless Pak armed forces.
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