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Proud Pakistani..Meet the first ever Pakistani Hindu MAJOR in the Ministry Of Defence, Dr. Kelash Ga

There was also a Qadyani General ( can't remember his name) that was about to win Kashmir in 1965 but was removed from command and replaced by Yahya Khan mid-operation.
Yahya Khan in 1965?
This will go down in the history as the cruelest joke of this millennium.

...another cruel joke here, which turns out to be a reality.

Hindu population in Pakistan has grown at a faster pace than in India


Nobody in Pakistan tells a Hindu to 'go back to India', no one here tell them to chant Allah is great as Muslims are forced to chant 'Jai Shri Ram', no one call Hindus in Pakistan Desh Drohis and traitors as Indian Muslims are always referred to and has to prove their patriotism.

As for the so called diversity in India, more often than not it turns into adversity...just look into the stats of mob lynching of Muslims in India to date...45 plus and counting.
Great to see minorities in Pak army
Hope more sikhs & Hindus will join Pak army
God bless him and give him and all our armed forces the strength to serve Pakistan well. Salute!
Someone please confirm if this is correct.

I know for a fact that there was no restriction against Christians and Sikhs on joining the army.

Hindus Were Never Banned In The Army But They Were Restricted From ISI and SPD and As Far As I Know They Still Are
Yes Yahya Khan, he was the COAS at that time.
You're wrong. He became Army Chief of Staff on 18 Sep 1966 and held this office till 20 Dec 1971

Hindus Were Never Banned In The Army But They Were Restricted From ISI and SPD and As Far As I Know They Still Are
He is a Dr in medical core and if you see he is under the ministry of defence and not army.
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You're wrong. He became Army Chief of Staff on 18 Sep 1966 and held this office till 20 Dec 1971

Actually you are right, Musa Khan was the COAS and Yahya Khan was the one that replaced that Qadyani General
protection of our minority is priority number 1 and their success is actually Pakistan success. Salute his wonderful achievement.
There was also a Qadyani General ( can't remember his name) that was about to win Kashmir in 1965 but was removed from command and replaced by Yahya Khan mid-operatio
Akhtar Hussain Malik.
The Iftekhar Janjua was highest military ranking officer who laid his life in war. Brig Abdul Ali who won tank battle of Chowinda in 1965, was brother of Akhtar Hussain Malik.
Akhtar Hussain Malik.
The Iftekhar Janjua was highest military ranking officer who laid his life in war. Brig Abdul Ali who won tank battle of Chowinda in 1965, was brother of Akhtar Hussain Malik.

Thanks mate, i had no idea.

The sad thing is that people (including my own family) have been brainwashed to think that everyone is conspiring to destroy the country or that all Qadyanis are bad people and they want to take over Pakistan.
My respect to this fellow Pakistani.
Religion does not mean a thing when it comes to Pakistan.
Though he is and should be fully allowed to practice his religion whenever and wherever he want.
Idiocy at best any religious group or person can join Pakistan armed forces after declaring their faith only problem with Qadianis who call themselves Muslims and who declare themselves non-Muslims can join forces on merit.
@Oscar @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Rashid Mahmood @Khafee

Person from any religion can join the Armed Forces of Pakistan if qualifies all other requirements.
No quota system for anyone, only merit.

Qadiani can also join if they declare themselves as qadiani. They normally do not declare themselves as qadiani and Tick "Islam" in religion option.
I have personally known a few of them who did not officially declare themselves as qadiani.
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