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Proud Pakistani..Meet the first ever Pakistani Hindu MAJOR in the Ministry Of Defence, Dr. Kelash Ga

Pakistan has always valued its minorities and religious tourism is currently on the rise thanks to sterling efforts by the government to open the minorities’ religious monuments throughout the country.

The white in Pakistan’s flag represents minorities which shows how much the country values them. Hindus, Sikhs, and Parsis, etc. are all working side by side with the Muslims across all sectors in Pakistan.

One such example is the first-ever Hindu Major in the Ministry of Defence, Dr. Kelash Garvada – who has been setting the bar high for other minorities to follow. He proudly bears the green flag on his chest with his Army uniform.


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Dr. Kelash is not just an Army Major, but he has won multiple awards for his contributions. Some of the awards include Tamgha-e-Difa, Tamgha-e-Baqa, and Tamgha-e-Azam.

He has stayed at K2, the world’s highest Army post for 36 days, served during Operation-Almeezan in Waziristan, and Operation Rahe-Nijant in Swat. Hailing from Tharparkar, Sindh, Dr. Kelash joined Pakistan Army as a Captain after completing his MBBS from LUHMS in Hyderabad.


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Having represented Pakistan in Uganda, Egypt, Dubai, Spain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland, Dr. Kelash is a prime example of equality in Pakistan unlike what the propaganda of the West and our Eastern neighbors claims.

Recently promoted to the rank of Major, Dr. Kelash is currently posted in Quetta in the 86 Medical Battalion of Pakistan Army.

Source :: ProPakistan
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