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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

If you're a Turk why don't you change your flags? Or if you didn't realize what I posted then aren't YOU the person who is blindly obsessed here?

You're the freak posting left and right demonizing every kind of Muslim. If this is some kind of challenge you're inviting us to then please man up and state it out loud. We will accept the challenge and demonize Jews in return.

Don't you guys think there should be some kind of limit? Do you realize that we realize the active Jewish led demonization of Muslims? Eventually we will have enough of it. Don't force into a situation like that. Think twice, discuss this at your Temple meets, it's not healthy in the long term.
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...demonizing every kind of Muslim.
What, the Turkish prosecutors and soldiers being persecuted by the State aren't Muslim? Aren't you just trying to screen the misdeeds of individuals and state institutions by invoking the "every kind of Muslim" device in an attempt to guile the innocent to protect the guilty?
In 2011 we could have an easy peaceful transition if Assad was going. Now things are messed and complicated.

Nevertheless we can see that rebel fractions: FSA, IF, Nusra and Kurds deal quite well with each other so after Assad regime goes the only problem will be a mad dog ISIS.

Yes,i'm sure Nusra (the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) will sit nicely at the table and accept a democratic outcome.Also,the Kurds will accept being part of a new democratic Syria and won't want to carve their own state.

Yes,i'm sure Nusra (the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) will sit nicely at the table and accept a democratic outcome.Also,the Kurds will accept being part of a new democratic Syria and won't want to carve their own state.

Well Nusra is currently part of coalition council that rules Idlib.
Yes,i'm sure Nusra (the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) will sit nicely at the table and accept a democratic outcome.Also,the Kurds will accept being part of a new democratic Syria and won't want to carve their own state.

If Nusra decide to not sit on the table -> Annihilation
Kurds try to make their own state -> Annihilation
You were saying? Syrian rebels endured Assad regime airplanes, tanks, artillery, chemical weapons, hordes of foreign and alawite fighters, etc. while beating Assad. Kurds were losing ground to IS w/o airstrikes, and only gaining w/ airstrikes. Meanwhile, rebels also gaining ground against IS w/o airstrikes. See a pattern here?
I'm not so optimistic. For now all I'm seeing is Assad losing to ISIS day by day. In the end Assad will fall but how the opposition will handle ISIS is another issue...
I'm not so optimistic. For now all I'm seeing is Assad losing to ISIS day by day. In the end Assad will fall but how the opposition will handle ISIS is another issue...
ISIS can only be defeated by Sunnis. So far, Rebels (who are mostly Sunni) have been kicking ISIS's ***, without air support. This is important, because imagine what the rebels could do to ISIS with air support, and the logistics, training, funding, etc. of an organized and professional army. Don't worry, any land ISIS gains will be regained by rebels. When Assad is gone Syrians will see no need for ISIS, whatsoever. A lot of ISIS's local support comes from the fact that Assad is still alive and bombing.

On another note, VICE News was with the rebels in Jisr al Shughour:
ISIS can only be defeated by Sunnis. So far, Rebels (who are mostly Sunni) have been kicking ISIS's ***, without air support. This is important, because imagine what the rebels could do to ISIS with air support, and the logistics, training, funding, etc. of an organized and professional army. Don't worry, any land ISIS gains will be regained by rebels. When Assad is gone Syrians will see no need for ISIS, whatsoever. A lot of ISIS's local support comes from the fact that Assad is still alive and bombing.

On another note, VICE News was with the rebels in Jisr al Shughour:
Mate, IMO when Assad is gone. Turkey could give much more support to Rebels be it munitions, artillery strikes, air support, providing Intel, etc...)
Well Nusra is currently part of coalition council that rules Idlib.
they are an unacceptable ally
and they kidnap kurds (hundreds of them)
i am not worried that rebels kick them in the right moment after all this is finished
If Nusra decide to not sit on the table -> Annihilation
Kurds try to make their own state -> Annihilation
You were saying? Syrian rebels endured Assad regime airplanes, tanks, artillery, chemical weapons, hordes of foreign and alawite fighters, etc. while beating Assad. Kurds were losing ground to IS w/o airstrikes, and only gaining w/ airstrikes. Meanwhile, rebels also gaining ground against IS w/o airstrikes. See a pattern here?

Yes, look at Kurds annexing Arab villages. They'll take everything they want in the fog of war. And guess what, the US will bomb to sh!t everybody that tries to take it back. Also Kirkuk, simply annexed by the Kurds. They are the only winner of this war (designed to partition those two countries).

Mate, IMO when Assad is gone. Turkey could give much more support to Rebels be it munitions, artillery strikes, air support, providing Intel, etc...)

Against whom? WTF are you talking about?
I'm not so optimistic. For now all I'm seeing is Assad losing to ISIS day by day. In the end Assad will fall but how the opposition will handle ISIS is another issue...

The thing about ISIS is that whilst a lot of their support is genuinely psychopathic and enjoys killing/beheading etc, there are many of them who just simply wanted to join the fight against Assad and picked the strongest group to be part of. It makes sense in a way if you're volunteering to overthrow Assad, that you join the side that has the greatest chance of achieving this.

So my hope is that once Assad is toppled, that many ISIS will simply go back to the lives they had before.
First calm down. I don't understand why do you get excited with the drop of the hat.

Against ISIS.
WTF is an abbreviation, capital letters. Against ISIS I don't know. Plenty of rebels that are now being trained by the US/Turkey are saying why would I fight ISIS? Their ideologies aren't that different you know. The question is, will the FSA/Nusra move into iraq next, for killing Shia or helping their 'oppressed' Sunni brothers.

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