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Assad is winning get over it Haters

It isn't owned by the state or anyone belonging to the Royal Family - if that's what your suggesting.
thanks for your clarification and i wont prolong this argument further but still i think al-saud own this media group( albeit indirectly),,,,,,,
it is the Syrian Army victory! the Syrian people victory!
I hope the peace returns in Syria.

I am glad that the KSA bribe of 1.5 Billion Halal dollars to our rulers failed to have any effect.
Pak military refused to follow the directive of our Government that is open supporters of the Wahabists.

Nawaz wanted our military to give arms and and train the cannibals , rapists and serial killers belonging to FSA, Al Qaeda and Taliban.

I pray that complete peace returns and all these abominations created with the help of petro dollars go back and eat their masters. I am already liking the infighting among the wahabist butchers

Batman is Iran hater and die hard Saudi supporterr.I like how he tries to prove that Iran is extremely dangerous for Pakistan and there should be no relations bw Iran and Pakistan.
Iran is irrelevant here no no point bashing other people over it.
its a great news that the Goverment is able to overcome the foreign funded butchers. I wish every single one of those terrorists are hunted down and killed or kicked out of Syria to feed on their mentors.
I hope the peace returns in Syria.

I am glad that the KSA bribe of 1.5 Billion Halal dollars to our rulers failed to have any effect.
Pak military refused to follow the directive of our Government that is open supporters of the Wahabists.

Nawaz wanted our military to give arms and and train the cannibals , rapists and serial killers belonging to FSA, Al Qaeda and Taliban.

I pray that complete peace returns and all these abominations created with the help of petro dollars go back and eat their masters. I am already liking the infighting among the wahabist butchers

Iran is irrelevant here no no point bashing other people over it.
its a great news that the Goverment is able to overcome the foreign funded butchers. I wish every single one of those terrorists are hunted down and killed or kicked out of Syria to feed on their mentors.

Iran is irrelevant here no no point bashing other people over it.
I am not bashing anyone,how can i bash a Pakistani in a Pakistani forum :D
You are a very old member here but you may not ahve been following his posts but i am :D
In one of the political threads related to India he was posting pics of some Iranina minister giving bouqet to some Indian minister to prove that Iran is dangerous to Pakistan as it is friendly with India.I mean how childish one can get?? lol
when you get a reply you get personal.... this shows your guilt.
Still, thank lord so far no shia has sent me emails cursing some historical figures of Islam, which i used to receive in past!
Coming to the beheaders operating in Pakistan, sent by India and Iran via Afghanistan..... and death squads in Iraq.... only thing common to all of them is mad regime of Iran and it was US who conquered those states and install shia regimes, just before all the horrible things being take place.
Now you are here celebrating similar happenings in Syria... shame on such mentality, but no surprise, below is a picture of some influential beheaders of Pakistan and we are actually victim, beheaders in Pakistan were protected by law introduced by Asif Ali Zardari regime, now they are free to do, what ever they wish.
It also proves, how much influence those so called Sunnis ave in Pakistan.


You should be ashamed after killing non kids of Syria, i see Iran revolution guards and Hizbullah the murderers and animals.
I pray Allah give Syrian Muslims help to defeat this internationally sponsored thug named Asad.

This is what i believe... and i categorize Asad worst form of it.

Batman the picture is of a terrorist who got caught after terrorist attack.what did you think people will let him go home with flowers around his neck.

But i like how you have no sect you just follow ONe-eyed Dajjal Abdul Wahhab
What about Lej,SSP religion?
The way they kill shites in Balochistan,Gilgit,Parachinaar?
dear brother
those animals have killed everyone in recent times... they butchered the Ahl Hadith in tribal areas and took over their Masjid and renamed it Lal masjid, they have killed ordinary Sunnis as well. yes they enjoy and justify killing shia but now we all are their targets

in recent times they have murdered over 60,000 Pakistanis.. not all of them were of shia faith. such differentiation is distressing and wrong.. imagine saying such thing in front of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH how would he feel? every single Human being whatever his faith, deserves the peace, security & respect from us if he has not harmed anyone then no one has the right to kill him under any excuse

remember its the ordinary majority Pakistanis that are the real target of these psychopath killers, they started with minorities as a convenience but now ... no place is safe from their fitna

Batman the picture is of a terrorist who got caught after terrorist attack.what did you think people will let him go home with flowers around his neck.

But i like how you have no sect you just follow ONe-eyed Dajjal Abdul Wahhab
say Salawat with me its the best thing to please and and calm one down.
who can object to that (but a hypocrite?)

I must admit
in our university days, a fellow lodger (of Beralvi faith) told us that he and others used to recite Salawat to make the wahabis run away whenever they came to preach them.
I never knew if Darood or Salawat can be used as a weapon against the hypocrites but it does work wonders :)

I am not bashing anyone,how can i bash a Pakistani in a Pakistani forum :D
You are a very old member here but you may not ahve been following his posts but i am :D
In one of the political threads related to India he was posting pics of some Iranina minister giving bouqet to some Indian minister to prove that Iran is dangerous to Pakistan as it is friendly with India.I mean how childish one can get?? lol
Hi Point of view my dear,

what I meant to say was...lets stay on topic. its about Syria not Iran.
maybe he is right. Iran might be dangerous against its enemies. no matter how much our Talibanised government wants .. we are not Iran's enemy
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coward Assad is winning because of US support via Iraq.
but that shouldnt matter because "brave" FSA has Israeli Support via Turkey

who thought there be shouts of "Allah o Akbar" whenever Israelis dropped their bombs on Syria?
Sir i didnt said that sunni RELIGION teaches lej ssp to kill innocent people but it is a fact that every terrorist in pak are from deobands and wahabis.......

Sunnis are my muslim brothers and personally i dnt like this shia sunni division
its a tragedy that the world shows international terrorism as Sunni terrorism in the shape of LeJ, TTP, Taliban, FSA, Al Qaeda, Al Mohajiron, Al Shahab, Jamiyah Islamiyah etc but they all belong to Wahabist faith.

while its important that we dont divide ourselves among sectarian lines but the majority of Muslims shouldnt take the blame for international terrorism of Wahabism
but that shouldnt matter because "brave" FSA has Israeli Support via Turkey

who thought there be shouts of "Allah o Akbar" whenever Israelis dropped their bombs on Syria?

Via Turkey!.... how you draw this connection?

I only see, Asad jets dropping bombs and Asad tanks and artillery firing.... If you ask my opinion, Israel is Iran's bogey man, while US is busy expanding borders of Iran.

It would have been more convenient to talk if everyone focus on reality, not fiction like… 'Israel doping bomb on Syria' and aligning Turkey with it, despite the fact that not even the diplomatic relations among two countries are smooth.

Other reality, is based on statistics, which says if Israel wish.... it can walk over Asad in one day and can neutralize Iran, whenever it wish. Hence Asad winning vs. Israel, is as hilarious as it can get and only brainwashed people can believe it.

As far FSA is concerned, I see it as a natural reaction, when people know they are going to be killed by the coalition of IRG, Hizb, they would take up fight, with what ever means available!
Iran has no right to interfere, otherwise, a point may come where Saudi forces may move in, as yet KSA is looking for neutral intervention.

What we see in Syria is mass murders by aerial bombing, starving, gassing, denying medical aid, and let's not talk about individual cases, and there we have c.a. 300'000 civilians dead, and what ever number displaced. What do you think is the feeling in refugee camps?
I'm sure they are filled with hate for Asad and perhaps really, praying and dreaming of any sort of intervention and may very well like to see collapse of Asad and his supporters.

On the other hand, If anyone believe, that Syrians deserved all this, because they were wahabis, did not praised Hizbullah or perhaps some point in history, Saddam Hussein went to war with Iran etc. etc. than he is wrong in my books.

If we slightly broaden, canvas of regional bloodshed, we see equal amount of (presumed) Iraqi wahabis, already been killed, without a drop of guilt, no human rights agency ever did anything, simply because if they go in much more would be unfolded, which is hidden because those places are dangerous for journalists. BTW… we already hear SAME trumpet in Pakistan!

Anyhow, I see, if there is no wahabi there would be no one to kill!
While wahabi itself is an engineered sect.!
Does anyone see, what i see?

We should admit, that wahabi is a curse rather than a sect. ....and therein lies the evil!

I'm only discussing, because i see extreme Arab hate on this forum, while i have seen them up-close, and with some shame, I admit, I have analyzed them as I do with any nation or religion or non-religion people, and I refuse to be hypocrite.

I also feel sorry for the dead and displaced, and gent angry when see people, opening threads to celebrate the nonsense and to project Arabs as wrong doers, no matter for this, if they have to embrace the great satan.
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But i like how you have no sect you just follow ONe-eyed Dajjal Abdul Wahhab

So basically, you hate every one who follow one eyed Abdul Wahab!
I also assume you must have already found out what does this one eyed Abdul Wahab says!
All what i know, he is not living, but is in-famous for his book 'kitab al tauheed' which i haven't read yet, and i have no desire to read it, until i'm done reading Quran.

Since, you already attributed all the crimes of TTP to (virtual) wahabis than it is safe to assume, you are out there to take revenge from any one who is following Abdul Wahab!
You also believe that Saudis are wahabis, hence your utter hate and more.... fine, but i do not agree with all this.

last not least, when i say i'm not wahabi... than do not insist on this all your life.

I'm a Muslim like Iqbal and Jinnah.
@Syrian Lion @senheiser
best wishes and prayers from an ordinary Pakistani.. although my government is taliban/ Al qaeda supporter & apologist
I am distressed that my government was bribed into selling our weapons for terrorists to bring more misery in Syria hope that scheme failed
Thank you brother, I'm really glad to see there are people like you who exist and know the truth and the reality behind this crisis...
So basically, you hate every one who follow one eyed Abdul Wahab!
I also assume you must have already found out what does this one eyed Abdul Wahab says!
All what i know, he is not living, but is in-famous for his book 'kitab al tauheed' which i haven't read yet, and i have no desire to read it, until i'm done reading Quran.

Since, you already attributed all the crimes of TTP to Wahhabi than it is safe to assume, you are out there to take revenge from any one who is following Abdul Wahhabi!
You also believe that Saudis are Wahhabi, hence your utter hate and more.... fine, but i do not agree with all this.

last not least, when i say I'm not Wahhabi... than do not insist on this all your life.

I'm a Muslim like Iqbal and Jinnah.

What Allama Iqbal said about people like you

Dasht-e-Karbal mein khara soch raha tha Islam
Faida kiya huwa kafir ko musalman ker kay

Daag-e-sajood agar teri payshani per huwa tou kiya
Koi aisa sajda bhi ker kay zameen per nishan rahay
We didnt said that Every Wahabi is Terrorist but its a fact that Every Terrorist is Wahabi:woot:

Kido... fact is that there is no such sect. as wahabi. but if you insist, explain us how does a wahabi look like?

Even if i believe you, than how do you explain that few hand full invisible wahabi have defeated Pakistan army, which collective Indians, Iranian (mullas), Americans etc. fail to achieve with defence budgets of trillions of $ and hard work of decades?

I guess you believe, so called wahabi shit bombs, and dream military/intelligence/operational/communication fields of experties, they can deliver letters, and tweet, have political influence over, northern alliance, Asif Ali Zardari, Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif, Iftikhar chaudary etc. and yet are divided in 100 organizations, which we only heard from 2007-2014, during Zardari era and they fly all around the Pakistan.

Start thinking why these, uneducated minority wahabis, from caves, have suddenly became a might, over night?
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What Allama Iqbal said about people like you

Dasht-e-Karbal mein khara soch raha tha Islam
Faida kiya huwa kafir ko musalman ker kay

This is typical shia calling others kafir and always crying victim.
nothing new, everyone knows, your history is full of hateful remarks and abusive words.
I value you no more than an animal.
Clearly you have are out of arguments.

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