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Dont Forget Gujrat Massacre

"World saw its first genocide"?? Really?

Modi was cleared of any wrong doing. The culprits have been jailed, including a high ranking minister. The culprits who burned 56 kar sevaks have not been apprehended yet.

BTW 256 hindus were also massacred in the riots. But they don't really matter for Pakistanis.

Don't you think it would be just wastage of time, to reply in the thread opened by a kid, who must have recently pressurized his father to get Broad Band and wants to collects the Thanks.
You conveniently forget:

> 254 Hindus were killed and 2,500 injured by the Muslims.
> Modi was exonerated by the Highest court of the land - The Supreme Court of India.

Nuff said. Now go smoke whatever you were smoking.

It is self Evident that Narinder Modi was behind this attack .. From the moment he became PM of india the Torture and conversion of the minorities to Hinduism is on top ......Remember there is a case registered against him in USA and the words of obama are important where he said Gandhi would have been shocked .
It is self Evident that Narinder Modi was behind this attack .. From the moment he became PM of india the Torture and conversion of the minorities to Hinduism is on top ......Remember there is a case registered against him in USA and the words of obama are important where he said Gandhi would have been shocked .

"Self evident"? Do you even know what that means? You seem to think that something is self evident if there is no evidence for it. That's not what the term means.

"Torture and conversion of minorities to hinduism is on top"? Really? Is there a commandment in your religion not to lie blatantly? If so, I suggest you start thinking about following it.

There is no case registered against him in the USA. He was welcomed like a rock star, when your own PM was booed and had to sneak unnoticed into a hotel somewhere.

For the stupid "Gandhi would have been shocked" line, see my response above. The descendants of the people who partitioned the ccountry due to religious hatred have a nerve, pretending that those were more harmonious times.

Ah, WTH. This is yet another thread for Pakistanis to gloat about one incident of riots 13 years back in India, when more people have killed each other every subsequent year (sometimes in a month) in their own country. I don't want to pollute your feel good thread with a dose of reality and sense - keep going, bash India all you want, if you think it makes your country look good in comparison.

The Prophet (PBUH) would have been shocked too at the number of Hindus killed!
I'm not sure about that, but he would have been shocked at the number of muslims killed in Pakistan every year or month or week.
I am sure that Pakistanis will help us remember it even if we forget..
Don't you think it would be just wastage of time, to reply in the thread opened by a kid, who must have recently pressurized his father to get Broad Band and wants to collects the Thanks.
True. This is a feel good thread for Pakistanis. There is nothing else of substance or importance in opening this thread.

Indians: I suggest we let Pakistanis have their day of fun today. We don't need their stamp of approval - it would be a sad day when we need Pakistanis' endorsement for religious harmony. Let's just leave them to enjoy their web of lies and half truths and gloating. Fun times for them!
What sympathy do YOU have for Muslims ?

Other than internet "I grow words of sympathy " ?

What have you done ?

Other than posting on the internet ?

About gujrat massacre ?

I have more respect for a suicide bomber willing to die for Islam.

And by the way, you do not have sympathy for the Hindus burned alive by Muslims ?

Is it against your religion to feel sympathy with those killed by Muslims without ANY REASON ?

Why put that aside ?

You were asking "have they found out how it started ?"

Now put it aside ?

Comedy of sympathy...
You don't counter a questions with question,any way since you have asked.Buddy i don't care if it a Muslim or a Hindu, he does not deserve to die,any one who murders any one is not a Muslims.I have sympathy for any innocent who died that day,be it a Muslim or a Hindu,not saying that guilty deserved to die. As i was saying your first comment was very idiotic and irresponsible.
I wonder when the Muslims of India will start mourning the thousand of deaths of Pakistanis. From my discussions with them, frankly speaking they don't give a f***. But thanks to the Pakistanis for mourning the deaths of Indian citizens on this forum :D
The Prophet (PBUH) would have been shocked too at the number of Hindus killed!

By the way, I wonder why Pakistani Muslims are so concerned about Indian Muslims? You guys need to mind your own business as Indian Muslims hate Pakistani Muslims.

Even Maulana Maddani an Indian Muslim MP had advised Musharraf when he came to India to STFU and mind his own business and not interfere in the affairs of Indian Muslims. Don't believe it? Here's a video of what he said. And Mush went red in the face!

I suggest you guys take the hint and sort out the issues between your own Muslim communities first. The world knows what's happening in Pakistan between the Shias and Sunnis.
By the way, I wonder why Pakistani Muslims are so concerned about Indian Muslims? You guys need to mind your own business as Indian Muslims hate Pakistani Muslims.

Even Maulana Maddani an Indian Muslim MP had advised Musharraf when he came to India to STFU and mind his own business and not interfere in the affairs of Indian Muslims. Don't believe it? Here's a video of what he said. And Mush went red in the face!

I suggest you guys take the hint and sort out the issues between your own Muslim communities first. The world knows what's happening in Pakistan between the Shias and Sunnis.
Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid invites Nawaz, snubs Modi for son’s anointment – The Express Tribune
and the list would go on and on and on i can upload thousands of videos here

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