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proposal for a new division of south asia

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Hindi is not widely understood in Kerala..But sizeable younger generation speaks/understand hindi..mainly due to Bollywood influence..
For your information mate I have been to Kerala for signicant of time to understand how many people can speak it. Especially Kochi. Many people don't know and many do. Here one need not to be fluent. Only working knowledge is more than enough.
Hindi is the most spoken and understood language in world. It is understood in India, Pakistan, BD, Sl and up to Indonesia and in west upto middle east.
I am talking about something even more fundamental.

The princely states were given two kernels (India and Pakistan) around which they could coalesce. The Brits could have created a dozen small countries called Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Punjab, etc. -- instead of India/Pakistan -- so the princely states had nothing to attach to.

Anti-Brit fervor was at peak.
You can always find opportunistic noblemen anywhere to cash in on regional chauvinism.
Your example is flawed. They did want these independent countries, the problem was 2 words - Congress. Gandhi.

That Congress had by then established itself in every part of India, won elections from each of those parts of India to form the biggest single block. It was the Chief negotiator on part of the Indians, and they constrained the Britishers from carrying out what they wanted to do. That is why 'India' as it was then formed the largest country which had the wherewithal to cajole, coerce or fight to ensure that the rest of the independent countries joined India. Not to mention that Congress had established itself in princely states and leading popular movements to 'join India' there as well.

Even after the Britishers left, there were over 500 independent riyasats. It took a massive efforts.

The Britishers tried their damnedest to ensure India was split into smaller parts and keeps fighting like the Arabs, it was Indians that rose above the British plan and stopped it.
The Britishers tried their damnedest to ensure India was split into smaller parts and keeps fighting like the Arabs, it was Indians that rose above the British plan and stopped it.
This, in my point of view is not wholly correct. While not denying the fact that there had always been some enthusiasm for a separate Princestan among the political elites in London, general British attitude in 1947 about princely states (except Kashmir) was quite in favor of India. When Sardar Patel and Menon came with the drafts of Instrument of accession and stand still agreement, the remark by Mountbatten quite clearly was in concurrence with this attitude. While assuring the representatives of the States about their liberty to join any of the dominion, Mountbatten asked them to consider the geographical compulsions stating that 'out of something like 565 States, the vast majority are irretrievably linked geographically with the Dominion of India'. If we ignore the role of Mountbatten how he toiled day and night hard to almost resort to "force" the States to join India within 15th August, it will be gross injustice to his sincere efforts.
this thread has gone off-topic...

1. my proposal was to re-organize south asia into smaller self-governing regions.

2. each region would comprise a few cities each... there would be no village habitations allowed... agriculture will be done within each city ( urban farming ).

3. each region would be governed by socialism... more precisely, jamahiri socialism ( from "green book" )... very simple... each city will have "basic people's congresses" ( bpc ) for each of their localties... there will be one "municipal people's congress" ( mpc ) in a city comprising all the bpc within the city... each region will "regional people's congress" ( rpc ) comprising all the mpc within the region... there will be one "general people's congress" ( gpc ) for all the rpc within south asia...

bpc >> mpc >> rpc >> gpc.

4. the initial work towards this establishment would be done by a "revolutionary command council".

5. the above will be towards establishing a new south asian "jamahiriya"... a socialist true democracy, where the peoples will use direct-democracy to make decisions in consensus, at locality level and at south asian level... every person in this new system will participate politically... this will be the authority of the masses, within bounds of the most natural of systems... socialism...

6. the official language would be english and cultural language would be hindi... this is to eradicate regionalism, yet provide shared language.

7. each region would have people moving from other regions... this is to eradicate regionalism.

8. money system would be eradicated.

9. current national militaries would be abolished.

10. for police system, allowed would be machine guns, helicopter gunships ( kamov 52 ), armored personnel carriers ( brdm 2 ).

11. external security would be provided by the sco grouping ( shanghai co-operation organization ).

12. there will be no monopoly on technological innovations.

13. south asia has many natural resources... those can be used for trade with other societies.

14. innovations will be found in agriculture, computing, transportation, habitation, medicine, biology, fundamental physics, water purification.


for forty years existed the libyan jamahiriya... a prosperous place where no person went hungry or homeless or oppressed... that can be the situation in a new south asian jamahiriya.

there is no reason for any reasonable person on this forum to have objections to the above 14 points... or to have excuses to not participate in bringing that society into existence... no sensible person will object to socialism... anyone who does objects, is not willing to stop being hateful.

i invite all pdf members to participate... be they in east, be they in west... don't be defeatist, don't be cruel... let us move towards the true communist ideal society... be mature.

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8. money system would be eradicated.
9. current national militaries would be abolished.
10. for police system, allowed would be machine guns, helicopter gunships ( kamov 52 ), armored personnel carriers ( brdm 2 ).
11. external security would be provided by the sco grouping ( shanghai co-operation organization ).

Will Money be replaced by hugs..? I don't like my boss much.. And will SCO defend Arunachal/South Tibet?
Will Money be replaced by hugs..? I don't like my boss much..

why do you need money?? what if everything has only one cost... contribution to society... "one who produces, can consume"... "from each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs"...

And will SCO defend Arunachal/South Tibet?

arunachal/south-tibet will become part of prc... cost of ensuring sco help...

besides, the idea of a south asian jamahiriya is having a launch pad for "world jamahiriya"...
"from each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs"...

So in short- a scientist with a family of three will get less(whatever currency type thingy) than a wage labourer with a family of ten? Or will you initiate family planning too?
Or will you initiate family planning too?

absolutely... it will be a a practical and scientific society, with majority being female... the less males there are, the more disciplined the males will be... as for the current huge number of males in south asia, they will have to be reassigned to work in some other region of the world... or some other arrangement... they really are a problem for the world.

So in short- a scientist with a family of three will get less(whatever currency type thingy) than a wage labourer with a family of ten?

the society will be communist... everyone will put in their share of work... there won't be any such regressive thing called "professional laborer"... technology will be used heavily to remove burden of labor from humans... technology will be used to build facilities ( like houses ) where maintainance won't need a big labor force... example, garbage recycling and sewerage recycling at locality level.
absolutely... it will be a a practical and scientific society, with majority being female... the less males there are, the more disciplined the males will be... as for the current huge number of males in south asia, they will have to be reassigned to work in some other region of the world... or some other arrangement... they really are a problem for the world.

That was funny.:-) You haven't seen the work efficiency in my office of "females".But please don't reassign me. Reassign all the other good-for-nothing males.:sick:
That was funny.:-) You haven't seen the work efficiency in my office of "females".But please don't reassign me. Reassign all the other good-for-nothing males.:sick:

no pdf males will be reassigned... in fact, many ladies should be reassigned to pdf males... :D

the offices bit... when a society becomes truly communist, and with proper simplified technologies... lot of offices will become unnecessary or burden... banks, unnecessary colleges, government offices, sales offices, sales centers etc... so, more presence of the ladies in public... :D

and when the good-for-nothing males are reassigned, more the availability of the ladies for the remaining males... :D

you know, many men join revolutions just so that ladies can like them more... :lol: carlos ( the jackal ) was quite the playboy...
that is not diversity... that is unnecessary complication... many indians also speak of "oh, we have a large poplulation"... but nobody from outside forced india to have 850 million males... same is the case with "diversity"... to twist a computer industry saying... "it is a bug, not a feature"... :-)

a pakistani might talk about "akhand bharat" and rss goons, yes??

the americans ( particularly the computer industry there ) say the same things about indians...

1. http://indiots.zymichost.com
2. Life of an I.T. Grunt | Notes From The Trenches of Software Development

in 2013, indian industry and government was finally aware that the indian it-bt-bpo bubble had finally burst... therefore, in 2014, india has gone back to being the aid economy... that "loan" from communist china and supposed "loan" from japan and that un-mentioned "loan" from usa...

please... we all must remove the disease of nationalism and call ourselves human...

Now now dont selectively quote and reply in a way which suits ur agenda... RSS goons don go about bombing people, or want to establish a Hindu Caliphate.. Diversity and population is like apples and Oranges.. South of India is having stable population, with better development.. So comparing them is useless..

America is already an developed country, and the last time I saw, they process just 100,000 Visa applications for Indians per year, and that too temporary. Now compare 1 lakh with crores.

Loan from China and Japan are investment.

Kya Bhai, Hum sab kuch samajh te hey. South people couldnt learn it. But hum Bangladesh me se sikh gya.

Those bollywood movies and serials can do wonders :woot:

I know a little though... :P urs above is simple hindi so i got it..
Now how many serials u watch? I cant stand the sight of any serials ;)
Hindi is the most spoken and understood language in world. It is understood in India, Pakistan, BD, Sl and up to Indonesia and in west upto middle east.

Correction* Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. English is probably the most understood language in the world, due to British colonialism, and is also the most widely used from people who use is as their first language and second langues users, Remember English is the business language of the world. Not Hindi. :D
I know a little though... :P urs above is simple hindi so i got it..
Now how many serials u watch? I cant stand the sight of any serials ;)

When I was child I used to watch Hindi serials and cartoons Shaktiman, Hatem tai, Mogli etc
And I had to watch sas bahu kahanis for sisters.
Also I used to watch Bollywood films a lot.

Nowadays I dont watch a lot Hindis. They are bad class.
Only some times watch Roadies, Big Boss
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