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proposal for a new division of south asia

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Jul 9, 2014
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this thread is from an idea of @Ravi Nair and from further discussion with @FaujHistorian... though the presented region is south asia, the solution can be for every place humanity lives... presently and in future...

there was one urgent need for the british ensuring division of india in 1947... to have buffer states for countering the influence of communism/socialism in the southern hemisphere... if you look at the world map, and imagine that map in 1945... you will see presence of communism to the north of india ( china, soviet union )... to the west of india ( iran, afghanistan, west asia )... to the east of india ( present day indonesia and malaysia ).

tariq ali's book, "street fighting years", speaks of the massacre of indonesian communists in the 1960's.

the indian communist party was started in 1921 and had good influence... there were famous socialists, among them iqbal and bhagat singh... the western bloc after 1945 feared that if they didn't do something fast, south asia would become another domain of socialism... hence the partition, arranged by the british, encouraged hiddenly by usa... and their further meddling in afghanistan and iran... division of the land east of afghanistan into india and pakistan has only made south asians use nationalism as cover for their inherent biases and wrong cultures.

but speaking of the present... i see the problem called south asia to be among the top-five most problematic issues in the world... and ravi's post reminded me of muammar gaddafi's solution to kashmir... south asia, the continuous land-mass from afghanistan to bangladesh can be divided into administrative zones and the division must not be based on present lines ( culture and language )... the governance must be based on socialism ( jamahiri... i will explain jamahiriya in another thread )... the official language must be english in each zone, plus the cultural language must be hindi ( in present times, hindi is essentially urdu )... no other language must be permitted... no village must be permitted... every habitation must be a city... all weapons presently with national militaries must be confiscated.. those militaries converted into police force, of course with machine guns and armored personnel carriers ( like brdm 2 ) and helicopters ( like ka-50 ).

the above kind of division among humanity is the necessary future... the solution is as simple as people reading, talking with others over tea, accepting... the solution becomes impossible to achieve if people continue their unnecessary hatreds and nationalism...

@Ravi Nair @FaujHistorian @Spring Onion @Imran Khan @hinduguy @KingMamba @genmirajborgza786 @jbgt90 and everyone other south asian.

@Syrian Lion @Mahmoud_EGY @Ceylal @senheiser @Peter C @vostok @Götterdämmerung and all other peoples can also contribute.
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this thread is from an idea of @Ravi Nair and from further discussion with @FaujHistorian... though the presented region is south asia, the solution can be for every place humanity lives... presently and in future...

there was one urgent need for the british ensuring division of india in 1947... to have buffer states for countering the influence of communism/socialism in the southern hemisphere... if you look at the world map, and imagine that map in 1945... you will see presence of communism to the north of india ( china, soviet union )... to the west of india ( iran, afghanistan, west asia )... to the east of india ( present day indonesia and malaysia ).

tariq ali's book, "street fighting years", speaks of the massacre of indonesian communists in the 1960's.

the indian communist party was started in 1921 and had good influence... there were famous socialists, among them iqbal and bhagat singh... the western bloc after 1945 feared that if they didn't do something fast, south asia would become another domain of socialism... hence the partition, arranged by the british, encouraged hiddenly by usa... and their further meddling in afghanistan and iran.

but speaking of the present... i see the problem called south asia to be among the top-five most problematic issues in the world... and ravi's post reminded me of muammar gaddafi's solution to kashmir... south asia, the continuous land-mass from afghanistan to bangladesh can be divided into administrative zones and the division must not be based on present lines ( culture and language )... the governance must be based on socialism ( jamahiri... i will explain jamahiriya in another thread )... the official language must be english in each zone, plus the cultural language must be hindi ( in present times, hindi is essentially urdu )... no other language must be permitted... no village must be permitted... every habitation must be a city... all weapons presently with national militaries must be confiscated.. those militaries converted into police force, of course with machine guns and armored personnel carriers ( like brdm 2 ) and helicopters ( like ka-50 ).

the above kind of division among humanity is the necessary future... the solution is as simple as people reading, talking with others over tea, accepting... the solution becomes impossible to achieve if people continue their unnecessary hatreds and nationalism...

@Ravi Nair @FaujHistorian @Spring Onion @Imran Khan @hinduguy @KingMamba @genmirajborgza786 @jbgt90 and everyone other south asian...

@Syrian Lion @Mahmoud_EGY @Ceylal @senheiser @Peter C @vostok @Götterdämmerung and all other peoples can also contribute...
No , partition in my opinion was a mistake, it weakened the Muslims , by dividing them in to three zones , while uniting the Hindus into one platform, I believe in this very strongly , thanks to Partition today, close to 55 crore Muslims that's 550 million Muslims ! of south-Asia is divided , & close to 900 million Hindus are united, how is this a good thing is beyond me , so NO Bhai, thanks but, no thanks ! no more partition or division, if anything this is the time for a "Confederation"
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well partition was good idea but its failed very badly . for pakistanis it was gain but after partition they start losing and losing till today . i am sure in future more partitions are expected no map is permanent and i am sure more countries will born . i did not see a single south asian country successful developed and well so nothing we got from partition we lost only . current situation in pakistan is heading toward new countries in future and i wish no more blood shed at next partitions.

first muslims want to separate from hindus sikhs
then in pakistan suddenly start new wave of declare ahmdis as non muslims
after few years banning and tightening laws of religion and society become more radical
few more years and shia and others groups come under fire
and latest 10 years madness and blood bath radicalize country emerged
now a days terrors sectarians terrorists criminals and crrupts are ruling the country.
no wonder more groups will emerge and Pakistan will be fall again as 1971

there will be a day for end madness .
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if anything this is the time for a "Confederation"

confederation of who and how??

o_O Good luck with this "proposal".:cheers:

difficult... but hindi is a compromise or balance language... bombay films ( hindi ) are watched everywhere... pakistan's official language is urdu... other indian states watch hindi films... and afghanistan and bangladesh know this language... difficult but with forceful leaders, can be achieved.
there was socialist afghanistan, 1978 to 1991... but usa government did regime-change there and installed taliban.
sir jee that was also imposed not it was will of public . as i know it was and is radical country so this idea was not fit for them .
difficult... but hindi is a compromise or balance language... bombay films ( hindi ) are watched everywhere... pakistan's official language is urdu... other indian states watch hindi films... and afghanistan and bangladesh know this language... difficult but with forceful leaders, can be achieved.

I live in Chennai. Very difficult to find a person who speaks more than a smattering of Hindi. These forceful leaders of yours will have to start universal coaching classes.
sir jee that was also imposed not it was will of public . as i know it was and is radical country so this idea was not fit for them .

if we leave everything to the public... which generally is careless... progress cannot be achieved... many times, the public doesn't know what is good for them... always, revolutions were started by one person talking, a few others joining, and these few starting the revolution... that was the case with afghanistan too... :-)

the afghan cosmonaut, abdul ahad mohmand, was the second south asian to travel to space... that was real progress... and that achievement for afghanistan was because of socialism.
if we leave everything to the public... which generally is careless... progress cannot be achieved... many times, the public doesn't know what is good for them... always, revolutions were started by one person talking, a few others joining, and these few starting the revolution... that was the case with afghanistan too... :-)

the afghan cosmonaut, abdul ahad mohmand, was the second south asian to travel to space... that was real progress... and that achievement for Afghanistan was because of socialism.
sir jee change become slowly and slowly not like what happened in unrest Afghanistan of those days . and abut public janab a tribal sitting in caves of Afghanistan don't care whom soviet took to space it was nothing for public .for me human development and improvement and nation building is success not these showcase false proud . in simple words if afghanistan or pakistani tribal areas were developed like Dubai no one even think abut suicide blast .its hunger uneducated public radical religion unemployment 0 development is the one more important then showcases sir .
A confederation between "India-Pak-BD" is the way to go

ANP socialist minister of Pakistan Ghulam Ahmed Bilour ,had suggested this , & I support it

Bilour proposes confederation with India

Partition was altogether was good thing for India, without Muslim League leaders in constituent Assembly, it good that it could take many milestone decisions for India and I believe only grandpa generation regret about the partition, we are fairly fine with the present shape of India.

o_O Good luck with this "proposal".:cheers:

This guy has zero idea about India internal conditions and regional aspirations of the people.
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this thread is from an idea of @Ravi Nair and from further discussion with @FaujHistorian... though the presented region is south asia, the solution can be for every place humanity lives... presently and in future...

there was one urgent need for the british ensuring division of india in 1947... to have buffer states for countering the influence of communism/socialism in the southern hemisphere... if you look at the world map, and imagine that map in 1945... you will see presence of communism to the north of india ( china, soviet union )... to the west of india ( iran, afghanistan, west asia )... to the east of india ( present day indonesia and malaysia ).

tariq ali's book, "street fighting years", speaks of the massacre of indonesian communists in the 1960's.

the indian communist party was started in 1921 and had good influence... there were famous socialists, among them iqbal and bhagat singh... the western bloc after 1945 feared that if they didn't do something fast, south asia would become another domain of socialism... hence the partition, arranged by the british, encouraged hiddenly by usa... and their further meddling in afghanistan and iran... division of the land east of afghanistan into india and pakistan has only made south asians use nationalism as cover for their inherent biases and wrong cultures.

but speaking of the present... i see the problem called south asia to be among the top-five most problematic issues in the world... and ravi's post reminded me of muammar gaddafi's solution to kashmir... south asia, the continuous land-mass from afghanistan to bangladesh can be divided into administrative zones and the division must not be based on present lines ( culture and language )... the governance must be based on socialism ( jamahiri... i will explain jamahiriya in another thread )... the official language must be english in each zone, plus the cultural language must be hindi ( in present times, hindi is essentially urdu )... no other language must be permitted... no village must be permitted... every habitation must be a city... all weapons presently with national militaries must be confiscated.. those militaries converted into police force, of course with machine guns and armored personnel carriers ( like brdm 2 ) and helicopters ( like ka-50 ).

the above kind of division among humanity is the necessary future... the solution is as simple as people reading, talking with others over tea, accepting... the solution becomes impossible to achieve if people continue their unnecessary hatreds and nationalism...

@Ravi Nair @FaujHistorian @Spring Onion @Imran Khan @hinduguy @KingMamba @genmirajborgza786 @jbgt90 and everyone other south asian.

@Syrian Lion @Mahmoud_EGY @Ceylal @senheiser @Peter C @vostok @Götterdämmerung and all other peoples can also contribute.

Im all for it

Bangladesh, WB, Odissa, Bihar, UP, Chattishgar, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, AP, Tripura

The East Zone.
A confederation between "India-Pak-BD" is the way to go

ANP socialist minister of Pakistan Ghulam Ahmed Bilour ,had suggested this , & I support it

Bilour proposes confederation with India

very good idea, and one already proposed by muammar gaddafi in this essay... ( Al Gaddafi speaks - English / Kashmir: The Definitive Solution )...

"The map of the world will soon contain nothing but giant entities. Nation-states will disappear, in view of the fact that they are no longer capable to face the challenges of globalization. Therefore, the independence of Kashmir will not cause dreaded shockwaves it would have caused before the age of globalization. Kashmir, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India will all be subsumed in a future giant entity of the Indian subcontinent along the lines of the European Union, African Union, and ASEAN."

"Each one of the giant entities that will replace the nation states and make up the new world, will have its single army, security structures, single market, single currency, single central bank, and most importantly a single negotiating position with the other similar giant entities."

but what mr. bilour proposed and you supported will come down to what muammar gaddafi proposed and i propose... after ind-pak-bd become a confederation, they can't retain the former nations as "states" within the new confederation because they will soon break apart through renewed hatreds... therefore, the confederation will have to be cut down into smaller units which cannot retain the former languages or cultures of those units... they must have a new form of official and cultural language and new form of governance.
sir jee change become slowly and slowly not like what happened in unrest Afghanistan of those days .

respectfully, i disagree... :-)

change must be brought immediately and radically... otherwise it cannot be called change... it won't be different from what was there before... have india and pakistan really developed in 69 years?? even now, in 2014, india and pakistan have honor killings and oppressions by money...

for me human development and improvement and nation building is success

correct you are... look at the below photograph from 80's afghanistan ( kabul )... can you image that scene happening now??


source - Dammit! I missed the good times! | The Lost Flaneur

was the above not real development?? those ladies seem happy... that was because of immediate change imposed by socialism... imposed... the revolutionary government and military didn't go to every person and ask... the revolutionary government knew what was good and used military means to bring that good... can you imagine the above scene now?? what was the system then and what is it now??

"prior to the rise of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan were making strides toward equality as they enjoyed the right of education and employment (PBS.org). Kabul was the epicenter for women's advancement in Afghanistan prior to the Civil War and Taliban control" "50% of the students and 60% of the teachers at Kabul University were women, and 70% of school teachers, 50% of civilian government workers, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women" (Feminist Majority Foundation)."

source - Women in Afghanistan | A Thousand Splendid Suns Study Guide | GradeSaver
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