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What are INDIAN's top 5 favorite countries?

Jun 22, 2009
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I want to start a fun and interesting thread to better understand our Indian brothers & sisters. This survey is ONLY for Indians (or NRI).

Q: Which 5 countries do you like the most (in order)?

(note, this is not asking which country you like to live in, or which country you admire most, or which country is most beneficial to India -- it's asking which country you feel is most like family to you).
1. Japan----Hard work
2. Russia--- Any need to mention that?
3. Israel---- Guts to fight it alone
4. US------- Glaring example of people power
5. China and Pakistan----Pakistan reminds us of all the success that we have achieved and China reminds us of what can be achieved
BTW i think this thread shud be in members club section
1. Japan----Hard work
2. Russia--- Any need to mention that?
3. Israel---- Guts to fight it alone
4. US------- Glaring example of people power
5. China and Pakistan----Pakistan reminds us of all the success that we have achieved and China reminds us of what can be achieved

Have you ever been to Pakistan or youre making assumptions about Pakistan from ur media?
Well...I do not know what purpose this thread serves??

Any countries favorite should be herself only. So my Guess for top 5 India's favourite coutries are:
(1) India
(2) India
(3) India
(4) India
(5) India

Please do not say this is off topic. India puts her interest at the top and acts accordingly. Infact every country in this world does. We have managed friendship with Isreal, USA, UK, Russia, Australia, ME countries etc. etc. We are also trying to improve relations with China, Pakistan. Bottom line is "There are no permanent friends and foes in politics/diplomacy"....:cheers:
Its very easy to figure out Indians' favorite countries:

1. Israel
2. Russia
3. USA
4. Anyone who hates Pakistan and Muslims
5. Anyone who hates China

Brilliant try to turn this into a flame.
By the way India itself has lot of Muslims. I agree that there are differences with Pakistan/China but I hope one day they will be sorted out.:cheers:
1)lenin,Marx -Russia
3)Patel, Bose -india
4)lincoln - USA
1. Japan----Hard work
2. Russia--- Any need to mention that?
3. Israel---- Guts to fight it alone
4. US------- Glaring example of people power
5. China and Pakistan----Pakistan reminds us of all the success that we have achieved and China reminds us of what can be achieved

You took the words right out of my mouth. :cheers:

woot 101 posts :bounce:
I think you should keep in mind that every Indian will possibly have a different answer, you can't really generalize.

Looking outside the SAARC countries, for me in no particular order of preference

1. Australia - Despite all the bad press, still is a welcoming countries and a model welfare state
2. Iran - Has made good use of its resources to improve the life of its citizens unlike the GCC rulers and has historical, cultural and people ties with India going back 1000s of years.
3. China - Han Chinese history and people are pretty cool, its economic development pretty neat. Only its the Chinese govt. that should allow more freedom and democratic setup to make it better.
4. Malaysia - successful transformation into an Asian tiger and moving from an Agrarian economy to a high tech one.
5. Singapore - Tiny countries that is still democratic and still provides high standard of living for its citizens.

Its very easy to figure out Indians' favorite countries:

1. Israel
2. Russia
3. USA
4. Anyone who hates Pakistan and Muslims
5. Anyone who hates China

I thought this question was only for Indians. Unless you consider yourself to be secretly an Indian after all :P
US - To learn how to dominate
Israel - To learn how to fight on all sides yet dominant
China - To learn how to rise from rags to riches.
Japan - To learn how to develop a destroyed country.
Middle east - To learn more on Islam.
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