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What are INDIAN's top 5 favorite countries?

One would have assumed, favoritism resides within obiedency, hence,

1; Bhutan,
2; Sikam,
3; Maldives,
4; Nepal,
5; Russia.
1; Bhutan,
2; Sikam,
3; Maldives,
4; Nepal,
5; Russia.

What is Sikam? Do you mean Sikkim? Sikkim is a state within India. I'm also not sure how Russians would feel that you consider their nation to be "obeying" India.
Not everywhere.

We cannot generalize. As far as India's caste system is concerned, many people say this is nothing but blatant racism practiced exclusively in a particular Indian religious society.

Yes and NO ; Yes the practice of Untouchability in the caste system amounts to Aparthied , NOT racism . The way forward for India should be to negotiate with the UN on its resolution on Caste System by accepting that the practise of Caste System has led to Aparthied within the hindu community but i totally disagree with Caste System being portrayed as Rasicm . Racism is a western Concept wid Western Origin . Besides , the reservations in educational institutions and jobs for the SC / ST sections of hindu community provided by the Indian constitution must not be ignored before claiming against India's credentials in fighting d malaise .

Yes, we hear news that Indian North Eastern Asian inhabitants face violent racism in mainstream Indian society as they are fair skinned.
NO ; North-Easterners are discriminated against racially because of their Tibeto-Mongoloid features n NOT because of their 'fair skin' .
Prejudice against north-easterners is LITERAL FOOLISHNESS , the evolved Indians ( who belong to regions other than North-East )keep none against them .

Sometimes, India's Tribal populations, Santhals, Mundas etc complain that they are oppressed by Indians themselves!!! And sometimes, India's minority religious groups face racist communal violence which leaves Mosques and Churches demolished and minorities killed. We all still remember the demolition of Bubri Mosque.
Communal violence erupted in China back in 50s against Tibettan Buddhists and recently against Uighur Muslims . Chinese are trying hard to integrate their different ethnic groups n bring them into the mainstream at the same standing as Hans . Similarly , India has made efforts to bring its tribals into mainstream . The lot has been exploited against giving rise to naxalism , so its common knowledge that India has been unsuccessful in bringing its tribals into mainstream . Though , if naxal violence makes u "happy" then I understand your concerns for indian tribal populace . The communal violence in tribal territories has to do with Christian Missionary's aggressive proselytising activities , which though NOT the norm but sure are EXCEPTIONS . These activities most of the times end up driving wedge between the tribal communities itself .

But from a Chinese point of view, racism by Indians was seen after 1962 war. Below is the evidence:

The Chinese also had to cope with local distrust after the border war between India and China in 1962. Nearly 350,000 Chinese lived in Calcutta before the 1962 conflict. Now there are less than 5,000, according to community members. For several years after the war, the Chinese found themselves treated with suspicion by the government, which severely restricted their movement.

Asia Times: Calcutta's Chinese near extinction

During the Sino-Indian conflict, the Chinese faced anti-national sentiment unleashed by the Indian National Congress-dominated government. Chinese businesses were investigated for links to the Chinese government and many people of Chinese origin were interned in prisons in North India.

Chinese community in Kolkata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, not to mention today many Indians live in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou etc in China and if now Han Chinese start paying back.

What else you expected after the INVASION OF NEFA . Ever wondered how much the general population of Arunachal Pradesh hates you ??
NO , you don't need to repay the favour as many chinese also work in india .

Anyway, thanks for the acknowledging China's civilizational values. Yes the world knows China is a civilization and I strongly believe China will co exist with the rest of the world, except one neighboring country.

Yes , China is a great civilisation and indians in general have lots of respect for chinese civilisation and for its present stature amongst world's nations . Having said that I would like to bring to your attention the very SYMBOL of China , THE GREAT WALL .... Ever read an accont on the mass deaths of peasants that occurred when they were forced to toil in inhuman conditions , forced out of their fiels and away from their families and then BURRIED within the GREAT WALL itself . JUST for the sake of PROTECTING china from the BARBARIANS in north . Thus , dear 'COMMUNIST' your ancestors knew whom to refer to as BARBARIANS ! :smokin:

China is a civilization. Civilization and barbarism cannot co exist. Never.

:china: :pakistan: :usflag:[/QUOTE]
. .
3.Sri Lanka
We all should be united . Once we were :lol:
. .
my pic:

1. Israel
2. Japan
3. USA
4. Switzerland
5. Korea

no particular order
Its very easy to figure out Indians' favorite countries:

1. Israel
2. Russia
3. USA
4. Anyone who hates Pakistan and Muslims
5. Anyone who hates China

another brain washed....

BTW i think indian favorite countries are:
1- Russia
2- japan
3- israel
4: France
5: Uk

interesting thing is that USA is not in our list because those who know the history never see USA as a good friend. I think USA is a opportunist country. between 1948-2006 they support pakistan because they saw their self interest with pak and now they see interest with india. that's why they are offered us helping hands. I think pakistan should also think about this point.
USA - because of WOT US-PAK **** ties India supporting Americans
Russia - Because Indian think Russia will never sell weapons to Pakistan
Israel - Because Israel is Anti Muslim and Anti Pakistan's State
France - Because of Rafale that is why France reject any kind of tech deal with Pakistan
Afghanistan - Because they are using Afghanis against Pakistan

USA - because of WOT US-PAK **** ties India supporting Americans
Russia - Because Indian think Russia will never sell weapons to Pakistan
Israel - Because Israel is Anti Muslim and Anti Pakistan's State
France - Because of Rafale that is why France reject any kind of tech deal with Pakistan
Afghanistan - Because they are using Afghanis against Pakistan


oh god..you are so self obsessed..

my ranking:

1.Russia,Israel,Bhutan(our friends which can not be given any other rank but number one)
2.maldives(friendly neighbor)
5.China(we sure look up to china as a benchmark of our success)

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