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What are INDIAN's top 5 favorite countries?

1. Japan----Hard work
2. Russia--- Any need to mention that?
3. Israel---- Guts to fight it alone
4. US------- Glaring example of people power
5. China and Pakistan----Pakistan reminds us of all the success that we have achieved and China reminds us of what can be achieved

great post:tup::tup:
1. Japan----Hard work
2. Russia--- Any need to mention that?
3. Israel---- Guts to fight it alone
4. US------- Glaring example of people power
5. China and Pakistan----Pakistan reminds us of all the success that we have achieved and China reminds us of what can be achieved

Typical Indian mentality.
You can't even join a positive discussion without taking a pathetic, juvenile potshot at Pakistan.

Churlishness at its best.
I think you should keep in mind that every Indian will possibly have a different answer, you can't really generalize.

Looking outside the SAARC countries, for me in no particular order of preference

1. Australia - Despite all the bad press, still is a welcoming countries and a model welfare state
2. Iran - Has made good use of its resources to improve the life of its citizens unlike the GCC rulers and has historical, cultural and people ties with India going back 1000s of years.
3. China - Han Chinese history and people are pretty cool, its economic development pretty neat. Only its the Chinese govt. that should allow more freedom and democratic setup to make it better.
4. Malaysia - successful transformation into an Asian tiger and moving from an Agrarian economy to a high tech one.
5. Singapore - Tiny countries that is still democratic and still provides high standard of living for its citizens.

I thought this question was only for Indians. Unless you consider yourself to be secretly an Indian after all :P

actually malaysian economic boosting power are no longer based on heavy industries,gradually losing ground on competition to cheaper labour cost of china, we based on mainly exports of raw materials to china like rubber for manfacture of wheel tyres and etc...also light and low tech industries to provide manufactured products of moderate quality control, and i am glad that malaysia is in your list..
Russia - we dont forget old friends who were there for us when we needed them and when no one else was willing to.

Israel - I admire their methods and the way they cut through BS redtape and get the work done, world opinion be damned, when their own people are involved

Iran - for me, sentimental reasons, and I'd love to go there with my family and parents one day (but preferably not one of the "package tours" favourite with bawajis here! ;))

Brazil - closest to India in terms of development and world pecking order financially, plus I love their colorful people (esp their women, and boy, can they party!)

USA - Big, strong, powerful, a friend and strategic ally, the world's most powerful democracy, a cultural and secular melting pot like India, never do anything in half measures once they put their mind to it, we can learn a lot from them on how to build a powerful nation ..... and do it quicker! :)

Cheers, Doc
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I don't have favourite countries, just countries that I admire for one reason or another:

USA - freedom of opinion, tolerance of dissent
Canada - comparatively very successful in how it handles diversity
China - ability to 'get things done'
Nordic countries - for their social welfare model
Belgium - great beer.:cheers:
I don't have favourite countries, just countries that I admire for one reason or another:

USA - freedom of opinion, tolerance of dissent
Canada - comparatively very successful in how it handles diversity
China - ability to 'get things done'
Nordic countries - for their social welfare model
Belgium - great beer.:cheers:

Canada: A model society for diversity and peacefull co-existance.

USA: Freedom ..........

China: Learn how to get the job done.

Japan: Learn how to develope a country from ashes, with very small land mass. India gain indipendence about the same time frame when they started to develop.

Caribean: You gota love the white sand beaches.
My top 5 favorite countries...favorite in the sense as the thread stater suggested, based on fondness or positive affinity.

Not in any formal order...

America - a beacon of free world

Russia- old time friend of india

Israel - prospering aganist all odds ,an allie of india.

Japan- very hard working,only asian country that can teach few
things to ours old time civilization.

Nepal- religious affinity and the Gurkha soldiers protecting
indian borders.
Five favourite countries? In no particular order - North India, South India, East India, West India and North East-India. That's right, we are a million nations within a nation.
Interesting topic. Based on the economic, military and strategic relationship, India cherishes its relationship with the following countries -

1) Russia - Largest supplier of military hardware to Indian Armed Forces and extensive technological relationship (Chandrayaan-2, nuclear reactors etc.).

2) Israel - Second largest supplier of military hardware (ex. Baraks, SPYDERs, Phalcon) and a growing space relationship (ex. RISAT-2). The sophistication of this relationship is the envy of India's enemies.

3) United States - Second largest economic trading partner and growing military and technological relationship (ex. P-8 Poseidon, Hercules, Jalashwa). Also, our strategic relationship too is growing - NSG waiver and ADB loan.

4) France - India's third largest military supplier and one of the largest economic partners. One of the strongest supporters of India's UNSC bid and also one of the first countries to collaborate on nuclear energy with India.

5) UK - A relationship which dates back to 18th-century, UK and India not only have strong economic and strategic ties, but also share some cultural similarities. Despite some historic bitterness, our strategic and economic ties remain strong.
USA - Big, strong, powerful, a friend and strategic ally, the world's oldest democracy,

USA is NOT the worlds oldest democracy, that would have to be Greece. The brilliantly awesome greeks were the first to come up with the concept of democracy and its implementation into state law. Americans tend to define democracy in how they perceive it, but there is no clear cut answer to what is the worlds oldest continous democracy, some say its Iceland, some the Ottoman empire but i would give more credit to the United Kingdom. Nonetheless it started was started by the one and only, The Greeks
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I dont want to hurt anyone's emotion, but it seems that all Indians will not be welcomed by the Russian, Israeli and Iranian societies. Please dont call me racist. But in reality until unless the society of the country where you want to settle down accepts you, you will face difficulties to live there. Indian population has been de-Aryanized greatly due to the assimilation of North Indians with the relatively larger South Indian population. Still North Indians who look like Hritik Roshan may be accepted by the Russian or Iranian or Israeli society, but it is highly unlikely that South Indians who look like Bollywood comedian Johnny Lever will be welcomed by any of those societies. They mau face racist assaults. They do face in fact. This is the harsh truth. Not only in Australia or UK, but in the relatively peaceful society of Russia, Indians face racism. Just a year ago one Indian was brutally slaughtered and even the Russian state TV admitted the racial motivation behind the killing.

Youtube video as evidence:

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