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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

There is a difference between brethren and co-religionists who may not even know each other from adam and eve, go on a communal killing spree. Which category do your brethren belong to.

look brother, what i said was simple,you fight for yours , i fight for mine...when does this end?Unless you seen the end.
frankly speaking i enjoy this fight but cry at the same time why they fight.

You might find me confusing but i am!
Reading comments like those in the OP should make us all appreciate that the PDF is a moderated forum, thanks to the efforts of excellent volunteer moderators. My advice is to not waste your time on unmoderated forums, or discussing the insanity that you will find on them ....
@Yeti , I chuckled. Now the hobby of these lollywood dramaqueens is to cry at the comments posted by Indians in news sites. He should read what the Americans and the rest of non Muslim world thinks about them in CNN comments section. He'll explode spontaneously of shame.
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In this case you would probably agree with this comment as well.

PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE ---------> As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country/region/city they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness: Nation % Muslim United States 1.0% Australia 1.5% Italy 1.5% Norway 1.8% Canada 1.9% China 2.0% At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs: Nation % Muslim Denmark 2.0% United Kingdom 2.7% Germany 3.7% Spain 4.0% Thailand 4.6% From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply. Nation % Muslim Switzerland 4.3% Philippines 5.0% Sweden 5.0% The Netherlands 5.5% Trinida and Tabago 5.8% France 8.0% At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not only to convert the world but also to establish Sharia law over the entire world. When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Mohammed cartoons, Music-Shows Ban). Nation % Muslim Guyana 10.0% Israel 16.0% Kenya 10.0% Russia 15.0% India 19.4% (Riots, terror attacks). After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burnings: Nation % Muslim Ethiopia 32.8% At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare: Nation % Muslim Bosnia 40.0% Chad 50.1% Lebanon 59.7% From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels: Nation % Muslim Albania 70.0% Malaysia 60.4% Qatar 77.5% Sudan 70.0% After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide: Nation % Muslim Bangladesh 90.0% Egypt 90.0% Gaza 98.7%, Algeria 85%, Indonesia 86.1% Iran 98.0% Iraq 97.0% Jordan 92.0% Morocco 98.7% Pakistan 97.0% Syria 90.0% Tajikistan 90.0% Turkey 99.8% United Arab Emirates 96.0% 100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' ? the Islamic House of Peace ? there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim: Nation % Muslim Yemen 99.9% Afghanistan 100.0% Saudi Arabia 100.0% Somalia 100.0% Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons like Shiya, Sunni, Wahibi, Ahmedi etc like blood thirsty animals like ****** Muhammad (*********)

Can you refute these facts?

Let us assume that I say the sun rises in the east and it offends you. The fact that you are offended will not change the fact that the sun rises in the east.

If you can refute the facts given in this comment then I will be very happy
1. Because Muslims have visited countless atrocities against Hindus when they were ruling including genocide of millions

2. They have made zero contribution to the freedom struggle

3. Even after being toadies to the British (or perhaps because of it) they managed to divide the motherland and get a nice piece for themselves

4. They again tricked the Hindus - even after getting land for themselves, most of them stayed put in India

5. They are indulging in terrorism - the Indian Muslim intelligentsia tacitly supports the extremists

Is it still a wonder that Muslims are hated in India. In any other nation it would have been far worse.

hmmmmm ............. it indeed is difficult to eliminate 150 million Muslims, irrespective of them being Indians. Thank you for hating the Muslims for what they did 6-700 years ago. You do remember it like yesterday, don't you. Allah tumhaari umar daraz karay - how old are you by the way, 450 years old.
@Nassr:I beg to differ bro,
what people says in internet under their insane usernames shall never represent India's opinion. Indian muslims are doing just as fine as any other group in India. Personally,being a muslim has given me nothing but benefits in India.

After reading the comments of your brethren on that news channel, and on this thread, I feel a bi of sorrow, pity, anger, an dislike for your community, the Muslims of India.

You guys will always be Hinduon ke chamche. Grow up you damn *****. Fight for you rights, or ATLEAST aknowledge them!

abbe Camel urine drink boy i hold many medical degress so stfu.
i said in humility , while you chest thump keep it on!

I wish I could educate you on that, but you are a Indian.
Now shoo and go drink and worship your gau mata pee.
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hmmmmm ............. it indeed is difficult to eliminate 150 million Muslims, irrespective of them being Muslims. Thank you for hating the Muslims for what they did 6-700 years ago. You do remember it like yesterday, don't you. Allah tumhaari umar daraz karay - how old are you by the way, 450 years old.

Eliminate, no. But they will be gently encouraged to come back to the religion of their ancestors.:angel:
Can you refute these facts?

Let us assume that I say the sun rises in the east and it offends you. The fact that you are offended will not change the fact that the sun rises in the east.

If you can refute the facts given in this comment then I will be very happy

Oh boy, you are angry as to why these people like to have more children. The other day many Indians were criticizing the Chinese for not allowing more than one child in their country. At times it becomes difficult to understand you people.

Eliminate, no. But they will be gently encouraged to come back to the religion of their ancestors.:angel:

What was the religion of your ancestors.
I was shocked to read the comments in India Times. So much hatred for Muslims and Pakistan is spewed in the comments section of this newspaper. I am sure it would be the same in other mainstream Indian newspapers.

Visit this site and see for yourself – it is horrific and shameful. This is aam Indian expressing him/herself. Unbelievably shocking indeed.

Muzaffarnagar violence: Over 10,000 displaced; 10,000 arrested - The Times of India


Dear Non-Muslim Indians.............A Virus will always be a Virus....... Islam virus is incurable..... Right from Alauddin Khilji (1303 CE) to Afzal Guru (Present 2013) there is no difference in the Islamic mindset....... Dear Narendra Modi......Save us, Liberate us.........India is an Unfinished Chapter of Islamic Caliphate. No other country in the world could save itself from becoming an Islamic Nation where ever Islamic dominance had prevailed for more than 50 years. Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Asia, Malaysia etc are just examples. Once the Muslims rise in population in any part of the world, they exert a substantial influence on the politics, indulge in terror, bombings, riots in the nation to establish Satan Allah laws like Sharia, Fatwa, Hizab, Khatna, Burqa, Jihad, Halal etc. Any nation that allows Muslims immigration from Muslim nations is signing its own death warrant. Allah is the Satan of Islamic Caliphate and Terrorism. Already his Islamic children have killed CRPF jawans, done beheading and killed innocents in Hyderabad just to quench Allah's blood thirst. But Allah is more thirsty and his Terrorist children kill people all over the world. Allah is thirsty for innocent blood not only of Asia Sub continent but also in Middle East, Africa, Europe & United States. Time shall come when Modi along with whole Non Islamic world shall unite to exterminate (1.3 Billion) Allah Viruses to Save Earth from Islamic Caliphate and Satan Allah Terrorism. Allah is Satan !

this is not hatred , this is fear. I assume you agree what the guy has written is true. If you don't agree, which part you don't agree?
Can you refute these facts?

Let us assume that I say the sun rises in the east and it offends you. The fact that you are offended will not change the fact that the sun rises in the east.

If you can refute the facts given in this comment then I will be very happy

Alright, what muslim country that isn't already in war does any of the things said in that comment. If you can give a good reply, I will be very happy.
Oh boy, you are angry as to why these people like to have more children. The other day many Indians were criticizing the Chinese for not allowing more than one child in their country. At times it becomes difficult to understand you people.

What was the religion of your ancestors.

Oh boy! Teaching of history is really abysmal in Pakistan.

Sorry! The world did not start with Md Bin Kasim's invasions of Sindh's and the Punjab was not Buddhist.
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