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Congratulations to the Iranians.


May 3, 2009
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I would like to say kudos to the Iranians for voting change in this election. From an outsider's view i was not expecting Dr Hassan Rouhanhi to even get close to winning. I hope that he's a real moderate and a reformist who will challenge Iran's current isolationist & antagonistic foreign policy.

I hope that he will help lift some of the brutal western sanctions, deals with the Iranian nuclear issue and fosters good brotherly relationship with the GCC other Arab states,Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

May peace be with your country.

Best Regards.
Khomenei will not allow such a radically different motive thrive...
Id expect whatever you saw with Ahmadinejad
congrats to iranian members here, assuming that they have voted for this guy.
Thanks but

HE IS NOT MY PRESIDENT., he only got alittle above 50% of the votes, that means 50% are pissed off right now and don't consider him representative of Iranians.
The real power rest with the religious Ayatollah's in Iran they really run the show
@iranigirl2 He has a CLEAR majority,with no rigging allegations and no post election protests nor killings.
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The last election was rigged my friend in Iran told me but whether this one was or not does not really matter as he does not control things.
It doesn't matter who the Iranian President is as long as the Iranian Government is controlled by the unelected vali-e faghih-e iran. Ali Hosseini Khamenei is the only leader in Iran who has real power. These elections, and all other machinations of "politics" in Iran, are just a sideshow. Iran is an Islamic dictatorship, pure and simple.
Thanks but

HE IS NOT MY PRESIDENT., he only got alittle above 50% of the votes, that means 50% are pissed off right now and don't consider him representative of Iranians.

Really? 50% of the vote is a really big margin
@muse, Aeronaut.

What happened is that the Principlists didn't form a collation.

All the reformists were united and they urged everyone to vote for Rohani.

Yes, Rohani won, but not by much, the Principlists vote was split.

If Qalibaf, Jalili ,Velayati, Rezaei were united they would have won!

Rohani won 50.7 percent of a total of 36,704,156 valid ballots counted, with 18,613,329 votes, announced Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar on Saturday.

Principlist candidate Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf came in second with 6,077,292 votes. Principlist Saeed Jalili garnered 4,168,946 votes, and independent Mohsen Rezaei 3,884,412 votes. Principlist Ali-Akbar Velayati and independent Mohammad Gharazi trailed behind in fifth and sixth places, with 2,268,753 and 446,015 votes respectively.

A total of 1,245,409 ballots were declared invalid.

@TruthSeeker and Yeti, I don't think you guys know anything about Iranian Politics.
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@muse, Aeronaut.

What happened is that the Principlists didn't form a collation.

All the reformists were united and they urged everyone to vote for Rohani.

Yes, Rohani won, but not by much, the Principlists vote was split.

Rohani won 50.7 percent of a total of 36,704,156 valid ballots counted, with 18,613,329 votes, announced Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar on Saturday.

Principlist candidate Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf came in second with 6,077,292 votes. Principlist Saeed Jalili garnered 4,168,946 votes, and independent Mohsen Rezaei 3,884,412 votes. Principlist Ali-Akbar Velayati and independent Mohammad Gharazi trailed behind in fifth and sixth places, with 2,268,753 and 446,015 votes respectively.

A total of 1,245,409 ballots were declared invalid.

@TruthSeeker and Yeti, I don't think you guys know anything about Iranian Politics.

Dear I have a friend in Iran who tells me alot of things and everyone knows who really calls the shots in Iran

Everyone knows the last election was rigged also in Iran that is not even news anymore.
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First of all, congrats Iran for a fair and free election ! They came of age this time and violence was minimum ! :tup:
Also, there is a talk of the elected candidate being a moderate ! Although it is a good sign but I don't think his position has that pull IMO.

It doesn't matter who the Iranian President is as long as the Iranian Government is controlled by the unelected vali-e faghih-e iran. Ali Hosseini Khamenei is the only leader in Iran who has real power. These elections, and all other machinations of "politics" in Iran, are just a sideshow. Iran is an Islamic dictatorship, pure and simple.

Tell me one muslim country where an elected govt has that sweeping power ? Turkey has but it is not a constitutionally Islamic country but a secular country as enshrined in their constitution. Apart from that pakistan comes into mind but they too has a long way to go. If I am not mistakedn, the last govt was the first ever elected govt. to have even completed it's tenure first time in pakistan's history.

Apart from that most muslim countries which come into my mind have sheikhs and religious leaders at their helm !

Really? 50% of the vote is a really big margin

The poster I guess doesn't understand the difference between voting a YES and Voting a NO. So he/she is implicitly assuming that all those who voted a YES for other candidates as a NO for this candidate which is totally wrong !
Better ties with west PLEASE, from this forum Iranians are some of the more secular people out of the region.
Dear I have a friend in Iran who tells me alot of things and everyone knows who really calls the shots in Iran

Everyone knows the last election was rigged also in Iran that is not even news anymore.

Well, you need to understand Iran politics to actually comprehend what I said. Of course the president makes a difference look at Ahmadinejad and Khatami , they were two different people and Iran was different with each president. I'm assuming your Iranian friends are not very smart , maybe there are former shahis! Who knows but everyone educated, rural, etc..in Iran knows that the president makes a huge difference.

Better ties with west PLEASE, from this forum Iranians are some of the more secular people out of the region.

I agree, but Iran is still going to continue it's nuclear program...:D

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