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Netanyahu faces ridicule from Iranians online over "jeans" comment


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Oct 6 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have sought to win over Iranians in an interview with British Persian-language television, but a casual assertion that they were banned from wearing jeans won only gentle ridicule from some of his audience on Sunday.

Netanyahu has watched with some concern a diplomatic drive by new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to build warmer ties with the United States and other Western powers and achieve an easing of sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear programme.

But his statements in an interview with the BBC Persian television on the need for Iran to end its uranium enrichment programme were somewhat overshadowed by his comments on fashion freedoms allowed to Iranians by their government.

"I think if the Iranian people had freedom, they would wear jeans, listen to Western music, and have free elections," Netanyahu said in the interview, which was dubbed into Persian and released late on Saturday.

That statement drew a barbed reaction from Iran where, though women are required to cover their hair and wear loose clothing in public, jeans are not forbidden, and are worn. Much Western music is illegal, but people find a way to listen to it at home.

Dozens of Iranians published pictures of themselves on Twitter on Sunday wearing jeans and addressed their posts to Netanyahu's official Twitter account, saying he was out of touch with Iranians.

"Mr. Netanyahu, here is a shop selling weapons of mass destruction in Iran," one popular tweet read, showing a picture of a denim shop originally published by an Iranian semi-official news agency.

"Netanyahu, three days ago I bought a pair of jeans," another Iranian user tweeted.

Twitter is blocked by a government filter in Iran, though many Iranians access it through special software to circumvent the block.

Netanyahu also said in his interview that the people of Iran and Israel had a "deep friendship into modern times" that had been destroyed by Iran's current theocratic government. He criticised the censorship of social media and satellite channels inside Iran as well as the government's treatment of women and gays.

"This is not what the Persian people deserve," Netanyahu said.

He said the election that had brought Rouhani to power was not free, and that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei holds the real power over the nuclear programme. Iran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons, and says its nuclear programme is purely peaceful.

"I would welcome a genuine rapprochement, a genuine effort to stop the nuclear programme - not a fake one. Not 'harfe pooch,'" Netanyahu said, using a colloquial Persian phrase meaning "empty words." (Reporting by Yeganeh Torbati)

Netanyahu faces ridicule from Iranians online over jeans comment | Reuters
When this man doesn't even know such a simple thing, then how the hell is the world buying his 'intelligence' blabbering about Iran's nuclear program? For God's sake, how ignorant can a head of state be?

Mr. Netanyahu, you better take a look at this album as soon as possible to understand what a tool you are.
Tehran's Street Style

And btw, now I'm listening to satanic 'western music', Coldplay's Paradise with a loud voice sitting in the heart of Islamic Republic of Iran, an initial step to produce weapons of mass destruction to destroy Israel. :cuckoo:
These Iranians, who rant on Twitter against Netanyahu, are the worst kind of Iranians you'll find. The irony, in which these Iranians ridicule Netanyahu on the same medium (Twitter) which is officially banned in Iran, although their own president makes use of it, is so laughable. These Iranians, whom apparantly their only proud if manifested in jeans and clothing, are so disgusting. Let's see if these people (women) have the same ehtnousiasting and balls to confront their own officials if they are harassed and arrested on the streets of Iran for inappropriate clothing, which ranges all the way from to 'tight jeans' to the showing of their ankles. These women who are forced to wear a 'manteau' to cover their behind are now apparantly insulted by netanyahu's comments! Oh god, what have become of Iranians! What about the insults they take every day when they are stopped by our 'dear sisters' of the moral police? Oh no, than these people all of a sudden have lost their proud and mouths!

Lets see if these people can wear nice Western jeans as a government official.

Iranians have become a disgusting people.
Netanyahoo has been most stupid Israeli PM . Under his rule Israel has lost many good allies and also the perception of Israel has soured further across the globe .
These Iranians, who rant on Twitter against Netanyahu, are the worst kind of Iranians you'll find. The irony, in which these Iranians ridicule Netanyahu on the same medium (Twitter) which is officially banned in Iran, although their own president makes use of it, is so laughable. These Iranians, whom apparantly their only proud if manifested in jeans and clothing, are so disgusting. Let's see if these people (women) have the same ehtnousiasting and balls to confront their own officials if they are harassed and arrested on the streets of Iran for inappropriate clothing, which ranges all the way from to 'tight jeans' to the showing of their ankles. These women who are forced to wear a 'manteau' to cover their behind are now apparantly insulted by netanyahu's comments! Oh god, what have become of Iranians! What about the insults they take every day when they are stopped by our 'dear sisters' of the moral police? Oh no, than these people all of a sudden have lost their proud and mouths!

Lets see if these people can wear nice Western jeans as a government official.

Iranians have become a disgusting people.

Stop playing 'I care for Iranians' and Please make up your mind, one day you say how Iranians are the best and brightest people in the world and the other day you say they are disgusting. Full of paradoxes and contradictions.
This has nothing to do with domestic problems we have here, this thread is intended to show ignorance of a liar warmonger who doesn't even know about most basic things in Iran and yet, he claims he knows exactly when Iran is going to have the bomb (the same 6 months that has been repeating for 20 years).

Only because we have domestic problems, it doesn't mean that we will close our eyes to a warmonger to come and lie in our face and get away with it.

Sitting in Amsterdam and giving a moral speech, acting 'patriotic' and judging a whole nation is something that every internet warrior is capable of.
Stop playing 'I care for Iranians' and Please make up your mind, one day you say how Iranians are the best and brightest people in the world and the other day you say they are disgusting. Full of paradoxes and contradictions.
This has nothing to do with domestic problems we have here, this thread in intended to show ignorance of a liar warmonger who doesn't even know about most basic things in Iran and yet, he claims he knows exactly when Iran is going to have the bomb (the same 6 months that has been repeating for 20 years).

Only because we have domestic problems, it doesn't mean that we will close our eyes to a warmonger to come and lie in our face and get away with it.

Sitting in Amsterdam and giving a moral speech, acting 'patriotic' and judging a whole nation is something that every internet warrior is capable of.

Don't bring me these pathetic 'I'm listing to Coldplay' arguments in order to denounce the fact that Iran is oppressive state with laws that ban most western music and certain clothing, and even penalizes people that break these laws. You even got moral police patrolling the streets, while you as alef bache (and all others) all of the sudden find the balls to criticize the president of Israel, who was quite correct in most of his talking.

I'm exactly in Amsterdam right now because my family had the balls to stand up to these things, while you and all those other people are only warriors on the internet.
Netanyahoo has been most stupid Israeli PM . Under his rule Israel has lost many good allies and also the perception of Israel has soured further across the globe .

For example name two please.
Don't bring me these pathetic 'I'm listing to Coldplay' arguments in order to denounce the fact that Iran is oppressive state with laws that ban most western music and certain clothing, and even penalizes people that break these laws. You even got moral police patrolling the streets, while you as alef bache (and all others) all of the sudden find the balls to criticize the president of Israel, who was quite correct in most of his talking.

First, Netanyahu is the PM, not president.
Second, the Coldplay example was a sarcasm to address the lies and ridiculousness of his claims.

You may want to believe him and every single word he says, but deal with it, majority of Iranians, being pro-regime or anti-regime dislike this man and see him as an extremist far right warmonger.
You can go and live in Israel if you have so much faith in them, but facts are facts, He is a liar, this is not his first time, neither it will be the last.
First, Netanyahu is the PM, not president.
Second, the Coldplay example was a sarcasm to address the lies and ridiculousness of his claims.

You may want to believe him and every single word he says, but deal with it, majority of Iranians, being pro-regime or anti-regime dislike this man and see him as an extremist far-right warmonger.
You can't go and live in Israel if you are so much faithful in them, but I don't care, facts are facts. He is a liar, this not his first time, neither it will be the last.

Netanyahu has an agenda, but even seen in that context, he spoke eloquently and rightly about the struggling of the Iranian people. Many Iranians I know who watched his interview were agreeing with him on most cases.
I'd be super embarrassed to be represented by netanyahoo

Who can forget that hilarious speech of his to UNGC (2012 and '13)
In my opinion, The most important one would be Turkey.

Was it fault of Israel? Erdogan began his rant against Israel before flotilla incident, well it back fired on him, now he has no friend in Middle East.
Who else? or many is just one?
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