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Netanyahu faces ridicule from Iranians online over "jeans" comment

i don't agree with some points with you :
- the words "the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala" is much more about Karbala than Jerusalem... seriously you believe our army was aimed to go Jerusalem that time ??? it was just religious words .. stupid but more a blabla than anything else

Of course they didn't think to go to Jerusalem at that time, but even if it was a symbolic slogan, it was quite revealing. Combine that with other anti-Israeli slogans in that period, and you would understand that it was Iran who made Israel a enemy of her, and not the other way around.

- i would blame much more Iran for supporting Hezbollah , which is a group of terror. even if now Iran didn't control the group as it was in the past. i don't think they are lot of Iranians supporting this anyway


- supporting MeK is a terror decision . so for this action my friends in Israel as well agree about this point: that was a bad decision. if we blame our support to Hezbollah , we can blame support of MeK too

Even if MEK is a terrorist organization, it isn't comparable to Hezbollah. As far as I understand, MEK hasn't randomly fired missiles on other countries, or bombed buildings full with civilians, unlike Hezbollah. The terrorist acts you blame MEK for, are mostly small and target assassinations on people who are working for the Iranian regime.

- this has nothing to do with being semitic people (i am half Arab , so what ? i should be concerned ? )
it has much more to do with ... the simple... it is not a country to support this or that country or terror groups. if a country is to blame for this or that (and there a lot of countries to blame for far worst than Israel) it is UNO job and diplomacy should be favored by countries in the region. that's all. Iran is far so far less concerned anyway... but i guess you know why Khomeiny cared about Palestine.

Well, why hasn't it anything to do with Semite people? The conflict is between Jews and Arabs, not? Why should I care as an Iranian?

- i have many relations in Iran and considering the position of my father, i know many people in army. I never never heard of any beginning of doubt about nuclear army program. But of course the attitude to tease Israel sadly always existed. Ahmadinejad was the joke as president .

Ahmadinejad was a joke, but a joke that was supported by the system of the Islamic Republic, until he of course began his own ideology based on the 'Imam Zaman' nonsense.

accepting a military strike against our country... well i don't understand it . even with lot of efforts, because i know what is war (much older than you ) i 'll never understand an Iranian wants our country to be striked

Ho ho, I've never said I want a military strike against Iran. I only stated that from an Israeli perception, it is understandable.

- maybe yes for Israelians , and probably most smart people, but we are speaking about people like Netanyahu who are using Iran nuclear said program to make Iran evil. their speech about "i care about Iranians" is bullshit for two reasons: they ask more sanctions against our people AND they accepted MeK to be used.
I don't generalize . But i cannot understand why you like the Netanyahu words.

I like Netanyahu's words because he gave the best interview a foreign PM ever gave about Iran in general and the struggle of the Iranian people. He spoke eloquently about Iran's history, mentioning Cyrus the Great, the regime's history of torturing and killing political activists and the problems of the Iranian youth these days.
I know that many people in Iran thinking in that way, but the fact is when Israel or US bomb Iran, bombs will kill ordinary Iranian people. when they sanction Iran, it will hurt Iranian people. there is not so much difference between government of a country and its people for foreign countries.
If you wanna look at this issue more carefully, you would see that many of people were tortured in Shah's era by SAVAK which it was trained by Israeli MOSAD. btw, in 80's when Iran revolution happened, most of the political activists, and intellectuals in all over the world were against Israel, and Iranian government wanted to attract them to Iran's revolution.
When Netanyahu said such a stupid thing about jeans in Iran, I felt that he has no idea about Iran, so do you really think that he knows or even cares that who MEK really are?

Well, I don't think Israel would kill more Iranians than the regime has done for the past 40 years, don't you think? For Israel, Iran having a nuclear weapon or even nuclear latency is unacceptable, and therefore the risk of killing innocent people is outweighed by the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

And one should bear in mind that Iran was the top regional supporter of Israel during the Shah, so Israel giving valuable intelligence knowledge to Iran's secret police, intelligence and security service at that time was just part of this regional alliance. As far as Israel was concerned, Iran was part of its 'alliance of the periphery' strategy, with a stable yet authoritarian regime. Their support for the Shah should not be seen as a policy against the Iranian people.

How would you classify Israel's military support to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war then?
Well, I don't think Israel would kill more Iranians than the regime has done for the past 40 years, don't you think? For Israel, Iran having a nuclear weapon or even nuclear latency is unacceptable, and therefore the risk of killing innocent people is outweighed by the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

And one should bear in mind that Iran was the top regional supporter of Israel during the Shah, so Israel giving valuable intelligence knowledge to Iran's secret police, intelligence and security service at that time was just part of this regional alliance. As far as Israel was concerned, Iran was part of its 'alliance of the periphery' strategy, with a stable yet authoritarian regime. Their support for the Shah should not be seen as a policy against the Iranian people.

How would you classify Israel's military support to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war then?

Well, they had two goals, weakening Iraq, and gaining money. They sell weapons with very expensive price and they kinda ripped Iran off, but Iran had not any other choice to buy western equipments. Obviously, they did not do it for god's sakes or did not do it to please Iran.
Israel and no one else in the world have the right to kill Iranians. comparing killings of mullahs and Israel does not justify them at all.
Anyways, I mentioned SAVAK, and torturing issue to show you that the conflict between revolutionists and Israel is older than 1979, and It is not necessarily started by revolutionists.
Even if MEK is a terrorist organization, it isn't comparable to Hezbollah. As far as I understand, MEK hasn't randomly fired missiles on other countries, or bombed buildings full with civilians, unlike Hezbollah. The terrorist acts you blame MEK for, are mostly small and target assassinations on people who are working for the Iranian regime.
Really?!!! what about "Mersad" operation? was it a peaceful attack or they used tank, ... other heavy military equipments and arms? I don't care about hezzis, they are also a$$holes. but I got shocked when I read your comment about MEK. they have treason their country, they have tortured Iranian captives in Iraq, they have killed 15,000 people in Iran, ... MEK is far worse than any such group in the world.
Really?!!! what about "Mersad" operation? was it a peaceful attack or they used tank, ... other heavy military equipments and arms? I don't care about hezzis, but I got shocked when I read your comment about MEK. they have treason their country, they have tortured Iranian captives in Iraq, they have killed 15,000 people in Iran, ... MEK is far worse than any such group in the world.

Mersad operation was a military attack against legitimate military targets. Even if you disagree with MEK, you should distinguish between military acts and terrorist attacks, which for instance, Hezbollah's bombing of the AMIA building was.

Yes, MEK made one of the most strategic mistakes it could ever make, by working together with Saddam during the Iran-Iraq War for its own political gains, but that should be seen in the light of the revolution, when Islamists and pseudo-Communists were competing to 'conquer' Iran.

Btw, I had family members who were living in Kermanshah when MEK invaded the place and many local people over there supported MEK at that time.
i agree with what you say except MeK
MeK first of all is a sect: they have kult over one person. you already seen their meetings ? they are acting like sect
seen their website with propaganda and hatred ?
MeK didn't do massive killing if what you say except they have been accused to help Saddam in killing kurds
they decided to be with Saddam and that's already how much they prefer opportunism (Saddam believed he could put them as leader of Iran then so he would have no problem of revenge from Iran) than their country: they accepted we loose a part of our country, they accepted to work with a monster, they accepted to kill Iranian normal people serving in army
they used bombing killing which caused many moderate people to die

the only guys i could find supporting them in Europe are part of the communists and i am very sorry that they loose their socialist ideas to support/accept the existence of such sect terror group
good that even communists are a very small group of Iranians

i will give you a link later on the terrible actions they decided to have

and by the way, they assassinated US citizens before revolution ;)
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Yes, MEK has cultish elements in their organization, just like every communist organization has. I am not a fan of MEK at all.

It belongs to the ages of history, just like all other ideologies of the revolution. Iran's future should be in the hands of the Iranian youth, and not in the hands of outdated organizations/ideologies, be it Islamists or Communists.
What? Israel only uses MEK for their own agenda. They are not stupid to believe that MEK is a real alternative to the Iranian regime.

Second, if I was a Israeli leader, I would've attacked Iran already. Don't give me this warmonger-stuff. The only real warmonger in the region is Iran. I'll guess you and all those other people here forgot that it was Iran who started to threaten Israel just after the revolution with their 'the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala', or by starting to support corrupt and terrorist Palestinian organizations, who are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent Israeli people. We have nothing to do with this whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict to begin with, which is a conflict between two Semite people about a small piece of Semite land.

Iran's bombastic way of threatening Israel, the fact that it uses terrorist organizations against Israeli civilians and interests + its nuclear program, are all legitimate reasons in my eyes to consider a military strike against it.

Israel's struggle is with the Iranian regime, not with the Iranian people.

With opinions like that it is a wonder that you have been banned on MP.net

Are you hot as this blonde chick? :lol:


WTF ? :what:
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Netanyahu must have mistook Iran for North Korea. For someone with 180 IQ he really does say some stupid things.
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