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American-Jewish Barbarians, Genocide of Iranians Planned

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Who died and left you in charge ? Although you DID say 'please'

:disagree: Like I said before, try to be as unprovocative as possible. These techniques to trying to insult me so that I might lose my mind and try to insult you in turn might not work on me. Try to have a simple, rational and as pleasant a conversation as you can try. Just try for a while. ;)

Your school teaches you to be a racist ? The other kids goof on you, don't they

Did I ever say that the schools of this country teaches us to be racist??? It never teaches us to be otherwise. So there you have your answer.

On a side note, people have tried to bully me but have not succeeded ever. Do you know what else they do???

Like you, they try to pry out others weaknesses and try to spread "Hate" in other people's mind, thus conflicting their minds. But, people like me, are always there to stop them, since we ourselves don't have much "hate" in ourselves (I do have little but am trying to crush that too). And today, I am here to stop you, like when I stopped them. :D
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Spoons should be covered before going to bed

WHAT do you think He (S.A.W) means by "covered" in the above sentence???

For example:- "Before going to bed you should clean all of your eating utensils and cover them, so that they might not be harmed by unneeded chemical agents in the air" (dust, germs, etc).

Does my explanation help shed some light in you close mind???

If your not able to understand the simple reasons behind every hadith or saying. Then try not to put them in the order that they seem absurd, (of course not to me and open minded people), to a person who already has a limited thinking capacity.

No one should enter the house through the back door

There are many simple reasons why He (S.A.W) said that. If your not able to see it clearly reread the statement.

All of the hadiths, no matter how absurd it may seem to minds like yours have a reason behind them. And you didn't even try to copy down the whole hadiths??? Did you??? And please, there are many translations, try not to get the wrong ones. :tsk:

...All of the hadiths, no matter how absurd it may seem to minds like yours have a reason behind them. And you didn't even try to copy down the whole hadiths??? Did you??? And please, there are many translations, try not to get the wrong ones. :tsk:

So help me out with the other ones, like...

Oversleeping is caused by Satan urinating in ones ear (Bukhari 54:492)
The bathroom should be entered with the left foot first. (Fiqh - Islamic law)
Keeping a dog as a pet will cost the owner a celestial reward (Bukhari 67:389)
A man should spit only to his left (Muslim 7149)
The penis should be held with the left hand only when urinating (Muslim 512)
A person should wipe their butt with an odd number of stones after defecating (Bukhari 4:162)
Satan sleeps in ones nose, so water should be snorted each day (Bukhari 54:516)
No one should lie on their back with one foot crossing the other.
Bad dreams can be warded off by spitting over the left side of the bed (Bukhari 87:115)
So help me out with the other ones, like...

Oversleeping is caused by Satan urinating in ones ear (Bukhari 54:492)
The bathroom should be entered with the left foot first. (Fiqh - Islamic law)
Keeping a dog as a pet will cost the owner a celestial reward (Bukhari 67:389)
A man should spit only to his left (Muslim 7149)
The penis should be held with the left hand only when urinating (Muslim 512)
A person should wipe their butt with an odd number of stones after defecating (Bukhari 4:162)
Satan sleeps in ones nose, so water should be snorted each day (Bukhari 54:516)
No one should lie on their back with one foot crossing the other.
Bad dreams can be warded off by spitting over the left side of the bed (Bukhari 87:115)

About Dog, you will not get reward but reduction in rewards
Sahih Bukhari, Hunting, Slaughtering, Hadith Number 389
The Prophet said, "Whoever keeps a (pet) dog which is neither a watch dog nor a hunting dog, will get a daily deduction of two Qirat from his good deeds."

Narrated Adi bin Hatim:

I asked Allah's Apostle. "We hunt with the help of these hounds." He said, "If you let loose your trained hounds after a game, and mention the name of Allah, then you can eat what the hounds catch for you, even if they killed the game. But you should not eat of it if the hound has eaten of it, for then it is likely that the hound has caught the game for itself. And if other hounds join your hound in hunting the game, then do not eat of it."
@peacefan So, the difference between the above 2 statements is that the newspaper one is "sugar coated" but even through all the sugar coating they have the same central idea. If you can locate it. (Hint: Nuking Iranian territory and then its Capital)

Who decides to "drop a nuke in Iranian desert"??? Certainly No one. That is like saying that Russia is deciding to drop an H-Bomb on the US because the US supported the rebels in the Russian Revolution, which in turn killed more than 20 million innocent people. Now I know that the West will be on its heels screaming genocide towards Russia.

Now, I don't see anyone screaming "genocide"??? Why??? Do, Iranian people not count as human beings??? Do innocent people not live in Tehran???

Even if a nuke is dropped on Tehran, do you think that the Nuke will only kill people in Tehran only???

i already told you that guys like this do not determine US or Israeli choice of weapons.

i'll add that i think it's very very unlikely the US or Israel will use WMD against Iran. Not only are they by far not the best weapon for the job of dismanteling the Iranian nuclear weapons program (which, by my analysis of the facts detected by the IAEA that show up the international news, is real but "simply" always denied by the Iranian government (again last night on AlJazeera)), but using WMD during a mission to prune WMD facilities in Iran would *also* cost nato and israel *way* too much moral highground vs muslim religous-dictatorial regimes.
And in a fight of large cultures, one's culture's hold on the moral highground determines to greater extent than military leaders often want to admit, the tides and outcome of the fight, and i'm pretty sure the US GOP and Democratic parties agree with me on both these opinions of mine, and that the current Israeli leadership does as well.
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