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American-Jewish Barbarians, Genocide of Iranians Planned

Humanity Must Unite against Wars Imperialism Racism Fascism Nazism Genocide by following Countries

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I know, so have I. His insanity does not give us the lenience to abuse him, though.

His opinion? This is his opinion,posted on of the many similar threads he has infested the forum with:https://defence.pk/threads/great-br...ine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/
He's basically calling for the extermination of americans,europeans,jews .I've tried to reason with him in another of his idiotic threads and he only answered with "dog of hell,your kind,christians must die.Islam will come"

He's batsh%t crazy,i don't know why he isn't banned by now.He deserves every insult thrown at him,he's repugnant."
I would say, "Everything that is needed in life". Is that okay for you??
Live your life by his idea's and let me know how that works out for you.

Now, that I have answered your question. I would like to ask you the same question that you just asked.

They teach us to be good Americans.:usflag:They prepared us for the REAL WORLD.

... BUT you cannot discuss about God or any other religion in school

If you want to talk about religion in school, go to a religious school. There are plenty around. Go to an islamic school, talk about islam ALL DAY. Who cares ?

"We do not talk about God in school"
Correct. That's the way things work here, junior. When in Rome do as the Romans. How would things go if I moved to Pakistan and wanted to talk about Catholicism all day ? Not too well, I'd guess.

Now, if you cannot even talk about "God" in schools forget about having a decent conversation with your fellow classmates on anything else than they teach us in class.
You're in the wrong school, chief.

Because, last year, in my 10th grade, my English teacher was showing me a documentary about North Korea and saying "How horrible the people there must be".
ELEVENTH GRADE ??!! That explains everything. Wait till you get out into the 'real world'. Not living in your Mommy and Daddys cozy little 'womb'.

Now, tell me, WHO tries to teach students about what is happening in other countries in English class???

The same people who talk about God in Science class ?

Most the people, here in the US, go to public school. Meaning that whatever we read and write is controlled by the government.

At least, I went to a private school in Pakistan where I was away from the influence of the government, if not wholly.

And who controls public school in Pakistan ?

... I know that people in the US are more afraid/concern about what they teach us in school than people in Pakistan.
People SHOULD be concerned about what their kids are learning. If Pakistanis aren't too concerned, shame on them.

... your apparently 'free' to stay in your 'disneyland' where the USA is right and every other country is "brainwashing" its kids. (I know every country does that but the US is at the top of the list).
I LOVE DisneyWorld !! Never been to DisneyLand. How do you know what 'every country does' ? You're a little kid. Go out, get a job, live in the REAL world for a while and then MAYBE we can talk. You DON'T KNOW what you DON'T KNOW.

Nice article HJ but I would advise that the words "barbarian" and others, likewise be edited so that wrong ideas might not jump into other people's mind and the message is sent as rationally and as positively as possible.

How can he put a 'positive' spin on THAT message ? Impossible !! And he's STILL an asshole !!:usflag:
I'm keep saying this, ME section of the PDF is absolutely trash at the moment.

Some serious moderation needed, to keep lunatics out.
I'm keep saying this, ME section of the PDF is absolutely trash at the moment.

Some serious moderation needed, to keep lunatics out.
People who support European Domination of the Rest of World, must be Evil Racist Lunatic Nazis Demons out of Hell, they need good Beating and some one have to stand up and begin their beatings!
...and I tried to explain that the "water cycle" is also explained in the Quran and that it was explained by religion before science even used the term "physics"...

And before you proclaim islam to be the be all end all in science, take as gander at some of these hadith and koranic gems...

Muhammad prescribed eating seven dates in the morning to ward off evil spells (Muslim 5081,
Bukhari 65:356).
A child resembles whichever parent climaxed first (Bukhari 55:546)
Satan causes yawning (Bukhari 73:245)
Spoons should be covered before going to bed (Bukhari 69:527)
Oversleeping is caused by Satan urinating in ones ear (Bukhari 54:492)
The bathroom should be entered with the left foot first. (Fiqh - Islamic law)
Keeping a dog as a pet will cost the owner a celestial reward (Bukhari 67:389)
A man should spit only to his left (Muslim 7149)
The penis should be held with the left hand only when urinating (Muslim 512)
A person should wipe their butt with an odd number of stones after defecating (Bukhari 4:162)
Satan sleeps in ones nose, so water should be snorted each day (Bukhari 54:516)
No one should lie on their back with one foot crossing the other.
Bad dreams can be warded off by spitting over the left side of the bed (Bukhari 87:115)
The right shoe should be put on before the left (Muslim 514)
No one should enter the house through the back door (Qur'an 2:189)

I'm keep saying this, ME section of the PDF is absolutely trash at the moment....

Hey, the M.E. is a f@cked up place. What do you expect ?
They teach us to be good Americans.They prepared us for the REAL WORLD

Wow, they teach you to be "good Americans" funniest thing I ever heard in this forum. School never teaches us to be "good American". Never. Want some examples of why it never teaches us to be "good Americans"? Racism??? ring a bell in your head?? (I can still see it today). Want another example that it does not teach you to be good Americans??? Read your first comment on this thread. Now, everyone knows what they teach you in school. ;)

By the way, I didn't answer rest of your statements since they were either off the point, had snappy insults added to their ends (which means that you don't even know what to say) or were so easy to answer that I don't want to waste more of my time explaining something so clear to you. :rolleyes:

Live your life by his idea's and let me know how that works out for you.
Now, I said that because I am provided everything I need in life (by the schools of my country). If you had reread my statement, you would have seen that I was answering your question "WTF do they teach you 'people' in school over there?".

And he's STILL an asshole !!

Even after all of my posts, you cannot keep up a neutral tone or attitude. Please don't respond, at least in a negative way.

math lessons:"hello children,1 jew + 1 jew=2 jews that have to be killed"

If you don't know what is happening in other countries, which you don't, according to what you wrote. Try to create a thread and see what responses you get or just visit that country. I know they don't teach that in Pakistan, so please keep your highly educated biased opinion towards yourself.

Let's hope Iran is liquidated soon. The world will rejoice.
I'm fully behind Israel.

If your behind Israel, then say so. Just try not to spread hate and all by saying "Let's hope Iran is liquidated soon. The world will rejoice."

You don't even know what your neighbor's opinion on this issue, how will you know that the world will rejoice??? :disagree:
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...Want some examples of why it never teaches us to be "good Americans"? Racism???...

Your school teaches you to be a racist ? The other kids goof on you, don't they ?

By the way, I didn't answer rest of your statements since they were either off the point, had snappy insults added to their ends (which means that you don't even know what to say) or were so easy to answer that I don't want to waste more of my time explaining something so clear to you. :rolleyes:

Couldn't handle those cool, scientific hadiths, huh ? Probably surprise I even knew what a hadith was.

Even after all of my posts, you cannot keep up a neutral tone or attitude. Please don't respond, at least in a negative way.

Who died and left you in charge ? Although you DID say 'please'.
HumanJinn said:

....On 22 Oct 2013, and in an event in New York City at Yeshiva University, Sheldon Adelson said: the US should fire an atomic bomb into Tehran, and Iran should be ‘wiped out’. Click to expand...
1 : the guy only said "drop a nuke in Iranian desert and say 'the next one goes onto Teheran, if you don't stop enriching nuclear fuel yourselves'".

@peacefan So, the difference between the above 2 statements is that the newspaper one is "sugar coated" but even through all the sugar coating they have the same central idea. If you can locate it. (Hint: Nuking Iranian territory and then its Capital)

Who decides to "drop a nuke in Iranian desert"??? Certainly No one. That is like saying that Russia is deciding to drop an H-Bomb on the US because the US supported the rebels in the Russian Revolution, which in turn killed more than 20 million innocent people. Now I know that the West will be on its heels screaming genocide towards Russia.

Now, I don't see anyone screaming "genocide"??? Why??? Do, Iranian people not count as human beings??? Do innocent people not live in Tehran???

Even if a nuke is dropped on Tehran, do you think that the Nuke will only kill people in Tehran only???
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People who support European Domination of the Rest of World, must be Evil Racist Lunatic Nazis Demons out of Hell, they need good Beating and some one have to stand up and begin their beatings!


That's it the exact case, i'm talking about. While you are on it you should see the entire discussion in this thread.
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