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Iranians' love of alcohol

Well, a lot of Iranians here seem to think their country is special, pure and Islamic.

Turns out they love a good drink like many other people in the world.
interestingly there are a zillion new israeli member popping out from here and there recently.

wazzup ? :lol:
interestingly there are a zillion new israeli member popping out from here and there recently.

wazzup ? :lol:

A lot of Iranis being banned :lol:

Yeah, great to see more and more Israelis here and getting on well with the Arabs who aren't called Hazzy.
I was in Tehran during Shah's time, Sham's pilsener beer = abcho = Gumurukh = Brothel.
Wine shops open, skating, and other good things.
Hale shuma khoob Aga?
Khaili khoobe

Lately Iranians are turning to be athiests.
I have met several..

There are silent Jihadis, there are silent Atheists in Iran.
About 60% give a shit about religion.

Everyone knows the way Iranians are living now is not their natural way.

We all remember those pictures of them in the 60's and 70's looking very western and living a carefree life.

The world needs more atheism. Too many people are dying for religion these days.

Everyone knows the way Iranians are living now is not their natural way.

We all remember those pictures of them in the 60's and 70's looking very western and living a carefree life.

The world needs more atheism. Too many people are dying for religion these days.
Atheism will hardly solve anything. The problem is with the people who are trying to shove their beliefs/moral code into other's *** by force. Religion should be practiced on an individual basis, even within members of families. I see huge similarities between these people who force their religion on others and thugs in school rugby team. Both just try to push some moral code that even they know they can't practice honestly.

From what I know Iran was much more conservative before the revolution and revolution happened as a result of that.
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List of countries by alcohol consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Was quite surprised to see India on top even beating Eastern Europe :blink:
Thought Brazil would be fairly close to the top. We love Beer.
Actually the top one is Moldova, but someone has changed it to India in English wikipedia. :lol:
You can check wikipedia on other languages, and they are showing that Moldova is the first country ;)
Check this one:
Liste der Länder nach Alkoholkonsum – Wikipedia
Actually the top one is Moldova, but someone has changed it to India in English wikipedia. :lol:
You can check wikipedia on other languages, and they are showing that Moldova is the first country ;)
Check this one:
Liste der Länder nach Alkoholkonsum – Wikipedia

LOL wikipedia

Atheism will hardly solve anything. The problem is with the people who are trying to shove their beliefs/moral code into other's *** by force. Religion should be practiced on an individual basis, even within members within family. I see huge similarities between these people who force their religion on others and thugs in school rugby team. Both just try to push some moral code that even they know they can't practice honestly.

From what I know Iran was much more conservative before the revolution and revolution happened as a result of that.

Well, atheism will solve the need to fight for religion as a start.

So no Shia/Sunni conflict.

You are correct with regards to the Iranian enforcers - I just don't see what Iranians can do about it. The state security apparatus is too strong and we've seen they're prepared to kill their own.
Well, atheism will solve the need to fight for religion as a start.

So no Shia/Sunni conflict.

You are correct with regards to the Iranian enforcers - I just don't see what Iranians can do about it. The state security apparatus is too strong and we've seen they're prepared to kill their own.
When one reason is gone, another reason will emerge for humans to kill each other. This is a never ending cycle. Best way is to pave way to take advantage from conflicts.
When one reason is gone, another reason will emerge for humans to kill each other. This is a never ending cycle. Best way is to pave way to take advantage from conflicts.

Religion has nothing to do with conflicts, it's about competing for interests and western domination over the Middle East. Arab nations can't become advanced, if they do then Israeli terrorists start killing German, Egyptian, Iraqi and Iranian scientists and intimidate everyone so they dominate the region. Once Israeli terrorism comes to an end, is when we will see a prosperous Middle East.
Religion has nothing to do with conflicts, it's about competing for interests and western domination over the Middle East. Arab nations can't become advanced, if they do then Israeli terrorists start killing German, Egyptian, Iraqi and Iranian scientists and intimidate everyone so they dominate the region. Once Israeli terrorism comes to an end, is when we will see a prosperous Middle East.

LOL Israel is not the big problem, the big problem is House of Saud and Wilayat Faqih. Both these bozos are the opposites of the same coin with Sunni and Shia twists who are butchering each other all over the region.
LOL Israel is not the big problem, the big problem is House of Saud and Wilayat Faqih. Both these bozos are the opposites of the same coin with Sunni and Shia twists who are butchering each other all over the region.

Israel is a huge problem, so is the Saudi Arabian monarchy.
Well, atheism will solve the need to fight for religion as a start.
So no Shia/Sunni conflict.
You are correct with regards to the Iranian enforcers - I just don't see what Iranians can do about it. The state security apparatus is too strong and we've seen they're prepared to kill their own.
How about shutting your mouth up, and start caring more about your shitty, occupied hole, called country and your man made ridicules sectarianism, called religion. Iranians don't need your pathetic opinions here.
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