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Iran Warns Saudi Arabia of Harassing Shia Pilgrims

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it become interesting when turkey buy 10 cobra from USA to defeat PKK but our soldiers use some TOYOTA HILUX with a SVD to kill PKK and other damned terrorist, and it is funny when we kill them but they can't stop them
it become interesting when turkey buy 10 cobra from USA to defeat PKK but our soldiers use some TOYOTA HILUX with a SVD to kill PKK and other damned terrorist, and it is funny when we kill them but they can't stop them

Dont forget we rapped the Pjak and they are still trying to figure out where the PKK is and what PKK stands for.:lol:
We are free to our opinion :P don't like it ten do somethig about it.

Actually we can do something about it, don't mistake our brotherhood for weakness. Holy sites are for every muslim, and not just who saudis think.

with that Saudi official beating in Islamabad airport still a fresh memory, dont be surprised when you hear even harsher treatment of pilgrims.

YOu know i serious believe these no good saudi clerics need to be taught a lesson so next time before they call some one haza maskeen or like they were beating that poor bandladeshi driver, they think a thousand times. SaudiArabia the most powerful country of the world yeah right, our special forces can take out this so called wana be powerful country of the world and take control of the holy places.
we do no discriminate againt any Iranian, we have Zoroastrian,jew,chrsitian all living in harmony.

Now do not start showy chauvinism here, that we do not do this we do not do that. The whole world knows how you treat you Sunnis and blaming to Saudi Arabia for mistreating Shias shall not going to solve you problem clean your house first before preaching.
Now do not start showy chauvinism here, that we do not do this we do not do that. The whole world knows how you treat you Sunnis and blaming to Saudi Arabia for mistreating Shias shall not going to solve you problem clean your house first before preaching.

Tell me again how does any of this concern an Indian, or is the usual habit you guys have developed lecturing others and poking your nose where it doesn't belong.
Take a hike Indian.
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