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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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I do not think going full retard on Afghanistan is the answer. The enemies of Pakistan would surely want Pakistan to make such a move.

The folks responsible for national security should have known better what will happen when Taliban took over along with their TTP cousins with truck loads of weapons, which the Americans left behind.

To defeat this enemy you must first cut off the head of the snake. That is a difficult task.
Who are you alluding to the head of snake?
Kabul must burn!
Whilst I have no love lost for Afghanistan taliban, this is just the sort of knee jerk reaction the enemy wants. To drag Pakistan into a regional protracted conflict destabilising the country further ahead of elections and then come the calls to “secure Pakistani nukes”.

Who are you alluding to the head of snake?
Bahi jan the snakes in our own house. The ones with very long beards and stomachs full of Halwa.
I have made list of attacks on paf,pn installations. Lost count and it was horrific.

IMO all started 10 August 1999, with Pn Breguet Atlantic shotdown by iaf mig 21 bison during kargil. Paf sat looking at that time.
Paf restored some lost respect for? 27 Feb 2019 shooting down 2+1 iaf during PMIK.

Since then Pakistan in abyss, with bajwa doctrine ruling supreme.
PTI has to be taught a lesson like AL.

SIPRI or even some human rights ngo might have a list of number of terror attacks in Pakistan in last 4 years...they are wayyyyyy too many.

Tells standard of military.
Some semi professionals in this forum still trust them.
Just imagine, if Khalistanis attacked IAF Amritsar AFS, how much randi rona we would have to endure from pajeets. Not only would their military risk a nuclear war, but their entire civilian society (regardless of occupation, political orientation, caste, religion, or race) in India and abroad would unite to peddle anti Pakistan narrative and lobby against Pakistan in international forums.

But TTP has literally walked into Mianwala AFB and leisurely blown up multiple jets, and Pakmil is sleeping, busy licking Afghan shoes clean, while shameless pseudo liberals and pashtun nationalists are begging to keep undocumented illegal refugees.

Remember what Turkey did in Iraq after a failed attack on some random office? They launched multiple airstrikes within 24 hours.

Pakmil doesn't even fire back at Afghans or Indians at the border anymore.
A motivated and trained intruder is very difficult to be stopped by physical barriers like high walls.

High walls mostly create a false sense of security. Example -

Security personnel might get into a sense of lull believing that scaling a wall is very difficult. Example above shows that it is not. What if intruders take a JCB machine in a brazen attack like in Gaza?

There has to be adequate number of well trained guards deployed all around for gap free coverage. It has to be coupled with hi-tech surveillance, because humans have the tendency to fail. What is the cost involved to provide this kind of security? Has to be very high. It may not be possible to maintain a highest level of security at all times. Even then, it may not work. Example - Recent intrusion by Hamas in Israel.

That is where intelligence comes in play and security can be scaled up selectively on an input. Mianwali has a zig -zag kind of perimeter. That further creates an issue. It would become more difficult to secure it compared to a perimeter in straight line. The perimeter length is close to 16 Kms. The area to be defended is also a massive one, as shown in the pic below.

Recent intrusion by Hamas in Gaza clearly shows that mere presence of barriers can’t stop a motivated and trained group. It has to be a multi-pronged strategy to stop an attack like this. Casualties are also bound to happen because the attackers have most of the advantages. That includes fidayeen mindset of being ready to die.

Most people here are analysing this as a tactical failure in terms of response by the teams on the ground. It wasn’t. If someone tries a similar attack at some other installation like an Air Force base, then it is likely to be as devastating as this one.
Just imagine, if Khalistanis attacked IAF Amritsar AFS, how much randi rona we would have to endure from pajeets. Not only would their military risk a nuclear war, but their entire civilian society (regardless of occupation, political orientation, caste, religion, or race) in India and abroad would unite to peddle anti Pakistan narrative and lobby against Pakistan in international forums.

But TTP has literally walked into Mianwala AFB and leisurely blown up multiple jets, and Pakmil is sleeping, busy licking Afghan shoes clean, while shameless pseudo liberals and pashtun nationalists are begging to keep undocumented illegal refugees.
I have to agree with your latter post, deport all Afghans. Those with children born here can be considered for naturalisation if they surrender their afghan nationality, those who are waiting for their visas to be processed for travel to western counties can stay provided the UNHCR and their new adopted countries provide assurances and the rest can return to Afghanistan.

A motivated and trained intruder is very difficult to be stopped by physical barriers like high walls.

High walls mostly create a false sense of security. Example -

Security personnel might get into a sense of lull believing that scaling a wall is very difficult. Example above shows that it is not. What if intruders take a JCB machine in a brazen attack like in Gaza?

There has to be adequate number of well trained guards deployed all around for gap free coverage. It has to be coupled with hi-tech surveillance, because humans have the tenderly to fail. What is the cost involved to provide this kind of security? Has to be very high. It may not be possible to maintain a highest level of security at all times.

That is where intelligence comes in play and security can be scaled up selectively on an input. Mianwali has a zig -zag kind of perimeter. That further creates an issue. It would become more difficult to secure it compared to a perimeter in straight line. The perimeter length is close to 16 Kms. The area to be defended is also a massive one, as shown in the pic below.View attachment 968689

Recent intrusion by Hamas in Gaza clearly shows that mere presence of barriers can’t stop a motivated and trained group. It has to be a multi-pronged strategy to stop an attack like this. Casualties are also bound to happen because the attackers have most of the advantages. That includes fidayeen mindset of being ready to die.

Most people here are analysing this as a tactical failure in terms of response by the teams on the ground. It wasn’t. If someone tries a similar attack at some other installation like an Air Force base, then it is likely to be as devastating as this one.
This was an intelligence failure, one that everyone here has accepted. Thanks for your input.
first we need to distinguish between our friends and enemies. as soon as China start increasing its presence in Pakistan, few powers suddenly emerged for blocking that influences.
first we need to distinguish between our friends and enemies. as soon as China start increasing its presence in Pakistan, few powers suddenly emerged for blocking that influences.
To be honest the security dynamics of Pakistan became fluid and perilous shortly after the start of the GWOT. Prior to that there was little in terms of border skirmishes or internal security threats bar dacoits in Sindh and BLA in Balochistan blowing up pipelines.
first we need to distinguish between our friends and enemies. as soon as China start increasing its presence in Pakistan, few powers suddenly emerged for blocking that influences.
Your enemies are almost entirely internal. It's not outside powers' fault that you have so many internal fault lines.

The problem is it is in the interest of the ruling feudal elite to allow these fault lines to exist so they can exert control over the stupid and divided masses.

Biggest nightmare of enemies of Pakistan is the ideology of Pakistani nationalism envisioned by Jinnah

That is why they killed Jinnah and divided us along religious, ethnic, sectarian, linguistic lines. Zia ul haq was very polarising figure but at least he somewhat united Pakistan under the banner of Islam, and after defeating the Soviets he laid his eyes on India and Israel; subsequently he too was eliminated and his half done work (mostly importing millions of Afghans and radicalizing them) ruined Pakistani society for generations to come.
To be honest the security dynamics of Pakistan became fluid and perilous shortly after the start of the GWOT. Prior to that there was little in terms of border skirmishes or internal security threats bar dacoits in Sindh and BLA in Balochistan blowing up pipelines.
State has failed miserably in narrative building for the last 20 years. TTP was formed by tribes who declared Pakistan Kaafir for helping America hunt OBL. But if state pushed the narrative that OBL killed civilians in violation of Islamic rules of war, this would not be an issue.

Even this year the imbeciles in ISPR decided to declare cyber war on PTI, instead of trying to diffuse the situation, and now every Paksitani social media forum from PDF to Facebook is full of self loathing and demoralization.
I have to agree with your latter post, deport all Afghans. Those with children born here can be considered for naturalisation if they surrender their afghan nationality, those who are waiting for their visas to be processed for travel to western counties can stay provided the UNHCR and their new adopted countries provide assurances and the rest can return to Afghanistan.
This is a knee jerk reaction that will backfire, deporting Afghans randomly is not a solution but a venting of frustration. I fail to see what tangible benefits v/s the costs Pakistan will get from this.
This is a knee jerk reaction that will backfire, deporting Afghans randomly is not a solution but a venting of frustration. I fail to see what tangible benefits v/s the costs Pakistan will get from this.
The deportation of Afghan has been on the table since 2005. It has just been postponed for far too long.

Undocumented Afghans are a security risk. Plain and simple.
This is a knee jerk reaction that will backfire, deporting Afghans randomly is not a solution but a venting of frustration. I fail to see what tangible benefits v/s the costs Pakistan will get from this.
These attackers were illegal infiltrators from Afghanistan using gear sourced entirely from Afghanistan.

The majority of suicide attacks have been done by Afghans

Having undocumented movement of people and material from Afghanistan into Pakistan is a massive security risk

Afghans are like Zionist settlers. We gave them refugee from invading armies, they take our resources, and in return they claim our territory, kill our civilians, and do propaganda against us, usually at the orders of Hindutva handlers.

Try going into the US or EU without documents, see how quickly you are deported. Iran is deporting all 5 million of its Afghans and no one has said a word against Iran.
You realise that both what you mentioned can be true as well as a link with India? (which has been historically proven already)

This is always how an insurgency works, you exploit existing problems or fault lines using sectarian or ethnic issues

Blaming India for this attack is pure misdirection. Fact is you are loosing soldiers to your western tribesmen(Both Baloch and Pashtun). Before 2019, every Pakistani leader, both military and civil were blaming Indian consulates for every militant attacks in Pakistan. Everyone was cheering for Taliban take over and close down of Indian consulates. And ever since Taliban came to power, militant attacks Increased 5 fold. TTP unified under Noor wali Masood, more than 30 militant fractions joined TTP in the last 3 years.

TTP/Taliban now have 80Billion dollars worth modern weapons, they don't need weapons from any nation including India for an Insurgency campaign. Ever since fall of Kabul, militant kit improved significantly. BLA attackers are now using m4s, night vision equipments (Procured from TTP),and it's the same with TTP attackers. Indian intelligence have negligible links with TTP/Taliban. Baloch militants on the other hand have limited links.
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