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I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

That's no BS, that's an actual fact. Ofcourse, you have the right to disagree. Disagree if you must and move on.

This is Pakistan related thread, let us have our talk here among ourselves.

Kindly move out to some India related thread and just for the reference use our examples to make a point among yourselves and nobody will bother you. Thank you.

See now that you are polite it's impossible to be churlish and refuse.

Is this the norm here? Pakistanis sticking to Pakistani threads. Indians sticking to Indian threads. And the two meeting only on general interest threads.

P.S. It's a fact only in Pakistani fevered imagination. Ask any Indian what the reality of the Brahmin elite in India is. Ask @-=virus=- he is a bonafide janeudhaari.
If you prop up criminals like Nawaz and his minions, this sort of sentiment is justified. It feels as if leaders in all institutions are cut from the same cloth for example I didn't expect judiciary to be this complicit. Its like a mafia of like minded criminals that have unrelenting hold on power, very similar to RSS Hindu terrorists' in India.
Many people start off as different but they get their software updated and become part of the system. System is the problem.
Every institution of Pakistan is corrupt including Army. We just had our blinders on because we thought that they will at the least fight our enemies.

It’s like tolerating an incompetent Manager to run your company because, hey he’s useful for something right?

Then everyone came to the stark revelation that the Manager is sinking the company, while stealing and screwing the secretary. :lol:
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Ask @-=virus=- he is a bonafide janeudhaari.
Well, even overseas Pakistanis (me being one) are not that stupid anymore. The sustained bouts of devaluation of PKR (that are again indirectly linked to real estate sapping the productive potential of the economy, lowering productivity thereby increasing reliance on food imports, expanding trade deficit and hence swelling current account deficit) have made the investment even in speculative heavens like real estate financially unviable for overseas Pakistanis. Interest rates in host countries are pretty high offering safer investment options. What actually happens with such projects is that in order for them to be developed, major inputs get imported (construction machinery, steel, paint, tiles, plumbing fixtures, etc). This puts pressure on the current account when you are not producing anything of worth for the world to offset the dollars you are bleeding to develop such BULLSHIT vanity projects. Young folks like @Ssan have bought the dogma hook, line, and sinker that Imran Khan is some uber visionary. They can't see how he is part of the problem just like his political opponents, not a solution. The worse is that he is also a hypocrite. Denouncing real estate "mafia" in one breath while also pimping for their interests in the shape of extractive undertakings like RUDA that are shrinking arable agricultural land in a country that is now importing 9 billion DOLLARS worth of food each year (only going to increase as climate change makes crop yields plummet in the coming years).
No young Pakistanis like me have not accepted anything. If you have a problem with land grabbing, that’s good. You can increase local tax on real estate. Introduce Texas like laws. Problem will resolve itself. This is a case of elite capture for sure.

But developing and building new housing that can accommodate our growing population is also important and needed. Just should be done in a more intelligent manner.
Is anyone else starting to feel the same, it's like a house rat or some shit, like finding a bad friend is worse than a cruel enemy
I see our country and I just can't understand why are we poor, like I can't understand it except for someone literally keeping you down
or am I being emotional - it's elite capture but they are getting all the blame?

Over the past 6 years, they changed PM's like underwear, all the elite class is with PDM while the country is on the other side, almost unanimous

For the first time ever in my life I’m harboring hatred for Pakistan. Like it’s insane.

What a state! We were progressing and now we are at the verge of default. Within a span of months and a decision.

Pakistanis are majority happy with the system. So I don’t expect much to change.

We literally got hit with the worst floods that destroyed my province of Balochistan and literally no one cares or is talking about it or giving any concern now.

Just admit we are finished and focus on your ethnic identity and your personal relationship with God.

At this point there’s nothing much but copium.

Well, even overseas Pakistanis (me being one) are not that stupid anymore. The sustained bouts of devaluation of PKR (that are again indirectly linked to real estate sapping the productive potential of the economy, lowering productivity thereby increasing reliance on food imports, expanding trade deficit and hence swelling current account deficit) have made the investment even in speculative heavens like real estate financially unviable for overseas Pakistanis. Interest rates in host countries are pretty high offering safer investment options. What actually happens with such projects is that in order for them to be developed, major inputs get imported (construction machinery, steel, paint, tiles, plumbing fixtures, etc). This puts pressure on the current account when you are not producing anything of worth for the world to offset the dollars you are bleeding to develop such BULLSHIT vanity projects. Young folks like @Ssan have bought the dogma hook, line, and sinker that Imran Khan is some uber visionary. They can't see how he is part of the problem just like his political opponents, not a solution. The worse is that he is also a hypocrite. Denouncing real estate "mafia" in one breath while also pimping for their interests in the shape of extractive undertakings like RUDA that are shrinking arable agricultural land in a country that is now importing 9 billion DOLLARS worth of food each year (only going to increase as climate change makes crop yields plummet in the coming years).

Imran Khan did the most for KPK and Pashtuns overall.

That’s why I think he’s an Uber visionary.

I am hopeful because Pakistan was formed by some very smart and principled leaders.

The effect of their smartness went away after 1971.
Well, even overseas Pakistanis (me being one) are not that stupid anymore. The sustained bouts of devaluation of PKR (that are again indirectly linked to real estate sapping the productive potential of the economy, lowering productivity thereby increasing reliance on food imports, expanding trade deficit and hence swelling current account deficit) have made the investment even in speculative heavens like real estate financially unviable for overseas Pakistanis. Interest rates in host countries are pretty high offering safer investment options. What actually happens with such projects is that in order for them to be developed, major inputs get imported (construction machinery, steel, paint, tiles, plumbing fixtures, etc). This puts pressure on the current account when you are not producing anything of worth for the world to offset the dollars you are bleeding to develop such BULLSHIT vanity projects. Young folks like @Ssan have bought the dogma hook, line, and sinker that Imran Khan is some uber visionary. They can't see how he is part of the problem just like his political opponents, not a solution. The worse is that he is also a hypocrite. Denouncing real estate "mafia" in one breath while also pimping for their interests in the shape of extractive undertakings like RUDA that are shrinking arable agricultural land in a country that is now importing 9 billion DOLLARS worth of food each year (only going to increase as climate change makes crop yields plummet in the coming years).
The reason that we have to import food now has more to do with how agricultural products are priced internally and discriminatory water pricing that feeds the input to agriculture. The feudals get access to water at unreasonable prices that they waste growing water intense crops like rice and sugar that actually decrease our overall GDP as we don’t have water to grow less intense crops that could feed us. Fix the pricing issue (free market) and fix the water pricing issue and you solve this in literally a couple of years.
I think for me, I am holding out for a much more aggressive Khan when he comes back to power now again. Previously, he had that 1-page idea and didn’t want to step on establishment toes as much as he could. He was practicing pragmatic politics but I doubt he would do that in his second term. Might be wrong though.
I think for me, I am holding out for a much more aggressive Khan when he comes back to power now again. Previously, he had that 1-page idea and didn’t want to step on establishment toes as much as he could. He was practicing pragmatic politics but I doubt he would do that in his second term. Might be wrong though.

I don’t think he’s coming back.

The establishment seem to want him dead and gone as indicating by the shooting.
No young Pakistanis like me have not accepted anything. If you have a problem with land grabbing, that’s good. You can increase local tax on real estate. Introduce Texas like laws. Problem will resolve itself. This is a case of elite capture for sure.

But developing and building new housing that can accommodate our growing population is also important and needed. Just should be done in a more intelligent manner.
Indeed, but all the housing that is being built currently and is being approved is simply high-end luxury vanity estates that are out of reach of 99.5% Pakistani's. Tax on these vanity projects will never be introduced because 1. Half of the government (regardless of party) consists of the Real-estate mafia 2. GOP, Military views these projects as a quick and easy way to earn $$$ on basis of overseas Pakistani's dumping money.
Is anyone else starting to feel the same, it's like a house rat or some shit, like finding a bad friend is worse than a cruel enemy
I see our country and I just can't understand why are we poor, like I can't understand it except for someone literally keeping you down
or am I being emotional - it's elite capture but they are getting all the blame?

Over the past 6 years, they changed PM's like underwear, all the elite class is with PDM while the country is on the other side, almost unanimous
well, Pakistanis shouldn't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, they should go out and do something about it seriously, persistently and wholeheartedly. That is the only way out. Some here are referring to Indian caste system. Indians are still medieval in their thinking and conduct. Wait for the time when Indian really become powerful, there would be hell for all neighbouring countries. These evil shitters would be far worse than USA mark my words. It is good thing they are cowards by nature otherwise, they would have already started to make our lives hell. But don't be misguided it is already strted to happen, albeit verbally. Recently one commander or IA threatened to take over Pakistani northern areas by force.
As for our "Barhamins" uniformed or otherwise, equality would mean death to their privilages. Just imagine, could Sharifs have survived without privilages restored to them by the Uniformed after every few years, and all their sins, theft, criminality is forgiven!! The slate is wiped clean so they can come back and legally loot Pakistan again!!
Who does that!! Not someone who is loyal and love their country. But only those who are traitors and are working against their own country for their fistsfull.

Bajwa has done all Pakistanis a favour, he had stripped PA generals naked. There is no doubts anymore in the minds of intelligent people, what is happening and who is responsible. Whatever is left would be destroyed in Arshad Sharif case. His Question "wo kon tha" is answered emphhaticcally in his death tragedy.
Wake up, wise up, smel the coffee. You have the chance now, it is now or never. You got IK and some of his party members, like Swati etc. who are standing up and exposing the whole system day by day. There are some handful journalists who speak the truth. Imagine, how the remaining jounralists lied to Pakistanis all their lives and still lying ot them.
Freedom is deserved for only those who are brave enough to snatch it from their enemies.
some generals not all some bad eggs in military need to be kicked
I used to think this. Many of us did. I no longer think this. Not a single person resigned when they killed Arshad, our patriot? When they tried killing IK, plunging country in chaos no one came forward saying my plots are not more valuable than my country?. It’s more bad apples than good. I hope IK does massive purge when he comes in power. And not just fire them but lose pension, regular jail, ECL, if treason proven rapid executions. It will cost him his life but it will fix Pakistan. I can’t imagine a year ago even considering such extreme measures.

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