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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

The current crop of Mirage drivers don't share that point of view, but good summary nonetheless. By fit meaning current with the profession, physical fitness thankfully is being addressed strongly by the leadership these days.
Yes, a little bit of H, and a little bit of R, and a little bit of B, and they wont agree. I love the Mirage. Spent a lot of time in 8th, but for many here who think we can replace them with JFT, i just have a low oxygen chuckle.
Yes, a little bit of H, and a little bit of R, and a little bit of B, and they wont agree. I love the Mirage. Spent a lot of time in 8th, but for many here who think we can replace them with JFT, i just have a low oxygen chuckle.
Different generation of fighter pilots, being trained for a different type of warfare with applied basics from the past. The current crop may have newer instruments and weapons to deal with yet having to learn 30 years of experience in 8 months definitely would have them question the current role they're assigned to.

Very interesting, my father never flew Mirages, he was a Viper (still is abroad) and F-6 guy, but my cousin flew with Bandits most of his flying career on Mirages, he thoroughly loved his time on the deltas at Karachi.
Yes, a little bit of H, and a little bit of R, and a little bit of B, and they wont agree. I love the Mirage. Spent a lot of time in 8th, but for many here who think we can replace them with JFT, i just have a low oxygen chuckle.

your chuckle reminds me of one my clients who over sped the F-7P chasing a Mirage at low altitude at saffron bandit...Mind you that was a hand shake - IV F-7P still could not catch it..
Yes, a little bit of H, and a little bit of R, and a little bit of B, and they wont agree. I love the Mirage. Spent a lot of time in 8th, but for many here who think we can replace them with JFT, i just have a low oxygen chuckle.
Ok we all know everything has to go one day so the mirages what replacement PAF should look at????
Pal, i hate it when people shove youtube with annoying computer voice. It is useless piece of kak ... sorry for my proverbial english. b/s with no value what so ever.

Mastan Khan doesn't actually think the JH-7 is a good aircraft for the Mirage platform for strike missions over land.

I personally feel we should take a page from the US play book. When the US faced an increasingly better equiped Soviet capability in terms of SAMs and IADS, they didn't try to make bigger, faster, more sophisticated strike aircraft.

They went old school with Skunk works, built aircraft out of spare parts bin, and built the "Wobbling Goblin". An aircraft with a specific mission - to evade radar and put two 2000lb laser guided bombs on target.

What Pak needs is a Mirage 2000 - JF-17 - F-117 hybrid. A mangled genetic khichri that will do exactly that. We need a Pakistani Skunk Works team.
Well I beg to differ, it is well suited all ways around.

if they were that much good why France stop production and some 15 countries retired them already :D
Only top notch variants which mean anything post French are the Kfir/Cheetahs which are all flying in most south american forces.
Ok we all know everything has to go one day so the mirages what replacement PAF should look at????
Spare parts, money, engineering, pilots lives, training, weapons etc etc....the Mirage IIIs and Vs are here to stay for a long time in Pakistan.

Pal, i hate it when people shove youtube with annoying computer voice. It is useless piece of kak ... sorry for my proverbial english. b/s with no value what so ever.

Well I beg to differ, it is well suited all ways around.

Only top notch variants which mean anything post French are the Kfir/Cheetahs which are all flying in most south american forces.
Kfirs and Cheetahs addressed the weaknesses. Not to mention the Mirage IIIs operated by the Swiss AF
Yes i concur, again. we will disagree with your verbiage PAF admin... JH7 in my opinion remains the best strike aircraft to replace M3/5 short of getting PAC work with Atlas engineers to revive the cheetah upgrade.
You have to understand mindset of PAF which is not to experiement too much specially when you have a project which is your baby JF17 .PAF thinks with limited budget thats the reason i admire PAF more than PN/PA as they have a habit of picking up things which they are sure and roots of these are due to fact US trained and 2nd to none attitude now coming to the point of JH7 I love these birds 2 squadrons of these can do wonders for Navy but we have invested soo much in Mirages and experience that it will be a tough ask .I agree with seniour members like Mastan Khan that PAF doesnt know how to market /Sales there is a reason Air forces dotn build planes all over the world

France on the other hand produced Mirage 3 with ground hugging capabilities using a low delta wing configuration which till today is a trademark achievement.
Bingo Spot on here

if mirage is bhutto of PAF then it will be alive in 2120 too :lol:
Irony is unlike Bhuttos these little boys deliver what they are tasked off Feb 2019 more recent example
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Bribery is not a "mistake". It is a crime. Punishable except for the pretty boys who think they are above the land they swore to protect and flaunt its laws.

This is what we call apologetics. Making excuses. And this is why bribery harms Pakistan at the highest levels, specially in the PAF, more than the PA.

A crime is a crime. Stop making excuses for it. Stop lying about it. And stop appealing to patriotism and emotion to hide this.

I think its meaningless to talk to shameless people about shame - they just don't get it.
Have you got proof of this bribery you are claiming occured in PAF? just because a decision does not go a certain way does not mean that back handers was the reason. There may have been other reasons. We have been ruled by worst lot of incompetence for at least a decade with funds being cut left right and centre. What do you expect PAC/PAF to do.

J10B or J10C variant with Chinese engine.
I understand the need and the choice of fighter. My question is at the cusp of generation change do you actually see this happenning? Secondly where do you see the Chinese engine development and when do you think these will be matured enough for PAF to induct them.
Have you got proof of this bribery you are claiming occured in PAF? just because a decision does not go a certain way does not mean that back handers was the reason. There may have been other reasons. We have been ruled by worst lot of incompetence for at least a decade with funds being cut left right and centre. What do you expect PAC/PAF to do.

I understand the need and the choice of fighter. My question is at the cusp of generation change do you actually see this happenning? Secondly where do you see the Chinese engine development and when do you think these will be matured enough for PAF to induct them.

PAF has operating Chinese engines for a long time. I see this aircraft coming into PAF service in about 5 years.
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