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Airstrikes on a Libyan base destroy a Turkish air defense system

They are not imperialists.. They have punished and sanctioned Qatar for its bad deeds toward them..

They took all the wrong approaches. They should've invaded Qatar long ago instead of bombing Yemen which has little results.

Many more mistakes to name taken by the GCC with regards to other Arab states.

What is really dangerous is not the inability of Egypt, GCC to deal with the situation in Libya. It's that they'll do the wrong thing or wait too long. Before we know it we have those MB rats jumping around everywhere with Erdogan's support.
They took all the wrong approaches. They should've invaded Qatar long ago instead of bombing Yemen which has little results.

Many more mistakes to name taken by the GCC with regards to other Arab states.

What is really dangerous is not the inability of Egypt, GCC to deal with the situation in Libya. It's that they'll do the wrong thing or wait too long. Before we know it we have those MB rats jumping around everywhere with Erdogan's support.
Personally, I think it isn't too late to take action and show Turkey who's boss. Wait for Turkey to try crossing the red line in Sirte, and than coordinate a massive bombing campaign with the UAE against all airbases in GNA held territory. This alone would chop the balls off of Turkish efforts in Libya. Than Egypt should hopefully "gift" some SAMs to the Libyan National army to secure the air.
They took all the wrong approaches. They should've invaded Qatar long ago instead of bombing Yemen which has little results.

Many more mistakes to name taken by the GCC with regards to other Arab states.

What is really dangerous is not the inability of Egypt, GCC to deal with the situation in Libya. It's that they'll do the wrong thing or wait too long. Before we know it we have those MB rats jumping around everywhere with Erdogan's support.
Common Bro.. You know that Houthis controlled North Yemen and were infiltrating inside KSA bombing and killing border guards and civilians..all this before Saudi Arabia decided to intervene forcefully and push them back far from its borders..
Invading Qatar was not possible because of the biggest US military base in the ME..So you can be sure it is the US who is playing everyone there still..otherwise you have never seen tiny Qatar ordering US and European systems and fighter planes for more than $20 billion..It is blatantly give me money or I'll stir trouble in your region.. but it can be understood in different ways too..like you should get weapons to defend yourselves..and Qatar is still in the GCC defence cooperation organisation..So that is that..
Everything was and still being done to contain the MB..So no worries about that..
As for mistakes.. if you are referring to Iraq precisely.. then Saddam made the fatal mistakes, not the GCC.. apart from that GCC is supporting all other stable Arab states and helping with all it can..including Iraq now..and even Syria, not talking about tens of billions for Yemen to keep its economy floating..

Personally, I think it isn't too late to take action and show Turkey who's boss. Wait for Turkey to try crossing the red line in Sirte, and than coordinate a massive bombing campaign with the UAE against all airbases in GNA held territory. This alone would chop the balls off of Turkish efforts in Libya. Than Egypt should hopefully "gift" some SAMs to the Libyan National army to secure the air.
They are doing better than that bro..they are being proactive about it all.. these airstrikes mean no air cover for the Wefaq militias.. so they can't really move much..in other words they are paralysed now..as well as their backer..
Personally, I think it isn't too late to take action and show Turkey who's boss.
Show us in which Arabic country? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen? When you cut somebody's beard, his beard will grow stronger like in the example of claimed LNA bombing which doesn't change anything on the ground but when you cut somebody's arm as in the example of Turkish backed removal of LNA, you can not replace that arm, I will have my popcorn and watch the coming days :D
In which Arabic country? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen? When you cut somebody's beard, his beard will grow stronger like in the example of claimed LNA bombing which doesn't change anything on the ground but when you cut somebody's arm as in the example of Turkish backed removal of LNA, you can not replace that arm, I will have my popcorn and watch the coming days :D
Your getting big head disorder I'm afraid son.
I beg you show us who's the boss :turkey:
Big head boi

What is happening here?
Who did this Egypt, France, Russia?
Libya gov't vows response after base hit by 'foreign air force'
Turkey's state news agency says air raids against al-Watiya was carried out by 'unidentified planes' with no casualties.

15 hours ago


GNA troops inspect the al-Watiya airbase after it was recaptured from Khalifa Haftar's fighters in May [Anadolu]
Libya's UN-recognised government on Sunday condemned overnight air raids against a recently recaptured airbase in the west of the country saying the attack was carried out by a "foreign air force".

Fighters loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) seized back the al-Watiya airbase, 140km (90 miles) southwest of the capital Tripoli, from troops aligned with renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar in May.

Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) alleges Turkey - a key GNA backer - subsequently made use of the base to help GNA soldiers repel an offensive it launched against Tripoli in April last year.

Al-Watiya's recapture marked the start of the sudden collapse of the LNA's 14-month assault to seize the capital and led to its hasty retreat along the coast.

"The raids last night against Al-Watiya base were carried out by a ... foreign air force in support of the war criminal [Haftar] in a miserable and desperate attempt to achieve a morale boosting victory," GNA Deputy Defence Minister Salah al-Namrush said in a statement.

'Unknown planes'

He promised a "response in the right place and at the right time", saying the attacks were "a failed attempt to distract from recent victories" by the GNA.

Al-Namrush did not specify which foreign air force was behind the air raid.

Citing military sources, pro-Haftar media earlier reported the air raids were carried out by "unknown planes" that targeted a Turkish aerial defence system installed at al-Watiya.

Turkey's state news agency Anadolu, quoting an unnamed GNA military official, said the raid against al-Watiya was carried out by "unidentified planes" and there were no casualties.

"Materials recently deployed to reinforce anti-aerial capacities were damaged," Anadolu reported.

Battlefield defeats
Plunged into chaos by the 2011 NATO-backed uprising that toppled and killed its longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi, oil-rich Libya has two rival administrations in the west and east of the North African nation.

Haftar's forces are backed by Egypt, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). His fighters withdrew from the southern outskirts of Tripoli and the entire west of the country in June after a string of battlefield defeats to the Turkish-backed GNA.

Turkish support was vital to the GNA in turning back the LNA offensive with advanced air defences and drone attacks that targeted Haftar's supply lines and troop build-ups.


Will setback to Khalifa Haftar change the course of Libya's war?
A Turkish source said last month Turkey was in talks with the GNA to establish two military bases in Libya, one at al-Watiya - the most important airbase in western Libya.

Turkey's Defence Minister Hulusi Akar was in Tripoli for meetings with the GNA on Friday and Saturday.

During its advance towards Tripoli last year, the LNA was assisted by Egyptian and UAE air raids. Last month, the United States said Russia had sent at least 14 MiG29 and Su-24 warplanes to an LNA base.

The GNA and LNA are now mobilising forces at the new front lines between the cities of Misrata and Sirte.

Egypt has warned any Turkish-backed effort to take Sirte, which the LNA captured in January, could lead its army to directly intervene.


what a conflict, it's course reversed by drones and again reversed by 30 fighter jet...
BTW it's funny that people do not believe UAE has SEAD capability.
what a conflict, it's course reversed by drones and again reversed by 30 fighter jet...
BTW it's funny that people do not believe UAE has SEAD capability.

Of course, lol. You can't listen to that one guy who talks out of his behind solely based on hate and 0 objectivity. The EAF has 3 different platforms to conduct SEAD missions and have been doing raids in Libya for years now. F-16s equipped with AGM-88 HARMs, Rafales with AASMs and the MiG-35 with both, Kh-31 & 38. Against the MIM HAWKs with 50 km range is really not too difficult.
Exaggerating destruction of Turkish equipment?

However shows capabilities of LNA aligned forces.Turkey needs to up its involvement. It might have had success around Tripoli, now its opponents have responded. It will be costly for all sides. War is never easy.
It will be no war between Turkey and Egypt...I don't think it was the aim of Turkey to battle it out with Egypt or Egypt to bat against Turkey..Turkey has no troops in place and is there to fill the void of the US absence...same to the Russian presence, just to exploit the crack created between the French and Turks in NATO...
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