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Airstrikes on a Libyan base destroy a Turkish air defense system

First confirmation photo from Al watiye base. Shared by AA.

That pic has been around since May.
i think people give too much credit to UAE. They don't dare to do such a thing. I think they are just limited to providing funds and logistic support.
Pilotage and tactical trainings are a completely different area of expertise and subject of discussion. Operations in Yemen can be evaluated. Technically, however, the UAE has a force structure prioritizing air force modernization and capability acquisitions. They receiving advanced consultancy and tecnical supoort from the USA on many issues. The answer to the question is therefore somewhat blurry.

But if you ask me, the question that should be asked here is about how much hardy the UAE security bureaucracy and command line can be on this. Because It is a kind of declaration of war to attack Turkish flagged assets with your own military assets.

2 or 3 days ago, a UAE tanker carrying aircraft fuel to LNA was seized by the GNA. The issue may have something to do with it, but this form of response is still a declaration of war.

Military security agreement between Turkey and Libya did not sign on this day but in mid 2019 and all the infrastructure work almost complated. Therefore, the activities of Turkish personnel in Al Watiye base are no longer at a level that can be prevented, unless warlord hafter can physically re-take this region. The only consequence of this attack will be the installation of the layered air defence system in the nort-west libya. With regard to Al Watie base: Turkey and Libya preparing to establish military academy like camp TURKSOM(Somalia) in here and this will be responsible for the military training of the Libyan army.

That pic has been around since May.
So we still don't have a confirmation photo or satellite image. Thanks for the fix.
Yep, it was definitely true if AA is reporting it.


Who has Su-30s in the region, and Su-24s?
Who is AA

I don't think the ones manning those hawks batteries are laughing , neither Ordogan for that matter...

@Ceylal thinks otherwise, but GNA biased reports claimed that the attack was carried out by UAE's Mirage 2000-9 aircrafts, which took off from Egypt's Sidi al-Barani Base. The engagement took place from long distance, so it's not a typical SEAD mission. I do not think that this attack will be carried out by the Russians, although I suspect this claim.
The source said unknown...I don't think the UAE mirage have the range without being refueled....that's another paire de manche!
Whatever was the source of these attacks. They are very efficient and professional that they are striking in Libya since years while still being called the “unknown”. How some countries wanna fight and wage wars when they don’t even know who bombarded them?


Yup. The Turks themselves officially admitted the attacks and the destruction of their air defense systems.
A source in the Haftar Forces: New raids targeting "adversary movements" in southern Libya

A source in the forces of the "Libyan National Army", that new air strikes targeted today, Sunday, forces loyal to the Libyan government of reconciliation in more than one region south of the country.

The Libyan newspaper "Al-Marsad" (loyal to the forces of Khalifa Haftar) quoted an official military source from the operations room of the Southern Territories Group of the General Command of the "National Army" as saying: "A series of new air strikes targeting" hostile movements "in the vicinity of the agricultural Dabawat project west of Shati Valley And in Jabal Al Hasawneh. "

This statement came against the background of the al-Wataya airbase, west of the capital, Tripoli, which was bombed by air last night.

The Turkish-backed government of al-Wefaq held "foreign air" in support of Haftar responsible for carrying out the raids.


For his part, the Egyptian military researcher Mohamed Al-Kinani said that these raids succeeded in neutralizing the American-made Hawk mid-range air defense systems, in addition to the mostly 3 Turkish-made Kalkan radars operating with Hawk systems, in addition to destroying Turkish-made electronic warfare and jamming system, "Koral".

Apparently the rumors are true. Remnants of Turkish airdefense system in a bunker targeted by Haftar forces.

The Satellite image of the airbase which was supposed to host Turkish MIM Hawks AD and F16 falcons.

The First image shows that the bunker was successfuly targeted by Haftar forces.
Apparently the rumors are true. Remnants of Turkish airdefense system in a bunker targeted by Haftar forces.

The Satellite image of the airbase which was supposed to host Turkish MIM Hawks AD and F16 falcons.

The First image shows that the bunker was successfuly targeted by Haftar forces.
This photo belongs to neutralized LNA assets, in May. https://www.trthaber.com/haber/duny...ne-giden-yakit-tankerlerini-vurdu-487371.html

AA gave this news with a representative generic photograph. Various sources confirming missile attack, but there are no photographic or satellite images yet. The video circulating on Twitter also belongs to Israeli bombing of Gaza.

It has been almost 24 hours and still no visual confirmation, it indicates that the situation is exaggerated for propaganda purposes.

Whatever was the source of these attacks. They are very efficient and professional that they are striking in Libya since years while still being called the “unknown”. How some countries wanna fight and wage wars when they don’t even know who bombarded them?

Yup. The Turks themselves officially admitted the attacks and the destruction of their air defense systems.

Nope, TR's official sources have not been approved these claims. News agencies, on the other hand, shared this by basing a GNA commander's statements. These contents also say that there is a long range attack without entering Hawk engagement range and there is no serious damage. You can see it by translating the news.

If there were serious SEAD operation, the images obtained with the targeting systems of the jets could be shared/leaked, at least... But as far as we can see, blind shots were made quite far and without going within the range of HAWK.
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This photo belongs to neutralized LNA assets, in May. https://www.trthaber.com/haber/duny...ne-giden-yakit-tankerlerini-vurdu-487371.html

AA gave this news with an anonymous photograph. Various sources confirming missile attack, but there are no photographic or satellite images yet. The video circulating on Twitter also belongs to Israeli bombing of Gaza.

It has been almost 24 hours and still no visual confirmation, it indicates that the situation is exaggerated for propaganda purposes.
Possibly. Thanks for information.
I seriously doubt Turkey had F16s in Libya ? Surely never
I seriously doubt Turkey had F16s in Libya ? Surely never
Turkey not have any actively operating aircraft in Libya.Tactical UAVs(Like Bayraktar TB2) also, belongs to Libyan air force.
Whatever was the source of these attacks. They are very efficient and professional that they are striking in Libya since years while still being called the “unknown”. How some countries wanna fight and wage wars when they don’t even know who bombarded them?
The modern war..Some players are anonymous and are against or for certains actors in this Lybian quagmire

Yup. The Turks themselves officially admitted the attacks and the destruction of their air defense systems.
Well the info was also on Europeen Newspapers. Turks has to play the "open" country to mirror Europe..after it jailed many of its most spocken and prominent news reporters..
A source in the Haftar Forces: New raids targeting "adversary movements" in southern Libya

A source in the forces of the "Libyan National Army", that new air strikes targeted today, Sunday, forces loyal to the Libyan government of reconciliation in more than one region south of the country.

The Libyan newspaper "Al-Marsad" (loyal to the forces of Khalifa Haftar) quoted an official military source from the operations room of the Southern Territories Group of the General Command of the "National Army" as saying: "A series of new air strikes targeting" hostile movements "in the vicinity of the agricultural Dabawat project west of Shati Valley And in Jabal Al Hasawneh. "

This statement came against the background of the al-Wataya airbase, west of the capital, Tripoli, which was bombed by air last night.

The Turkish-backed government of al-Wefaq held "foreign air" in support of Haftar responsible for carrying out the raids.


For his part, the Egyptian military researcher Mohamed Al-Kinani said that these raids succeeded in neutralizing the American-made Hawk mid-range air defense systems, in addition to the mostly 3 Turkish-made Kalkan radars operating with Hawk systems, in addition to destroying Turkish-made electronic warfare and jamming system, "Koral".


Exaggerating destruction of Turkish equipment?

However shows capabilities of LNA aligned forces.Turkey needs to up its involvement. It might have had success around Tripoli, now its opponents have responded. It will be costly for all sides. War is never easy.
Hard to believe Russian junk Haftar forces have could destroy targets.

If its direct involvement of Emirati or French, this is an escalation. Tripoli govt is UN recognized. Turkey can legally intervene on that govt request. This cant be said about anyone getting involved on part of militia.

Facebook and tweeter are full of confirmations of the raid.. still nothing much in official news.. but the opening article is from Al Arabiya.. a trusted news source..

Facebook and Twitter are used for psyops these days. They are the tools of fake news.

It could be the French, they have been angry at Turkey for recent events.

On May 27, Cirkin, a mysterious freighter usually sailing in the Black Sea, was flying the Tanzanian flag and claimed to be going to the port of Gabès in Tunisia. After carrying out several strange maneuvers, including one to conceal its identification, the Forbin, a French frigate, decided to approach it to conduct an inspection to execute the arms embargo placed against Libya.

Two Turkish frigates accelerated to protect the cargo and prevented the French from carrying out the inspection. The freighter, supposed to deliver medicine to Tunisia, docked in the Libyan port of Misrata to deliver M-60 tanks, Hawk missiles and mercenaries.

A few days later, it was the turn of Courbet, another French ship, this time under NATO command, to try to approach Cirkin. But one of the Turkish frigates who came once more to the rescue of the freighter, activated its fire control radar against the French vessel.

France has put a powerful threat against Turkish President Erdoğan saying that they will not tolerate Turkey’s military intervention in Libya.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that Turkey is playing “a dangerous game.”

And who are French to dictate terms in Libya?
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