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British Racist man abusing pakistani hardworking Taxi driver

Some of these new guys coming over nowadays have such a chudoo attitude. Smack him across the teeth, he'd soon STFU.

My dad was a taxi driver and his generation would regularly beat up drunk goray with too much to say. This was before the time of cctv and mobile phones though.

Being drunk is no excuse - a smack to the teeth and they soon sober up.
Some of these new guys coming over nowadays have such a chudoo attitude. Smack him across the teeth, he'd soon STFU.

My dad was a taxi driver and his generation would regularly beat up drunk goray with too much to say. This was before the time of cctv and mobile phones though.

Being drunk is no excuse - a smack to the teeth and they soon sober up.

That could have only happened in "highly crime tolerant" UK certainly not in Germany.
You know the real fun part? Guys like him will never go back to their country of origin and drive taxis there although they have already earned enough money to afford some small house back home.

You know why? Because unless you live in a big city in Pakistan there are no opportunities. He might have made enough money to make a nice house, maybe even buy a car, but what will his children do? How will he afford to educate them? How will he cover health costs? The same way everyone else does/or doesn't.

Idk where he is from but visit Mirpur AJK, Kotli and surrounding areas. See for yourself what little opportunities there are. Our govt is as bad as any in Pakistan.

People like him will take shit all day for the rest of thier lives in the hope thier children can take advantage of the opportunity and not have to live a life of taking shit.

That could have only happened in "highly crime tolerant" UK certainly not in Germany.

The Western European drinking culture is different to the UK. Public drunkeness is part and parcel of the culture here. In Europe people drink but not many get completely hammered.

Back in the 80s the drivers would have danday in the boot. If someone was giving a driver trouble they'd radio for help and a few drivers would take the passenger somewhere remote and give them a good hiding.

Unfortunately youth of today are the skinny jeans and faux outrage types. Say what you want about the rude boy types - they don't take any rubbish from anyone. Unfortunately most of the time thier anger and violence is reserved for thier own people (fellow dealers).

Drivers nowadays have mortgages they'll never be able to pay on a minimum wage job. They're too lazy to reskill - so can't take a risk and hit anyone.
The Western European drinking culture is different to the UK. Public drunkeness is part and parcel of the culture here. In Europe people drink but not many get completely hammered.

Back in the 80s the drivers would have danday in the boot. If someone was giving a driver trouble they'd radio for help and a few drivers would take the passenger somewhere remote and give them a good hiding.

Unfortunately youth of today are the skinny jeans and faux outrage types. Say what you want about the rude boy types - they don't take any rubbish from anyone. Unfortunately most of the time thier anger and violence is reserved for thier own people (fellow dealers).

Drivers nowadays have mortgages they'll never be able to pay on a minimum wage job. They're too lazy to reskill - so can't take a risk and hit anyone.

I have also observed the arrogant hooligan behavior of English folks during 2006 world cup in Germany, I was in a city where English team played one of its matches during that football world cup, many other countries teams also played their matches in that city. I found the English "fans" that came to that city to watch the match to be the heaviest drinkers and trouble makers without any provocation. They were making slurs against Germans while standing on the German soil and they even started throwing empty alcohol bottles on the Germans during an unpleasant incident between English and local German fans which was off course started by the English "guests". Dutch, Italian etc. also came to that city to watch their match but they were so civilized, joyful and respectful compared to English guests.
It is a good thing. We need more such racist cvnts to reveal their true face.

Just listen to the venom these white angry racists hold against us and our country. This is not fake. These feelings and words are real. These white angry Anglo-Saxons really want to kill us and destroy our nation.

Whilst I agree with you that there are many anglo facists that despise Pakistan as part of their creed, they are however in the minority; I was born and raised here and I myself don't think I ever experienced racism, maybe from the odd playground politics. It was pretty bad during 70's - 80s, but such hardcore racism i.e skinheads has subsided, there are few odd cases that pop up once a while but its not a 'pandemic' like situation like it used to be. What's is more worrying is the propoganda that is peddled in the media; where unfortunately we have become oblivious to an extent that our national interests being heavily eroded as Bharat has been sucessfully monopolising the international perspective of Pakistan i.e. if you search for anything related to Pakistan or the subcontinent in general it is filled with Indian propoganda machines. Why is it we have failed to materialize our own RT, AJE VOA etc..? When You allow the enemy free reign to spew their lies without adequately countering it, it becomes the gold standard (as you saw in the video). It also doesn't help they are leaps and bound ahead of us when it comes to projecting their soft image via bollywood etc..

Likewise if You recall 26th feb, there wasn't much noise in the sense of condemnation, when our sovereignty was violated, that is the result of many decades of dehuminsation of Pakistan, which has cost us dearly socially and economically as the government et al were criminally negligent in this vital area.
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read American history including andrew jackson and abraham lincoln - printing debt free currency. humans are not powerful but satans influence drives them.

we went with no debt, gold standard ...
there was no master plan
So true. Don't know why people are getting emotional over this - it's pretty common in the UK.

You people living in Britain might find white Anglo-Saxon hate against Pakistanis normal. The Pakistanis who live outside Britain are disgusted by these degenerate British child molestors. No, we don't approve British hate against Pakistan.

Whilst I agree with you that there are many anglo facists that despise Pakistan as part of their creed, they are however in the minority; I was born and raised here and I myself don't think I ever experienced racism, maybe from the odd playground politics. It was pretty bad during 70's - 80s, but such hardcore racism i.e skinheads has subsided, there are few odd cases that pop up once a while but its not a 'pandemic' like situation like it used to be. What's is more worrying is the propoganda that is peddled in the media; where unfortunately we have become oblivious to an extent that our national interests being heavily eroded as Bharat has been sucessfully monopolising the international perspective of Pakistan i.e. if you search for anything related to Pakistan or the subcontinent in general it is filled with Indian propoganda machines. Why is it we have failed to materialize our own RT, AJE VOA etc..? When You allow the enemy free reign to spew their lies without adequately countering it, it becomes the gold standard (as you saw in the video). It also doesn't help they are leaps and bound ahead of us when it comes to projecting their soft image via bollywood etc..

Likewise if You recall 26th feb, there wasn't much noise in the sense of condemnation, when our sovereignty was violated, that is the result of many decades of dehuminsation of Pakistan, which has cost us dearly socially and economically as the government et al were criminally negligent in this vital area.

Bharat and Britain are two evils. Basically hand and glove. India and Britain remind each other how partition was wrong.

We don't care what these Brits think. The entire world knows what a thief colonial nation Britain was and still is. They stole land and resources of other nations. This is British history. Today most conflicts can be traced back to British colonial rule. Hardly a great nation. This is a nation that provides refuge to criminals and thugs. Altaf Hussain was preaching terror in his British mansion with the help of British secret service. He was sowing terror in Karachi. We are not stupid. We fully know what a devil Britain is.

Why should we be concerned at portraying our soft image to these fvcking colonial thugs? We need to have some self worth.
Whilst I agree with you that there are many anglo facists that despise Pakistan as part of their creed, they are however in the minority; I was born and raised here and I myself don't think I ever experienced racism, maybe from the odd playground politics. It was pretty bad during 70's - 80s, but such hardcore racism i.e skinheads has subsided, there are few odd cases that pop up once a while but its not a 'pandemic' like situation like it used to be. What's is more worrying is the propoganda that is peddled in the media; where unfortunately we have become oblivious to an extent that our national interests being heavily eroded as Bharat has been sucessfully monopolising the international perspective of Pakistan i.e. if you search for anything related to Pakistan or the subcontinent in general it is filled with Indian propoganda machines. Why is it we have failed to materialize our own RT, AJE VOA etc..? When You allow the enemy free reign to spew their lies without adequately countering it, it becomes the gold standard (as you saw in the video). It also doesn't help they are leaps and bound ahead of us when it comes to projecting their soft image via bollywood etc..

Likewise if You recall 26th feb, there wasn't much noise in the sense of condemnation, when our sovereignty was violated, that is the result of many decades of dehuminsation of Pakistan, which has cost us dearly socially and economically as the government et al were criminally negligent in this vital area.
This is a superb post good sir.
The old Indian v Pakistani was funny and a laugh. You do get hate from non-sanghis but the type of malice that sangis have is just another level, not good sports.

And is @masterchief_mirza right? Are they influential enough now to sway and mould opinion against you?

I know the US there is a big disparity between the two expat communities, but I thought UK was pretty equal in terms if number and impact,

A good number of very sensible non-sanghee Indian diaspora folks here. My interactions with them are invariably merit-based. Sadly, the Pakistan-blamers seem to dominate numerically.

It simply means that the cease fire line on neutral geography is now past.

And to be honest I think it's natural.

I never understood how it worked.

You come back to India and Pakistan and you have bomb blasts and Mumbai's and beheadings and cross border surgical strikes and Kashmir.

You go to the UK (same Kashmiris from your side) and it's kumbaya and marshmallows?

Native Indians like me don't get it man. I've seen it so I know you and waz are not wrong.

Im just saying we don't get it.

We are not stupid. We know the history. We understand the game the white angry Anglo-Saxon likes to play. We also live and participate in these societies. I have lived and studied at a young age in Britain. I am very familiar with the white British mindset. Ugly and henious to the core. Backstabbing savages.

The white angry Anglo-Saxon has a very deep rift with Pakistan. The Brit envisaged an obedient artificial state when it created Pakistan. It wanted a slave proxy in the Subcontinent. That is why it went ahead with the partition. Little did they know that various patriotic forces would become powerful and overrule their little minions over the years. The Pak armed forces are the worst dream of white angry Anglo-Saxons.

First time I'm hearing a Pakistani say on PDF what generations of Indians have always known and said and blamed you for.

It is old deep seated hate. Don't underestimate this rant. These words have a meaning. He very specifically targets Pakistan like most of his white angry extremist compatriots do. These white angry Anglo-Saxons have developed a special hate for Pakistan. They hate Islam and Muslims. They associate Pakistan with ultimate Islam. Hence their extreme hate for Pakistan.

You know the day Pakistan became a nuclear power these white Anglo-Saxons gave our nukes a nickname. Why didn't the Indian nukes get a nickname? What about US, French or Israeli nukes? You guessed it right. These white angry motherfvckers are our enemies.

Can you share the nickname please?

Brother British did not loot anything from Pakistan or our Present day old India/Independent States, it was mostly present day India and to Bangladesh side where the most 99% loot happened, Frankly 80% of current Pakistan was princely states, apart from some cities which were under British Control.

And what have they looted from current day Pakistan when at that time nothing was there too special on this areas apart from agriculture land, mountains etc. They did-not dig the Oil, or Gas or Minerals in Baluchistan at that time, not much agriculture products from Punjab was taken it was used in Pakistan, Sindh was barren land except Karachi and Peshawar had nothing.

So this allegation that British looted from Pakistan is wrong, could be a piece or two worthless. But British did looted India dry, they looted spices, minerals gold, etc etc many many things stolen from India, or present day India are now in UK.

More truth.

We are on a hot streak here.

UK is not really set up for immigration. But the brit ruling classes who pillaged the world like gangsters wanted to get some respectability. And that has been the curious case of western colonialism - not only do they exploit and enslave the locals they get pretty chuffed if they are not respected in return especially not being seen as gold standard of morality and decency. So they also install their statues and their systems and are pretty upset if they are not respected.

Anyway they allowed some 5-6% immigration from erstwise colonies to regain their respect and put themselves on pedestal. Unfortunately most english have no intention to absorb these immigrants or even respect them. They are merely tolerated at best of times or abused.

On the other hand these pakistanis or indians cannot leave as well as their own countries are badly managed. They dont treat their own kind well at home which creates casteism, feudalism , poor economy and makes them trapped here.

No taxi or auto driver would get talked to like that in India.

There is a different attitude where you are among your own.

No expat will ever admit to that.

But they know it's true.

Ask my friend @Rusty when he comes back.

All these people have egos of glass, they wouldn't be able to survive with such egos in foreign countries.

British actually gave us a lot, all these canals, brideges, big government schools, colleges and universites throughout Pakistan were built by the British, even most of the villages in central and south Punjab which have names like chak 25, chak jeem gaaf etc. were all established by the British and the forests there was cut by them and people from what is now indian Punjab were settled in these areas like Faisalabad, Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Okara, Sahiwal etc. Had British not built all of this in western Punjab, we would have been no different than Afghanistan.

But they indeed f++ed what is now india for which we should be grateful to them. The only bad thing that happened with current areas of Pakistan was large influx of immigrants from territories what is now India. Our lands in Pakistan have historically never supported such huge populations before the British due to scarcity of natural resources, that is one of the main reason why Pakistan is f++ed up currently due to overpopulation 50% of which was contributed due to British brought settlements on the modern territories of Pakistan.

The truth actually is that when you step on foreign soil as an alien you take off your ego, wrap it up nice n cozy, and put it away in the suitcase you came over with.

Only to be taken out with much fanfare and reworn the next time you go back to the mother country and meet your brown friends and relatives and complain about the heat and the traffic and tge smell and about your delicate potty fir which you can only drink Bisleri.
That is wishful thinking on your part. Pakistanis are fiercely patriotic. You hate us for a good reason. We don't bend over to your white angry rules.

Says the American beggar who has to bribe Pakistani leaders for supply routes and Taliban talks.

Come and face us you white angry cvnt.
Nithin Bob exposed himself a while ago I would suggest.

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