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British Racist man abusing pakistani hardworking Taxi driver

It is 70+ years since the British left. Do not blame the British for your stupidity and incompetence
if you breed like rabbits you are going to live like one.
At least we breed in our own land. Not like barbarians whole go to an altogether new place and kill all people there. Steal their land, bring people from another continent and make them slaves, and treat them worst than animals even after 400 years. STFU. White Americans are the last people on earth talking about human rights and civilization. You guys are worst than animals.

British ruled West Pakistan for 100 years. You have gotten billions of dollars in aid from the West and still are receiving.

A lot of other countries have moved on - Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Maldives

You have look in the mirror to see why you are economically broken

Other than UK no one else is allowing you
We are economically broken because we had a friend called the United States of America. WHoe never hesitated to destabilize and change regimes in our country whenever it suited them. ANd who time and again kept threatening to bomb us to stone age.
UK is not really set up for immigration. But the brit ruling classes who pillaged the world like gangsters wanted to get some respectability. And that has been the curious case of western colonialism - not only do they exploit and enslave the locals they get pretty chuffed if they are not respected in return especially not being seen as gold standard of morality and decency. So they also install their statues and their systems and are pretty upset if they are not respected.

Anyway they allowed some 5-6% immigration from erstwise colonies to regain their respect and put themselves on pedestal. Unfortunately most english have no intention to absorb these immigrants or even respect them. They are merely tolerated at best of times or abused.

On the other hand these pakistanis or indians cannot leave as well as their own countries are badly managed. They dont treat their own kind well at home which creates casteism, feudalism , poor economy and makes them trapped here.
Brother British did not loot anything from Pakistan or our Present day old India/Independent States, it was mostly present day India and to Bangladesh side where the most 99% loot happened, Frankly 80% of current Pakistan was princely states, apart from some cities which were under British Control.

And what have they looted from current day Pakistan when at that time nothing was there too special on this areas apart from agriculture land, mountains etc. They did-not dig the Oil, or Gas or Minerals in Baluchistan at that time, not much agriculture products from Punjab was taken it was used in Pakistan, Sindh was barren land except Karachi and Peshawar had nothing.

So this allegation that British looted from Pakistan is wrong, could be a piece or two worthless. But British did looted India dry, they looted spices, minerals gold, etc etc many many things stolen from India, or present day India are now in UK.

Frankly, we don't know the extent of Anglo-Saxon robbery on either side. You could be right that India bore the brunt considering they have a larger territory. Nevertheless, the British colonialists weren't our friends. They came to the Subcontinent with one goal. Loot and kill as much as possible.

I firmly believe the Brits partitioned India as a punishment. They did not want to leave. They carved Hindustan and created a buffer state they wanted to use as a proxy. It was a blessing for us. They left Mir Jafar's behind and we are still dealing with them till this day. God willing we are going to slay each and every one of them. If not in my lifetime in the next generations.
We are economically broken because we had a friend called the United States of America. WHoe never hesitated to destabilize and change regimes in our country whenever it suited them. ANd who time and again kept threatening to bomb us to stone age.

provide any evidence USA changed regimes in Pakistan. we dealt with whoever was in charge

you are economically broken because you wasted your resources and breed like rabbits. what is the surprise here ?
No one owes you a penny. Get used to it

Well, we are here to collect anyway. What do you intend to do about it? P-a-k-i abuse won't make us disappear.

You want a war white angry boy? Why don't you bring it on? Why argue on a forum and pretend you are a winner? Come and face us.
Well, we are here to collect anyway. What do you intend to do about it? P-a-k-i abuse won't make us disappear.

pakistanis may be physically present in UK. the culture will disappear in a few generations
provide any evidence USA changed regimes in Pakistan. we dealt with whoever was in charge

you are economically broken because you wasted your resources and breed like rabbits. what is the surprise here ?

Whatever we do is our problem white angry boy. Whether we are broke or breed in the billions is our problem. Now stop begging for Taliban talks. Stop begging us to halt relationship with China.

Frankly don't even argue. You got something on your mind face us in the open. We can settle things.
pakistanis may be physically present in UK. the culture will disappear in a few generations

That is wishful thinking on your part. Pakistanis are fiercely patriotic. You hate us for a good reason. We don't bend over to your white angry rules.

the begging bowl carried by pakistani leaders is louder

Says the American beggar who has to bribe Pakistani leaders for supply routes and Taliban talks.

Come and face us you white angry cvnt.
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For that reason, people of the South-Asia need to realize that going to England is our due birthright. If you are an educated person and had an iota of sense and read some history then you should know how great Britain invaded our lands, looted our wealth took it back to the mainland and killed our ancestors. Whatever wealth they have today, we have an equal share, if they don't want us on their land they should return back all the wealth which was taken from our lands.

They also killed millions of our ancestors and did an economic genocide. We shouldn't be apologetic instead we should claim our due rights. They F..... need to give us their citizenship as they owe us.
yeh , go and apply for citizenship.
So says a sanghis who is pretending to be a white American......:lol:.......india is the biggest beggar and recipient of american Aid on the planet:


I just want this one to be an imaginary white angry dude. Even though I know he is a little sanghi. At least one white angry dude on PDF that is racist and angry. I want to frustrate and play around with this imaginary white bigot. Makes me feel good.
Pakistan's punishment was Kashmir to be snatched. you think those Rothschild city London will let you off. take a look at Kurds have no country, for crusades by saluaddin, Indonesia's sukarno quickly figured out cold war hoax and they punished Indonesia imf loan and Suharto. Russians too for tsar helping the Americans against the British, so communism was funded and royal family killed then millions killed under the stalin regime and etc.

humans live up to 100, shaytan thousand years and he remembers his enemies.
Are you of the opinion non Sanghis love you and say good things about you?

Asking seriously. Coz we desi natives on the homeland don't really know or understand your expat politics.

Tagging @waz too. He has Indian friends.

The old Indian v Pakistani was funny and a laugh. You do get hate from non-sanghis but the type of malice that sangis have is just another level, not good sports.
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