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The ChiPak Threat

Strikes that would have been checked at the border..
Most of you seem to think Pakistani airspace as easily penetrable.
The oft quoted incident of Indian intrusions in 2008 were to test exactly that..
and it was the Pakistani government.. and not the congress that lacked the cojonies to take on a fight.
Considering the condtions.. the Indian aircraft were locked on before they entered our airspace.. and tailed all the way into Kharian..
all this time... the President and PM were in a state of panic whether or not to issue the fire order..(according to one source I met..(50/50) the Army hawks were pressurizing the President to open fire.. the Naval chief was sweating...the hotline was engaged with President Zardari and PM Manmohan singh..and not mr gilani) the ROE's issued at that time were no engagements till the top leadership gives the green.. otherwise two IAF jets would have been in flames about 2 km inside Pk territory...and a whole heap of hell after that.
However that was probably a probing mission to test the reaction times of the PAF.. and they got their answer.
(there are also rumors about the Americans getting wind of this incident pretty much ten or fifteen minutes after it happened.. and messages were conveyed to Indian leadership to calm down. The whole FBI team and Headly handover were part of the deal to keep India from attacking Pakistan...
again...these are just drawing room rumors.. so take them with a fistful of salt.)

Bottom line is..
Pakistan is a little busy in dealing with the TTP and currently in a state of hardware transition...the forces cannot survive another front in the east... so its best we keep the peace.....for now.
I don,t beieve Pakistan is a Serious military threat with or without Nukes.

In my book The well being of a nation, its political stability, education system, technology level, economy, GDP and Forex will give you an idea of a nations REAL strength.

Pakistan has failed in everyone of those factors. This tells me this nation is utterly disorgnised, disfunctional from the ground up. Very importantly they cant make serious decisions about anything. They are a dividede nation between military generals with too much political power and rich powerful politicians raping the countries resources.


Too me they do not.

India has nothing to worry about Pakistan is too busy fighting each other.


NOW CHINA they are a massive threat..

If you want to see success the autocratic way i suggest you look at CHINA both politically & economically which leads to very powerful growing military.

Where as the Pakistans talk and chest beat alot " we are brave, we are better trained,, we can nuke you. THE CHINEASE JUST SMILE AND NOD THEIR HEADS.

Behind their pleasant demeanour is a cold calculated confident nation. They are planning to take INDIA down.. to become the ASIAN only super power.

WITHOUT massive Western support India cannot handle CHINA today..
Nop it shows indians are still reeling under slur phobia

Cool to see this comment coming from none other than you. Just check your post history to figure out if you are reeling under slur phobia against India or not.
Can You Please tell me Why Indian Gov Banned all the news channels Like BBC CNN and others during the Kargil war ? :azn:

Understand what i mean ? ;)

too boost the morale of their men with some bollywood mujra..people in Pakistan were arranging quran reciting gathering and mass prayers for victory. The indians were busy dancing and singing over the dead bodies of their soldiers.

There had been several individual incidents between PA and IA where a much smaller contingent of PA kept much large IA engaged and often defeated successfully. Where we seriously lack is infrastructure and delivery platforms but god willing that gap is closing in fast with help from China.
NOW CHINA they are a massive threat..

If you want to see success the autocratic way i suggest you look at CHINA both politically & economically which leads to very powerful growing military.

Where as the Pakistans talk and chest beat alot " we are brave, we are better trained,, we can nuke you. THE CHINEASE JUST SMILE AND NOD THEIR HEADS.

Behind their pleasant demeanour is a cold calculated confident nation. They are planning to take INDIA down.. to become the ASIAN only super power.

WITHOUT massive Western support India cannot handle CHINA today..

i do not agree..

lets first looks deep into chinese economically :: people only look at the GDP as a pillor of economic growth , but in case of china , a very large portion of the GDP comes from the units of the multinational companies having their menufecturing plants in china exporting thier goods worldwide therefore a large amount of the money actually belongs to those multinational companies and goes to their pockets only..
therefore it is always reffered that chinese growth story is export focus ..

looks deep into chinese military :: as soon one open a topic on comparission of india-china military , people will jump in to say that china has upper edge in quantity....but in any future conflict between the two will be dominate by air power....china have over 1000 fighter planes but do they realy worth a fight over himalayas ?...over half of them don't have the range to cross over into indian territory and then what they let with ,few hundred su-30mkk and few hundred J-10s..and in next few year when IAF going to operate a massive ands deadly fleat of MMRCA , LCA , SU-30MKI and PAK-FA , ...what china will left with J-11 only ....russians not selling them high end tech due to copy right voilations , and i don't think US or Europe will sell them either...
too boost the morale of their men with some bollywood mujra..people in Pakistan were arranging quran reciting gathering and mass prayers for victory. The indians were busy dancing and singing over the dead bodies of their soldiers.

There had been several individual incidents between PA and IA where a much smaller contingent of PA kept much large IA engaged and often defeated successfully. Where we seriously lack is infrastructure and delivery platforms but god willing that gap is closing in fast with help from China.

I think you live in dreams only and one sided thinking of Pakistan. Did you guys forgot the Battle of Longewala where 120 guys hold ur 10 times bigger army, with tanks and armoured vehicles support, for full night and what happened in early morning you all knows. And same guys reached to Lahore in 1965. What Indian Navy did in 1971 to Karachi , there are lots of example like this.
Lets not get over confident and see the current threats and learn to tackle them but no day dreaming pls talk logically.
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You can have all the squardons and fighters you want but the problem is that bhagora army will run at first sight of casulaty. On a ground 1 on 1 fight, Pakistani soldiers have fared better than the numerically superior indians..have you read the story of Maj. Shabbir Sharif??

It is very sad that, in this day and age, some people still believe in the Martial Race Theory, that 1 Pakistani soldier is superior to 10 Indians. I thought this battle would have permamently proved that theory wrong:

Battle of Longewala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
why always think of war...!!!
Pakistan is a peacfull country and will not attack India ever
and Pakistan is Alhamdullilah enough strong to defend Indians
Pakistanis lack good leadership.
Our armed forces are for defensive role mainly, more of a deterent otherwise our war mongering neighbours army chief would like to undertake some misadventure.
We dont want war with anyone and we should not.
Pakistanis lack good leadership.
Our armed forces are for defensive role mainly, more of a deterent otherwise our war mongering neighbours army chief would like to undertake some misadventure.
We dont want war with anyone and we should not.

i didn't get ..
are you refereing to kargil...?
I think you live in dreams only and one sided thinking of Pakistan. Did you guys forgot the Battle of Longewala where 120 guys hold ur 10 times bigger army, with tanks and armoured vehicles support, for full night and what happened in early morning you all knows. And same guys reached to Lahore in 1965. What Indian Navy did in 1971 to Karachi , there are lots of example like this.
Lets not get over confident and see the current threats and learn to tackle them but no day dreaming pls talk logically.

Don't worry, we got plenty of war heroes ;)
why always think of war...!!!
Pakistan is a peacfull country and will not attack India ever


hey you got award the best joke of the year :smitten:

There is no winning with you is there??

When we aren't peaceful, we are criticized.
When we try to be peaceful, we are lying

You are dealing with a people where cynicism is taken equal to religion.
too boost the morale of their men with some bollywood mujra..people in Pakistan were arranging quran reciting gathering and mass prayers for victory. The indians were busy dancing and singing over the dead bodies of their soldiers.

There had been several individual incidents between PA and IA where a much smaller contingent of PA kept much large IA engaged and often defeated successfully. Where we seriously lack is infrastructure and delivery platforms but god willing that gap is closing in fast with help from China.

Your comment clearly reflects your IQ level. It will be better for you if you can live out of dilusions and day light dreaming....I dont know about others but it is for sure that you didnt learned even a single point from your own history and current situation...

keep dreaming...:coffee:

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