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Mattis says the most dangerous country in the world is Pakistan

Humble Pakistani


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Apr 27, 2013
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United States
  • Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis considers Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world.
  • "This is a much worse problem, I think, than anyone is writing about today," he said at an event on Tuesday.
  • "We can't have the fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world falling into the hands of the terrorists breeding in their midst," Mattis writes in his latest book, "Call Sign Chaos."
  • Mattis also spoke about what he called the "very twisted" relationship between the US and Pakistan. While the US relies on Pakistan to help it in peace talks with the Taliban, the Trump administration also pulled hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the Pakistani military.
source: https://www.businessinsider.com/jim-mattis-pakistan-dangerous-country-2019-9
All i want to say to this is a 3rd divorce is considered final in Islam.

The bond with Trump is still intact. The bond with deep state is indeed beyond repair.

LOL The deep state has finally come to the same conclusion we came decades ago. The twisted relationship LOL

The beauty is that we felt the same way when Nawazoo and Zardari were in power. Helpless and angry. LOL the roles have now been reversed when Trump is in power and the deep state seems angry and helpless.
If we weren't Muslim, they'd be cool with our nuclear arsenal.

The country across the border has nukes and a man as their leader who previously was on a no-entry list to their country because he helped in a mini-genocide. And they have the nerve to call us extremists lol. When Pakistan is involved in wars from Africa to Asia to South America, then I'll consider ourselves more of a threat to the world than the US is.
Most Pakistanis see Trump as white supermacist if you must know

He might be, but our interests align and that is all that matters in the end.

If we weren't Muslim, they'd be cool with our nuclear arsenal.

The country across the border has nukes and a man as their leader who previously was on a no-entry list to their country because he helped in a mini-genocide. And they have the nerve to call us extremists lol. When Pakistan is involved in wars from Africa to Asia to South America, then I'll consider ourselves more of a threat to the world than the US is.

Remember that this is the deep state we are talking about. We have always been at war with the American deep state. We will always be at war with the American deep state. The deep state will always remain insecure and suspicious with Pakistan and vice versa.
Arent you the same guy who once said this about Modi as well?

How did that logic work out?

How is Nawazoo doing nowadays? Are you sending him aalo parathas?

On a more serious note, Trump isn't holding a whole valley full of people in a lockdown situation. Modi is.

Trump has a million ills, but he ain't no Modi. There is only one sick bastard like Modi and that is Modi himself.
Probably been reading one too many Jewish prophecies.
On a more serious note, Trump isn't holding a whole valley full of people in a lockdown situation. Modi is.

Trump has a million ills, but he ain't no Modi. There is only one sick bastard like Modi and that is Modi himself.

I was watching the news article on how immigrant children are being sent to 'education' Camps in USA. One would argue its much the same.

Pakistan should demand that how USA let a terrorist become PM of biggest democracy in the world.

A designated Listed terrorist in USA has access to Nukes and borders Pakistan.

Why ?

Because of policies of short Term alligned greater interests of political dogma.
I was watching the news article on how immigrant children are being sent to 'education' Camps in USA. One would argue its much the same.

Pakistan should demand that how USA let a terrorist become PM of biggest democracy in the world.

A designated Listed terrorist in USA has access to Nukes and borders Pakistan.

Why ?

Because of policies of short Term alligned greater interests of political dogma.

The immigrant children are coming along with their parents at a border instead of applying for a refugee status. Of course there is also racism and hate. I won't condone that. Trump has said things to keep his voter base happy. Having said that, what Modi is doing in occupied Kashmir is incomparable to what Trump is trying to achieve at the border areas. Modi is raping, killing and murdering a whole group of people by locking them down with no food and medicines.

I agree with the rest.
The immigrant children are coming along with their parents at a border instead of applying for a refugee status. Of course there is also racism and hate. I won't co done that. Having said that, what Modi is doing in occupied Kashmir is incomparable to what Trump is trying to achieve at the border areas.

I agree with the rest.

They are Trumps trade war refugees.

Jammu & Kashmir is a trilateral issue between Pakistan, China and India.

Updated: Sep 04, 2019 08:08 IST
By Yashwant Raj , Hindustan Times,
Former US defense secretary James Mattis
has said he considers Pakistan as the “most
dangerous country” he dealt with it in a long
career spanning decades in the military and
as a member of President Donald Trump’s
cabinet, because of the level of
radicalization of its society and its nuclear
Mattis, who left the Trump administration in
January, also slammed Pakistan’s
obsession with India, saying it “views all
geopolitics through the prism of its hostility
toward India” and that has also shaped their
policy on Afghanistan as the “the Pakistan
military wanted a friendly government in
Kabul that was resistant to Indian influence”.
He has long years of experience dealing with
Pakistan and South Asia, first as a top US
Marine Corps commandeer in Afghanistan,
head of US central command and then as
secretary of defense.
“Of all the countries I’ve dealt with, I consider
Pakistan to be the most dangerous, because
of the radicalization of its society and the
availability of nuclear weapons,” Mattis has
written in “Call Sign Chaos”, an
autobiography that hit the stands Tuesday.
“We can’t have the fastest-growing nuclear
arsenal in the world falling into the hands of
the terrorists breeding in their midst. The
result would be disastrous.”
Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing
nuclear arsenal, with a substantial quantities
of tactical weapons that its leaders have
publicly boasted about, including a member
or Prime Minister Imran Khan’s cabinet
recently. And Mattis writes, echoing a
longstanding US concern, “We can’t have the
fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world
falling into the hands of the terrorists
breeding in their midst”
He went on to castigate Pakistani leaders, in
an indirect comment on the current Imran
Khan government, saying “they don’t have
leaders who care about their future”.
Mattis also framed US-Pakistan relations as
a continuing narrative afflicted by
differences and distrust. “We could manage
our problems with Pakistan, but our
divisions were too deep, and trust too
shallow, to resolve them,” writes.
That was the reason why, Mattis contends,
President Barack Obama did not inform
Pakistan of the US Navy SEALs raid that
found and killed Osama bin Laden in May
2011. Mattis, a Marine Corps general, was
then head of the US central command that
has oversight over American military
operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
“And that is the state of our relationship to
this day,” Mattis writes in obvious
implications for the current attempts by the
Khan government to reset ties with the
United States by persuading the Taliban,
using Pakistan’s clout with them, to
participate in peace talks as President
Trump pushes to end the Afghanistan war,
the longest in US history.
Make Pakistan a liberal, secular country, and destroy it's Islamic credentials, then you will see that Pakistan will become a most peaceful country of the world, in their eyes. Obviously, if Pakistan survives after that.

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