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Mattis says the most dangerous country in the world is Pakistan

it is more like finding someone who can work for him and who can be tolerated

You don't understand. These people don't work under Trump, they work OVER him. Why else would he capitulate to their every demand? He's ineffective and lost direction, sort of like a dementia-addled old man at Walmart.
he is a tad better than anything coming out of pakistan

I think we might have few that better than Philosopher Bush, Collin Powell (cant forget his UN philosophical speech) and Mega Philosopher Trump who sheds philosophy on hourly basis
I think we might have few that better than Philosopher Bush, Collin Powell (cant forget his UN philosophical speech) and Mega Philosopher Trump who sheds philosophy on hourly basis
Bush, Powell or Trump have not studied philosophy

You don't understand. These people don't work under Trump, they work OVER him. Why else would he capitulate to their every demand? He's ineffective and lost direction, sort of like a dementia-addled old man at Walmart.

If they are getting fired by him they work under him
it is a simple definition
  • Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis considers Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world.
  • "This is a much worse problem, I think, than anyone is writing about today," he said at an event on Tuesday.
  • "We can't have the fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world falling into the hands of the terrorists breeding in their midst," Mattis writes in his latest book, "Call Sign Chaos."
  • Mattis also spoke about what he called the "very twisted" relationship between the US and Pakistan. While the US relies on Pakistan to help it in peace talks with the Taliban, the Trump administration also pulled hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the Pakistani military.
source: https://www.businessinsider.com/jim-mattis-pakistan-dangerous-country-2019-9

Mattis is right - Pakistan has to work hard on diplomacy in international arena to prove him otherwise.
So one says most dangerous country is Pakistan, his other brother says most dangerous religion is Islam, waiting for their 3rd brother to open his mouth and say Punjabis are racists toward Sindhis.
Most dangerous country for occupying forces in Afghanistan...

...and most dangerous country for Indian occupying forces in Kashmir, the 'most dangerous' has actually positive connotations for Pakistan, need to take this in the stride, comes with strings attached.
The dont have argument or logic to support their moronic ideology. Hatred of Islam has clogged their minds and they will not get rid of it until they were put into the grave.
The appearance of Hazret-I Azrail (AS) and his entourage is the deciding moment!! The rest are all details...
No one in the liberal world (read developed world) would trust a religious country with nukes.
No one in the liberal world (read developed world) would trust a religious country with nukes.

Isn’t India a fanatical Hindu nationalistic nation under Modi? You lynch people because others aren’t allowed to eat your God. How religious is that?

Having said that, fvck the liberal world and fvck you too. We will do whatever we want to do. We proved it by producing our own nukes. Do something about it if you can. Daddy America can’t do sh!t.
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He might be, but our interests align and that is all that matters in the end.

Remember that this is the deep state we are talking about. We have always been at war with the American deep state. We will always be at war with the American deep state. The deep state will always remain insecure and suspicious with Pakistan and vice versa.

Was loosing Kashmir alignment of interest.
Yes sure
Trump already licked the ballz of North Korean and Kim is so cute now and Iraq and Afghanistan is heaven.
These gorra log are best examples of hypocrites. Pathetic
Isn’t India a fanatical Hindu nationalistic nation under Modi? You lynch people because others aren’t allowed to eat your God. How religious is that?

Having said that, fvck the liberal world and fvck you too. We will do whatever we want to do. We proved it by producing our own nukes. Do something about it if you can. Daddy America can’t do sh!t.
India has some fanatics. They aren't really religious fanatics. Their hate is political.

The people in power in your country are somewhat liberal. So there is hope.

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