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Mattis says the most dangerous country in the world is Pakistan

They are just scaring India by these Fanboy Statements

Updated: Sep 04, 2019 08:08 IST
By Yashwant Raj , Hindustan Times,
Former US defense secretary James Mattis
has said he considers Pakistan as the “most
dangerous country” he dealt with it in a long
career spanning decades in the military and
as a member of President Donald Trump’s
cabinet, because of the level of
radicalization of its society and its nuclear
Mattis, who left the Trump administration in
January, also slammed Pakistan’s
obsession with India, saying it “views all
geopolitics through the prism of its hostility
toward India” and that has also shaped their
policy on Afghanistan as the “the Pakistan
military wanted a friendly government in
Kabul that was resistant to Indian influence”.
He has long years of experience dealing with
Pakistan and South Asia, first as a top US
Marine Corps commandeer in Afghanistan,
head of US central command and then as
secretary of defense.
“Of all the countries I’ve dealt with, I consider
Pakistan to be the most dangerous, because
of the radicalization of its society and the
availability of nuclear weapons,” Mattis has
written in “Call Sign Chaos”, an
autobiography that hit the stands Tuesday.
“We can’t have the fastest-growing nuclear
arsenal in the world falling into the hands of
the terrorists breeding in their midst. The
result would be disastrous.”
Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing
nuclear arsenal, with a substantial quantities
of tactical weapons that its leaders have
publicly boasted about, including a member
or Prime Minister Imran Khan’s cabinet
recently. And Mattis writes, echoing a
longstanding US concern, “We can’t have the
fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world
falling into the hands of the terrorists
breeding in their midst”
He went on to castigate Pakistani leaders, in
an indirect comment on the current Imran
Khan government, saying “they don’t have
leaders who care about their future”.
Mattis also framed US-Pakistan relations as
a continuing narrative afflicted by
differences and distrust. “We could manage
our problems with Pakistan, but our
divisions were too deep, and trust too
shallow, to resolve them,” writes.
That was the reason why, Mattis contends,
President Barack Obama did not inform
Pakistan of the US Navy SEALs raid that
found and killed Osama bin Laden in May
2011. Mattis, a Marine Corps general, was
then head of the US central command that
has oversight over American military
operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
“And that is the state of our relationship to
this day,” Mattis writes in obvious
implications for the current attempts by the
Khan government to reset ties with the
United States by persuading the Taliban,
using Pakistan’s clout with them, to
participate in peace talks as President
Trump pushes to end the Afghanistan war,
the longest in US history.
Why do we need to peddle something "ex-defense secretary" says to hindustantimes?
Pakistan need to take this 'most dangerous' adjective as some sort of a compliment.

For enemies, most dangerous has lots of positive connotations for Pakistan...like most dangerous armed forces, dangerous nukes, most dangerous tactical nukes, so on and so forth. Will have just the right vibes for Pakistan.
Why do we need to peddle something "ex-defense secretary" says to hindustantimes?
This is a tried and true formula...every now and then these kinds of ppl write something with the formula of...
Pakistan's nukes + Terrorists = Unsafe

These sort of ppl do it to remain relevant. In his case he wants to sell his autobiography like hotcakes...he needs some income now that he is out of a job.
Pakistan The Most Dangerous Country and Breeding Ground Of Radicalism – Former US Secretary of Defense


23 hours ago

September 4, 2019


News Desk EurAsian Times

The former US defence secretary, James Mattis slammed Pakistan and called it the most dangerous country in the world. He said that Pakistan is the most dangerous country he has ever dealt with being in the US military and then later being the defence secretary in Donald Trump administration.

Pakistan Calls Bangladesh For Support On Kashmir; Dhaka Says Solve it Bilaterally

Mattis also said that Pakistan’s obsession with propagating radicalism in the society and the expanse of Pakistan’s nuclear warheads makes it very dangerous. He also castigated Pakistan for its approach to view all geopolitical developments from the prism of hostilities towards India.

James Mattis resigned from the Trump administration in January this year after having a long career in the military and then the US administration.

Pakistan Wants Anti-India Government In Afghanistan: James Mattis
James Mattis has served at various key positions of the US defence set up. He has vast experience and understanding of the geopolitical situation in South Asia as he has worked as a top US Marine Corps Commandeer in Afghanistan, head of the US central command and then as a secretary of defence.

Mattis also revealed that Pakistan wanted a friendly government in Afghanistan which would restrict any sorts of Indian influence in Kabul’s policymaking.

Pakistan To Buy Mirage Fighter Jets From Egypt Amid Rising Tensions With India

Mattis has written in his book named ‘Call Sign Chaos’ that Pakistan being the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal cannot be let to fall in the hands of the terrorists breeding in the backyards of Pakistan. He warned that the ramifications of such developments would be catastrophic for the world.

In an indirect comment on Pakistan’s Prime Minister, James Mattis also slammed the political leadership in Pakistan saying that the country does not have leaders that worry about the future of the nation. These comments come in times when Pakistani leaders have been openly talking about their nuclear arsenal and have been endorsing the use of its nuclear and atomic bombs against India.
More of the same. This man is mental and is like a broken record. A person whose country's military has been actively involved in attacking other countries in the past decade is saying that Pakistan spreads radicalism. If Pakistan wants a friendly govt in Kabul then that is bad, but if the US interferes in other countries then that is obviously ok.
@ Black_cats When copy and pasting to start a thread, please do some searching before starting a thread that's already running.
Pakistan The Most Dangerous Country and Breeding Ground Of Radicalism – Former US Secretary of Defense


23 hours ago

September 4, 2019


News Desk EurAsian Times

The former US defence secretary, James Mattis slammed Pakistan and called it the most dangerous country in the world. He said that Pakistan is the most dangerous country he has ever dealt with being in the US military and then later being the defence secretary in Donald Trump administration.

Pakistan Calls Bangladesh For Support On Kashmir; Dhaka Says Solve it Bilaterally

Mattis also said that Pakistan’s obsession with propagating radicalism in the society and the expanse of Pakistan’s nuclear warheads makes it very dangerous. He also castigated Pakistan for its approach to view all geopolitical developments from the prism of hostilities towards India.

James Mattis resigned from the Trump administration in January this year after having a long career in the military and then the US administration.

Pakistan Wants Anti-India Government In Afghanistan: James Mattis
James Mattis has served at various key positions of the US defence set up. He has vast experience and understanding of the geopolitical situation in South Asia as he has worked as a top US Marine Corps Commandeer in Afghanistan, head of the US central command and then as a secretary of defence.

Mattis also revealed that Pakistan wanted a friendly government in Afghanistan which would restrict any sorts of Indian influence in Kabul’s policymaking.

Pakistan To Buy Mirage Fighter Jets From Egypt Amid Rising Tensions With India

Mattis has written in his book named ‘Call Sign Chaos’ that Pakistan being the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal cannot be let to fall in the hands of the terrorists breeding in the backyards of Pakistan. He warned that the ramifications of such developments would be catastrophic for the world.

In an indirect comment on Pakistan’s Prime Minister, James Mattis also slammed the political leadership in Pakistan saying that the country does not have leaders that worry about the future of the nation. These comments come in times when Pakistani leaders have been openly talking about their nuclear arsenal and have been endorsing the use of its nuclear and atomic bombs against India.

On other news, there have been 19 deadly mass shooting in the US in 2019

More of the same. This man is mental and is like a broken record. A person whose country's military has been actively involved in attacking other countries in the past decade is saying that Pakistan spreads radicalism. If Pakistan wants a friendly govt in Kabul then that is bad, but if the US interferes in other countries then that is obviously ok.

But the country with the most mass shootings in the world, the only country to have ever used nukes (that too on civilian populations!) and the country that invades others (causing millions of deaths) even when the IAEA says there are no WMDs is definitely not the most dangerous. Nor is the country that is illegally occupying an entire people and is headed by a right-wing terrorist who couldn't even get an American visa while he was CM because he had blood on his hands.

What a joke.
It IS the most dangerous nation for the Zionists masters of USA.
I don't understand, the article is filled with bias BS, either that or this guy is blind and deaf af, he must have loved sucking on modis tiny dick to give out such statements, just ignore this asshat..he is former for a reason...

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