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Chinese restaurant in Turkey attacked after diplomatic spat

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Ah so after all the warning and cursing American and tell them "you go" , you Chinese concluded American have not " tresspassed" while the poor fisherman have been fishing in their traddition water for generations you shoot at them, and concluded that they violated your nine dash line law. really Funny. You Speaking like a true loser and cowardice who can only pick on poor azz fishermen with no weapon and zero threat to your super power Plan. Please do me a favor spread this analogy world wide so people can laugh with me. If American need a clown you are perfect role to entertain them. You will sure earn couple hundred bucks instead of 50 cents.

You are still talking out of your 'azz'. When did these alleged American trespasses occur? Americans are afraid of us, and they stay out of our 12 nm boundary. You have not been able to provide a single link or reference to suggest
otherwise. Americans only brag about how they are ready to trespass into our waters , but that is not a crime, only a personality defect.

If you feel sad for your Viet criminal fisherman, you should visit their children and tell them, "Your dad was a criminal who violated our neighbor's maritime laws. Don't follow his example, be a law-abiding citizen, and you won't die".
Ah Im the monkey that many Chinese worshipping. My statues are in many places in China. You can find out more of me by just type in Sun WuKong. im very popular. Im the good guy that your Chinese worshiping. Im even more popular than buddha. Sun Wokonggggg... Sifu. Im here to punish bad guys. Get that?
Hehe, I have said, monkey king is still monkey, so, I say you are monkey, not wrong, right, Vietnamese monkey.

Sun Wukong, it is character in a story, we not worship, just like it, in that fairy story, also have Zhu Bajie, a pig, in fact, Chinese more like him, it is more funny, you want be that pig? vietnamese pig. and Sun Wukong is not the strongest character, when he meet difficult, he always choose to seek help from other immortal, I know you vietnamese also well know Chinese story, in that fairy story, there are many characters, Zhu Bajie(Pig), Niu Mowang(Bull), and other powerfull character, like lion, eagle, if you Vietnamese like, you can say you are, then, you will be a animal empire, so who is the king? you monkey king?
Ah so after all the warning and cursing American and tell them "you go" , you Chinese concluded American have not " tresspassed" while the poor fisherman have been fishing in their traddition water for generations you shoot at them, and concluded that they violated your nine dash line law. really Funny. You Speaking like a true loser and cowardice who can only pick on poor azz fishermen with no weapon and zero threat to your super power Plan. Please do me a favor spread this analogy world wide so people can laugh with me. If American need a clown you are perfect role to entertain them. You will sure earn couple hundred bucks instead of 50 cents.

Paper Tiger you seem to have a strange unhealthy fascination with the coastal guards of China. I can hazardous a guess from your messages that your occupational job is fishing and you were caught trespassing in their waters. Your attitude is so obnoxious and arrogant that they must have spanked your sorry hide repeatedly. No American warship has trespassed into Chinese waters, although they have spied on military exercises. The poor fisherman must be educated and taught the basic manners of respecting the nine dash line law, therefore please protest to your government in asking the question why are they incompetent.

Well you have advocated in your post that the Chinese are cowardice in attacking the fisherman, henceforth why don't you put your money where your mouth is and have the audacity to attack China:) Its hilarious to witness the outcome how a Vietnamese is lecturing the Chinese on playing the clown role for few odd bucks. Newsflash moron the Vietnamese women use to serve the American solders for 10 cents, they had no dignity and pride when they sold their bodies to the lecherous fools.
Turkey,yeah,Turkey wants the Sinkiang,province of China,don't you? To bring back the glory of the Ottoman empire?
Is there something wrong with your minds?
China have nuclear arsenal and Turkey put its ambition on Chinese land.That's a big surprise.
Maybe we Chinese have to introspect our policy.
Travel to Turkey at your own peril :)

Turks protesting against China attack Koreans 'by mistake'

04 July 2015 - France 24


© AFP/File | Hundreds of angry protesters marched towards the Topkapi Palace on the banks of the Bosphorus Strait in a show of solidarity with the Turkic Uigurs, who complain of cultural and religious suppression under Chinese rule
Turkish nationalists protesting China's treatment of ethnic Uighur Muslims attacked a group of Korean tourists in the heart of Istanbul's old city on Saturday, mistaking them for Chinese nationals.

Hundreds of angry protesters marched towards the Topkapi Palace on the banks of the Bosphorus Strait in a show of solidarity with the Turkic Uigurs, who complain of cultural and religious suppression under Chinese rule.

Shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is the Greatest), they attacked some Koreans outside the Topkapi Palace, which is visited by thousands of tourists every day.

The tourists were rescued by riot police, who fired tear gas to disperse the attackers, members of the notorious far-right Grey Wolves closely affiliated with Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Video footage by Dogan news agency showed a distraught Korean tourist telling reporters: "I'm not Chinese, I'm Korean."

The incident came amid a row between Ankara and Beijing over Turkish media reports of restrictions on Muslim Uighurs worshipping and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

Turkey this week summoned the Chinese ambassador to convey its concern over the alleged restrictions. Beijing in turn denied the allegations and demanded that Turkey clarify its statements.

A total of 173 Uighurs arrived in Turkey from Thailand on Tuesday where they were being held after fleeing China. Beijing expressed displeasure with Turkey on Friday for accepting the group.

Over the last week hundreds of Turkish nationalists across the country have demonstrated to protest China's alleged Ramadan bans.

A popular Chinese restaurant in Istanbul was attacked on Wednesday and had its windows smashed by a group protesters who did not realise it was Turkish-owned and that its chef was an ethnic Uighur.

A predominantly Muslim country, Turkey shares linguistic and religious links with the Uighur community, which has several associations here.
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