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Afghanistan is ready for INDIA to TRAIN TALIBS

Pakistan has taken so many chill pills it's ridiculous, we can't look after our own people and have to treat afghans who are little more then donkeys like they are our own citizens

You sound like a Turkish nationalist man. Relax.

We have bigger issues to deal with. You never chose to be born Pakistani nor did they choose to be born Afghan. We’re all human beings.

With age comes wisdom and hopefully you’ll start to appreciate the nuances of grey on the spectrum rather than viewing everything as black and white.

I agree that criminal Afghans should get their asses kicked out, but there’s no need to discriminate against all of them because there are plenty of good Afghans too.

The biggest harami in Pakistan is not an Afghan, but a Pakistani by the name of Bajwa.
Yea I saw an article detailing how Biden is ignoring them for Ukrainians. So all the ANA peeps are stuck in Afg. And the dream of going to Amreeka was handed over to Ukrainians. And Ukrainians are getting mass donations from the gorey while no one pays attention to Afg starvation and famine.

It was Dianne Abbot , a British MP, who once said, the white Immigrants who learn to speak English after arrival will be considered locals and the dark skinned people who have been here for generations are still looked at as outsiders.
Lol all those Pakistanis who were cheerleading for the Taliban should kill themselves after hearing this news if they have an iota of shame left. So much for a "pure Islamic Sharia state" :lol:

Taliban are going there just for getting a know how of a country they are about to invade.
It is a masterstroke by IEA8-)

This is the same people that pulled off the Najeeb stunt.

What is it?
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Afghanistan is an independent state, they will do whatever best for their people. If India is willing to fund them, help them, economy help etc then Afghanistan will do just that. They are not like their neighbour who bows down to Usa everyday and over phone calls changes their policy. Usa threatened Taliban to hand over Osama and Taliban replied give us proof and we will hang him ourselves but Usa replied we will not give proof but we want him. Taliban gave them the middle finger.
Well the official news from the Jihadi networks is utter damnation.
They were called utter filth. Of course the infamous video of their top lady insulting Islam was doing the rounds with people accusing them of betrayal.

For them this now poses a serious challenge as ISIS K will be calling people to their ranks and mass defections are feared, with their reps calling the Taliban fakes who use Islam.

I always thought with the passing of Mullah Umar it would head south.
It looks like mullah baradar will have to sort this as the Taliban have been considered the poster boys of Jihad for quite a while.
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It was Dianne Abbot , a British MP, who once said, the white Immigrants who learn to speak English after arrival will be considered locals and the dark skinned people who have been here for generations are still looked at as outsiders.

That is the reality and the truth. We ARE outsiders. ALL non-whites in the UK are outsiders even if they have lived here for 200 years.
Afghanistan is an independent state, they will do whatever best for their people. If India is willing to fund them, help them, economy help etc then Afghanistan will do just that. They are not like their neighbour who bows down to Usa everyday and over phone calls changes their policy. Usa threatened Taliban to hand over Osama and Taliban replied give us proof and we will hang him ourselves but Usa replied we will not give proof but we want him. Taliban gave them the middle finger.

Yet these same afghans beg to be refugees in Pakistan and sell their wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and other female relatives to Pakistanis as prostitutes just to get food and water. Brilliant foreign policy and dignity.......... :disagree:..........with such a high IQ who needs modern science and technology...........:disagree:

Our recent overtures with Taliban should be done cautiously as it can risk antagonizing Tajikistan which is our close strategic ally in Central Asia.

Our recent overtures with Taliban should be done cautiously as it can risk antagonizing Tajikistan which is our close strategic ally in Central Asia.

Oh that's interesting didn't see that angle.
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