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Afghanistan is ready for INDIA to TRAIN TALIBS

What you quoted is natural, as every migratory group faces that in human history.

But, to say they are gonna be kicked out is never happening.

Look what happened to Najeeb. Nur Taraki was so brutal the Soviets advised him to chill out. Ali Wazir is a Marxist lmfao.

It's going to get far worse for the af-ghands in Europe/West. They are being kicked out and not let in to the West and Europe as room is made for Ukrainian refugees. af-ghandistsn is on the verge of a famine and no one cares as the major powers in the world are only concerned with Ukraine. The af-ghands will soon be mass-culled due to the famine that is SURELY coming soon ................ :azn:
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Oh please do it , it will be a dream come true :lol:
Bcz guess what we don't want a competent talib army fighting with our soldiers on afghan border ;)
but most Pashtuns of KPK still call Afghans Majaars and regularly get into scuffles with them.

Only Peshawar.

The phrases "Nammak Haraam", "Kala be zy", and "majar" is never used in Pashtun parts of Balochistan.

Go ask the other Pashtun members of this forum lmao.
Somewhere in Kabul right now...
Only Peshawar.

The phrases "Nammak Haraam", "Kala be zy", and "majar" is never used in Pashtun parts of Balochistan.

Go ask the other Pashtun members of this forum lmao.

I really don’t care to be honest. I have different views. I love Pakistan, but when you get a little older you realize borders are just lines drawn by men.

There is a story in Punjabi where two brothers are dividing farm land. They couldn’t come to an agreement. All the while, Allah swt was watching and laughing in the heavens saying, how can they divide land when the universe belongs to me.

Yeah it’s India with communal violence and religious fundamentalism taking hold. Maybe bhartis should put out the fire in their own house before trying to start one in their neighbor’s. :lol:
But it's not our house or your house. It's about the Afghans. Why are all of you in such uproar?
They may as well convert to hinduism whilst they're at it........... :disagree:...........so the nation that defeated nato/the american global superpower now wants it's soldiers trained by a nation who cannot take on a country that is more than 7× smaller than it despite having the full backing of america and russia.........brilliant afghan IQ on display again.........:disagree:
They will enjoy cool Cow Ka Cola in India which they can't get in Kabul yet.
It's going to get far worse for the af-ghands in Europe/West. They are being kicked out and not let in to the West and Europe as room is made for Ukrainian refugees. af-ghandistsn is on the verge of a famine and no one cares as the major powers in the world are only concerned with Ukraine. The af-ghands will be mass-culled bebecaus of the famine coming soon and powerfully........ :azn:

Yea I saw an article detailing how Biden is ignoring them for Ukrainians. So all the ANA peeps are stuck in Afg. And the dream of going to Amreeka was handed over to Ukrainians. And Ukrainians are getting mass donations from the gorey while no one pays attention to Afg starvation and famine.

Pashtuns of Pakistan will never let that happen.

You can't really do anything about it, it's the law, if you are not a citizen of Pakistan you can't expect a citizens rights

This is a basic across the world

If you are a refugee, you are not by law allowed to own or buy a house or a car or even work in most cases

The afghans for decades have done nothing but create havoc for themselves, they have humiliated and destroyed themselves

Why should Pakistan allow these Namak harams any space to take the rights of Pakistani citizens

It's a police and court matter where afghans anywhere in the country and those not citizens can be striped of any Illegal property or car or anything they have

We must start to treat refugees like refugees and not citizens, let inflation, lack of work, money and state support crush the afghans so they have no choice but to run to Afghanistan, hell or wherever just not into Pakistan

It wouldn't be so bad if afghans acted like decent human beings but most of them are worthless Moraless trash and are utter Namak harams who will bark at Pakistan all day then beg to come here and when they do they bring prostitution, robbery, terrorism

They are a lanati people who God has condemned, everyone else has given up on the afghans why are we stuck with the losers
Yea I saw an article detailing how Biden is ignoring them for Ukrainians. So all the ANA peeps are stuck in Afg. And the dream of going to Amreeka was handed over to Ukrainians. And Ukrainians are getting mass donations from the gorey while no one pays attention to Afg starvation and famine.


The same is happening in the UK and europe. Everyone here loves Ukrainian refugees but ABSOLUTELY hate afghans and ALL other non-white refugees. They are all being denied entry to the UK or being deported to Rwanda....... :lol:
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I love Pakistan, but when you get a little older you realize borders are just lines drawn by men.

I realized that the moment Immi got kicked out 😭

You can't really do anything about it, it's the law, if you are not a citizen of Pakistan you can't expect a citizens rights

This is a basic across the world

If you are a refugee, you are not by law allowed to own or buy a house or a car or even work in most cases

The afghans for decades have done nothing but create havoc for themselves, they have humiliated and destroyed themselves

Why should Pakistan allow these Namak harams any space to take the rights of Pakistani citizens

It's a police and court matter where afghans anywhere in the country and those not citizens can be striped of any Illegal property or car or anything they have

We must start to treat refugees like refugees and not citizens, let inflation, lack of work, money and state support crush the afghans so they have no choice but to run to Afghanistan, hell or wherever just not into Pakistan

It wouldn't be so bad if afghans acted like decent human beings but most of them are worthless Moraless trash and are utter Namak harams who will bark at Pakistan all day then beg to come here and when they do they bring prostitution, robbery, terrorism

They are a lanati people who God has condemned, everyone else has given up on the afghans why are we stuck with the losers

Sure, but that’s never happening. Because Pashtuns of Pakistan will say no to that 🤣.

The same is happening in the UK and europe. Everyone here loves Ukrainian refugees but ABSOLUTELY hates afghans and ALL other non-white refugees. They are all being denied entry to the UK or being deported to Rwanda....... :lol:

A cousin in Europe told me he was thinking there were gonna be gang fights with Ukrainians with them and Iraqis, Syrians, and Afghans.
The same is happening in the UK and europe. Everyone here loves Ukrainian refugees but ABSOLUTELY hates afghans and ALL other non-white refugees. They are all being denied entry to the UK or being deported to Rwanda....... :lol:

Everyone is just tired of the afghans

What the afghans don't understand is that the world owes them NOTHING

The world spent over a TRILLION trying to make the afghans into human beings

Afghans had more money spent on them then multiple poor countries combined

Rather then fix their country, they couldn't even stand and they tried to play regional politics

Trying to use India against Pakistan
Trying to incite idiot pashtun nationalists
Rather then think that they need good relationships with neighbours they made trouble
Pashtun nationalists joined in, traveling to Kabul trying to incite Islamabad

In the end it happened, the U.S and world got sick and cut and ran
Afghan army ran like cowards
Pashtun nationalists with their stupidity created enmity and everyone watched Afghanistan fall into a hole

And who suffered, the average dum as shite afghan suffered

They will NEVER get that much money again

Ethnocentric stupidity has destroyed these people same as the Baloch to be fair and nothing is developing or happening for them

The world is moving on and these idiots are still crying about Attan or some shit

UK is now sending them to rawanda

You can't fix stupid, and Pakistan can no longer spend generations trying to look after and fix the afghans

I realized that the moment Immi got kicked out 😭

Sure, but that’s never happening. Because Pashtuns of Pakistan will say no to that 🤣.

A cousin in Europe told me he was thinking there were gonna be gang fights with Ukrainians with them and Iraqis, Syrians, and Afghans.

You don't understand, the afgans don't have money they are at the bottom at the moment, the state is pulling it's support when before it treated afghans almost like Pakistani citizens

The afghans are heading into destitution, because Pakistan has its own problems and won't look after them anymore

It's not like we are asking for much, we are just asking afghans to not act like Namak harams in Pakistan
Everyone is just tired of the afghans

What the afghans don't understand is that the world owes them NOTHING

The world spent over a TRILLION trying to make the afghans into human beings

Afghans had more money spent on them then multiple poor countries combined

Rather then fix their country, they couldn't even stand and they tried to play regional politics

Trying to use India against Pakistan
Trying to incite idiot pashtun nationalists
Rather then think that they need good relationships with neighbours they made trouble
Pashtun nationalists joined in, traveling to Kabul trying to incite Islamabad

In the end it happened, the U.S and world got sick and cut and ran
Afghan army ran like cowards
Pashtun nationalists with their stupidity created enmity and everyone watched Afghanistan fall into a hole

And who suffered, the average dum as shite afghan suffered

They will NEVER get that much money again

Ethnocentric stupidity has destroyed these people same as the Baloch to be fair and nothing is developing or happening for them

The world is moving on and these idiots are still crying about Attan or some shit

UK is now sending them to rawanda

You can't fix stupid, and Pakistan can no longer spend generations trying to look after and fix the afghans

You don't understand, the afgans don't have money they are at the bottom at the moment, the state is pulling it's support when before it treated afghans almost like Pakistani citizens

The afghans are heading into destitution, because Pakistan has its own problems and won't look after them anymore

It's not like we are asking for much, we are just asking afghans to not act like Namak harams in Pakistan

As they say in Pakistan, not all five fingers are the same.

Take a chill pill bro.
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