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‘Too upset and angry’: Muslim teen barred from top London school for wearing veil quits

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women ignore their responsibilities too sometimes and are way too passive to act on their rights. like these burka women thinking allah will punish them for not wearing burka and so brainwashed by religious propaganda she is not ready to stand up her right to be seen as equal to men
well men dont let them stand up
comeon all men are not same.. but women are to blamed for getting so willingfully oppressed too. if a man wore a burka he wil b seen mentally unstable.
comeon all men are not same.. but women are to blamed for getting so willingfully oppressed too. if a man wore a burka he wil b seen mentally unstable.
so wait, women should fight for her rights, take care of her children and her family members? so the only job of men is to bring home money and boss around women? when a strong woman rises, men start crying and saying, i wouldnt trust a woman or other blah blah blah, like now people scream when women get into the Air Force or the Army, they say "kiya sara bande mar gaye tha jo auratoon ko ana para" well my answer to them is, yes thy all do seem dead, why do you have a problem if a woman got into the Air Force, i for one would want my daughters (if i have any) to go into the Air Force, or would have supported my sister (if i had any) if she wanted to go into any type of the forces, i still support my mother in her job, so men should also start working for Women's rights, and dont blame Islam for this, Islam has given them full rights, it is we, men who dont let the rights pass on.
This just made me laugh can you please show me from the Quran where it says something about Socialist Muslim or real Muslims?

i had not seen that post of yours, so i reply now...

1. even "mba college" is not written in the quran, but by common sense understanding of quran and islam... that is fowarding of "making money from money"... same as "interest upon loans"... haraam, you will agree... or are they halaal for you??

2. what is your understanding of socialism to be so confident in denying it??

Veil is a part of the pre-Islamic Middle Eastern culture.

if by "veil" you mean burqa, then that is irani culture... can you show me drawings from pre-islam arab culture where burqa is clearly identifiable??

Not really, in there you dont have FREEDOM OF CHOICE...you practice how the ISIS tell you ...for her to be told is foreign ... hence that is not easily practicing her faith...nor is that even a part of Islam (to oppress women)

what is this "freedom of choice" you are forwarding??

a few burqa fanatics ( "oh, hijab is my choice, not cumpulsion" types ) and their bearded protectors can aggressively but non-violently bring a sense of fear among ladies who don't want the burqa... but in time, this fear will turn a non-burqa area into one with walking-talking tents.

the fault of the non-burqa females is that they never learned to talk back to idiots, never learned the quran to know that the obscene "burqa" is not islami at all... rather, it is anti-islam... removing females from public participation... removing their rights that the true islam gave them in the first place.

The veil was brought to England by Muslim immigrants.

immigrants from south asia, i would say.

She is dead why should I have an opinion on a dead woman?

you know very well that i meant fatima bhutto... but you maybe you simply didn't want to answer so took the easy escape ;)

I dont live in Libya nor in Syria nor do I know their histories nor does it concern me in the least bit of ways...You aimed at it..you deal with it...

you too "aimed at it"... go back to our first discussion... and this concerns lives so you should not be so callous.

Not your business ...If I wear it or not I will not react like a moron if I see one using it based on her choice...

it is not my business if your religion is "akheilos-ism"... but if it concerns islam or anything else in history, then it is my business.
second that...dupatta is good.. burka is insulting to men.

how is "dupatta" different from burqa?? both enforce sense of shame in females about their own female shape... dupatta should be banned... and it is nice that many ladies in india are abandoning the dupatta.

who gives a shit about men? the only thing men do is poondi, they are completely useless

1. what is "poondi"??

2. i truly want to eradicate most males in south asia... this "most" are ignorant, culture fanatics, rituralism fanatics, prayer fanatics, non-intellectual, non-ambitious, non-practical, back-stabber, racists, closet homo...

so wait, women should fight for her rights, take care of her children and her family members? so the only job of men is to bring home money and boss around women? when a strong woman rises, men start crying and saying, i wouldnt trust a woman or other blah blah blah, like now people scream when women get into the Air Force or the Army, they say "kiya sara bande mar gaye tha jo auratoon ko ana para" well my answer to them is, yes thy all do seem dead, why do you have a problem if a woman got into the Air Force, i for one would want my daughters (if i have any) to go into the Air Force, or would have supported my sister (if i had any) if she wanted to go into any type of the forces, i still support my mother in her job, so men should also start working for Women's rights, and dont blame Islam for this, Islam has given them full rights, it is we, men who dont let the rights pass on.

among the rare sensible posts on internet... sincerely.
how is "dupatta" different from burqa?? both enforce sense of shame in females about their own female shape... dupatta should be banned... and it is nice that many ladies in india are abandoning the dupatta.
no dupatta us actually just taken lightly on the head or around the neck, so it isnt so bad? whats wrong with it?
When china banned multiple things, many people said its their country their rules. When UK does the same, they are crying. Is it selective amnesia?
i had not seen that post of yours, so i reply now...

1. even "mba college" is not written in the quran, but by common sense understanding of quran and islam... that is fowarding of "making money from money"... same as "interest upon loans"... haraam, you will agree... or are they halaal for you??

2. what is your understanding of socialism to be so confident in denying it??

if by "veil" you mean burqa, then that is irani culture... can you show me drawings from pre-islam arab culture where burqa is clearly identifiable??

what is this "freedom of choice" you are forwarding??

a few burqa fanatics ( "oh, hijab is my choice, not cumpulsion" types ) and their bearded protectors can aggressively but non-violently bring a sense of fear among ladies who don't want the burqa... but in time, this fear will turn a non-burqa area into one with walking-talking tents.

the fault of the non-burqa females is that they never learned to talk back to idiots, never learned the quran to know that the obscene "burqa" is not islami at all... rather, it is anti-islam... removing females from public participation... removing their rights that the true islam gave them in the first place.

immigrants from south asia, i would say.

you know very well that i meant fatima bhutto... but you maybe you simply didn't want to answer so took the easy escape ;)

you too "aimed at it"... go back to our first discussion... and this concerns lives so you should not be so callous.

it is not my business if your religion is "akheilos-ism"... but if it concerns islam or anything else in history, then it is my business.

how is "dupatta" different from burqa?? both enforce sense of shame in females about their own female shape... dupatta should be banned... and it is nice that many ladies in india are abandoning the dupatta.

1. what is "poondi"??

2. i truly want to eradicate most males in south asia... this "most" are ignorant, culture fanatics, rituralism fanatics, prayer fanatics, non-intellectual, non-ambitious, non-practical, back-stabber, racists, closet homo...

among the rare sensible posts on internet... sincerely.
Yes and India is also becoming famous for rapes and selling women body
Yes and India is also becoming famous for rapes and selling women body


huzoor, what is my connection to india other than being born in it?? for the thousandth time, i am socialist... i do not believe in nationalism or in the concept of nations... and i do not accept the legitimacy of india as a nation because it was created by usa and britain to wage war against socialism ( to india's north, east and west )... so please, no more of that.

on your point about rapes...

rape of ladies in south asia have more to do with female-hating males teaching ladies a lesson for being free or protesting or financial dispute or political dispute.... nothing to do with lust... why do most rapes of ladies in south asia end in the murder of the victims, many times, tortured murder?? like pouring acid on the victims or burning with cigarettes or pushing iron rods into private parts?? can you answer this, keeping your moralistic ways, your "akhlaaqi-pan" to one side?? and what do you say about rampant but hidden rapes of males in south asia??

on your point about "selling women's bodies"....

it is the ladies' choice... why do you need to be concerned about it, as long as there is no forcing or violence?? you should be more concerned about males doing college degrees which then leads them to do jobs, which is modern form of slavery called "wage slavery" and then living in middle-class poverty until death but not before transferring their poverty to their children like a relay race... so you being concerned is correct but your topic of concern is wrong.

@levina @Spring Onion @Sidak @Jf Thunder ... i will appreciate your opinions on my above points, and the one below...

no dupatta us actually just taken lightly on the head or around the neck, so it isnt so bad? whats wrong with it?

well, if it looks good or protects against sun or dust or rain, then why not?? :) but care should be taken that it doesn't look like a psuedo-dupatta.
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Mrs Kitcatt, 55, added:

just saw this... kit-katt... :rofl:

like this...?? mrs. kitkat?? i find the percentages in the below picture rather funny ;)...

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well, if it looks good or protects against sun or dust or rain, then why not?? but care should be taken that it doesn't look like a psuedo-dupatta ( which hangs over the... )
dude, oh so you want every female out there to be showing her body to you for your enjoyment? SICK
dude, oh so you want every female out there to be showing her body to you for your enjoyment? SICK

okay... i have edited the offending part :-)

but sincerely, i as a man ( not bad-looking at all, if i say so myself ) would be quite flattered to have ladies look at me... and ladies dress-up too for the same reason... so why so serious??
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What commits blasphemy? seriously sometimes I wonder how many of you just absorb what media feeds you like a sponge or is it a choice??

You keep blaming the media,European intolerance,while defending most muslim countries who opress religion minorities just because "they don't pretend to be liberal".This is not about them being liberal,it is about them being what they really are and that is:intolerant to non muslims,mildly intolerant or outright opressive.

Do you think Europeans are stupid,do you think we're all morons ? I've tried to explain it nicely to you and Zarvan but let me be blunt :We know that if we do not make a stand the same faith awaits us to,we see the other christians ,non muslims in most muslim states being treated as 2nd class citizens and know this is our faith in the future if you keep playing on our liberalism and good will intentions.

How in the hell is this media blowing things out of proportion when it's clear as day that in countries where muslims gain the upper hand non muslims become third rate citizens.Do you expect that in the name of secularism and multiculturalism we should be the architects of our own destruction ?

Simply put,you're ranting at us for not laying down and die.

EDIT:Right now in the Bangladesh section a Bangla member is raving about "evil NGO's baptising Bangladeshis"...oh the horror,the humanity ! The ultimate crime,muslims proselytised ! Where is the tolerance,where is free choice accepted ?
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1. you are contradicting your words... you first said "some countries" judge people by how they dress and western countries are too liberal to do that, you said... and i then asked you which those "some countries" are which judge people based on dress... to that you did not reply.

2. the first publicly-known western assasination plot against muammar gaddafi was in 1971... within two years of his "al fatah" socialist revolution... muammar gaddafi then spent the next 40 years supporting every socialist revolution every freedom movement that rose up against usa hegemony or western hegemony... western government assassination plots were made against muammar, whether by direct aircraft bombardment or by funding of taliban-type mullah groups ( like lifg )... there was the pre-2011 warming of relations between libyan jamahiriya and the western government.... but western government did ultimately go back to their natural enmity of such a socialist hero ( and the imaam of all muslims )... so you sense of history and present is totally wrong.

3. you said those youngsters ( "rebels" ) who went to libya and syria and murdered those citizens did not ever personally know those societies... very true... so why do you think they did as nato militaries commanded??

4. libya and syria had much much more comforts and true freedoms than the west... so why do you think a burqa'ed female willingly wore burqa in london but willingly went to syria to wage war against a system which considered the burqa as dirty??

5. so you are both a socialist, centrist, mullah-ist and capitalist?? you are all those?? please be sincere.

I see your point but you dont have to be so harsh to her. She is a confused individual and does dispise the west despite living here for legitimate and non legitimate reasons. She is part of the silent majority that looks the other way while the cancer spreads.
I see your point but you dont have to be so harsh to her. She is a confused individual and does dispise the west despite living here for legitimate and non legitimate reasons. She is part of the silent majority that looks the other way while the cancer spreads.
Thank you for categorizing me based on your immediate need to categorize people!
You keep blaming the media,
If you had answers against what I wrote I am sure you would have presented them!
European intolerance,
Whatelse do you want to call all those essays of examples I gave?

while defending most muslim countries who opress religion minorities just because "they don't pretend to be liberal".
I didnt know stating they have their own set of problems (instead of hiding this line) is called defending

This is not about them being liberal,it is about them being what they really are and that is:intolerant to non muslims,mildly intolerant or outright opressive.
Yes they are ....I have pointed that they are not hypocrites they dont hide behind the tolerant label...

Do you think Europeans are stupid,do you think we're all morons ? I've tried to explain it nicely to you and Zarvan but let me be blunt :We know that if we do not make a stand the same faith awaits us to,we see the other christians ,non muslims in most muslim states being treated as 2nd class citizens and know this is our faith in the future if you keep playing on our liberalism and good will intentions.
Then take off the liberalism veil and claim to be what you are...like how the Muslim countries claim...BTW, this fear can be called a phobia because you have no evidence suggesting such a thing can happen ...Why? Because your govt is liberal, tolerant it is secular (technically doesnt have a Mullah advising it) and also your laws are liberal NONE of thesea re present in a Muslim States so you claiming your fate ending like them is a phobia picked up from media (and that is the truth coz who else told you that when you dont have evidence of it as you literally have never been to any of the countries you fear)

How in the hell is this media blowing things out of proportion when it's clear as day that in countries where muslims gain the upper hand non muslims become third rate citizens.Do you expect that in the name of secularism and multiculturalism we should be the architects of our own destruction ?

Again you have no prove that you would end up like that if you allow 1- 100-10000 women to use veil...

You have no stats to mention....

And plus I have no problem if you have it is written in black and white what you want and dont want....BUT WRITE IT...if you cant write it than dont claim unwritten stuff! Why are you afraid to have it written? In Muslim countries it is written in the laws...because they dont claim certain things (liberal,nor tolerance) but because you claim it you should either live by it or state it as crystal clear so that people ACTUALLY read the fine prints before immigrating!

Simply put,you're ranting at us for not laying down and die.
Wow...talk about exploding out of proportion and you wonder what media teaches you and how it is exploding something out of proportion?!

EDIT:Right now in the Bangladesh section a Bangla member is raving about "evil NGO's baptising Bangladeshis"...oh the horror,the humanity ! The ultimate crime,muslims proselytised ! Where is the tolerance,where is free choice accepted ?
And now you are just aiming blind!
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