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‘Too upset and angry’: Muslim teen barred from top London school for wearing veil quits

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Some people have difficulty understanding what secularism, tolerance and what not, they keep inciting to defend their acts, really mean.

Being tolerant does not mean you can be pushed to extreme. Something that is not a norm is non-acceptable and you will be tolerated as long as you meet the norms.There is a reason there is a saying - When in rome act like rome.

Being secular means same law/rules for all. Now why would a secular nation change the very rules they were built on to please one particular community who does not like those laws/rules.

I know these are too difficult thing for some to follow and they will jump to defend all the stupid acts of muslims worldwide with some bizarre going round and round logic.
"Submit to our rules in your own countries or there will be more attacks ".Yeah,that will make those westerners/Europeans more tolerant,no chance of a violent backlash .:what:
You would soon seen brutal deadly backlash
Be careful what you wish for and don't cry foul when your own terror will turn on you.

Becauze Zarvan is tired of threathening us with violence.
Its west who are wishing for war they are soon going to get them inside there own countries
You and Zarvan are being dishonest with these examples. Anything goes, from bikini (which would not be allowed in any school probably) to gays (being gay doesn't hamper teacher/student interaction-niqab/burqa does).
I am giving how tolerance is skewed to accept one and reject another BOTH being foreign to the West (at least initially)...

Being dishonest like this is your trademark in these debates. Your "inability" to understand how allowing bikini isn't even comparable to disallowing niqab/burqa or "confusion" between what liberalism allows and common security needs don't.
I am far from confused but labeling me did not answer my questions which btw, you did agree it has something to do with the phobia...
1. you are contradicting your words... you first said "some countries" judge people by how they dress and western countries are too liberal to do that, you said... and i then asked you which those "some countries" are which judge people based on dress... to that you did not reply.

Ahh my bad I did miss that...

These "some countries" are those which do not label themselves as liberal, secular nor tolerant

2. the first publicly-known western assasination plot against muammar gaddafi was in 1971... within two years of his "al fatah" socialist revolution... muammar gaddafi then spent the next 40 years supporting every socialist revolution every freedom movement that rose up against usa hegemony or western hegemony... western government assassination plots were made against muammar, whether by direct aircraft bombardment or by funding of taliban-type mullah groups ( like lifg )... there was the pre-2011 warming of relations between libyan jamahiriya and the western government.... but western government did ultimately go back to their natural enmity of such a socialist hero ( and the imaam of all muslims )... so you sense of history and present is totally wrong.
Yet it took 40 yrs for USA to "liberate them?"

Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi - Features - Al Jazeera English

Did Qaddafi Deserve U.S. Funding? Foreign Aid Under Scrutiny Amid Mideast Unrest | Fox News

3. you said those youngsters ( "rebels" ) who went to libya and syria and murdered those citizens did not ever personally know those societies... very true... so why do you think they did as nato militaries commanded??
I said this:

2ndly, These people you want to compare with Libyan rebels are almost 3rd generation CITIZENS...not fresh off the boat so either try a different analogy or elaborate what you wish to say
The these people refers to those with an ideology different to the West for this thread those who want to cover their face...

I am not sure how you managed to twist my words to suit yourself?

4. libya and syria had much much more comforts and true freedoms than the west... so why do you think a burqa'ed female willingly wore burqa in london but willingly went to syria to wage war against a system which considered the burqa as dirty??
I am not sure where or how you concluded this?

I have never lived in Syria nor in Libya...I dont know their ground reality nor do I know what goes on in those countries...I am also not sure why you are painting each Burqa lady as ALL BURQA ladies?

5. so you are both a socialist, centrist, mullah-ist and capitalist?? you are all those?? please be sincere.
Like I dont label people I dont enjoy being labelled...nothing is 100% I talk what is right I speak my mind and I object if I see a wrong....label me whatever you please thats your business I do not do that...
Shes born and bred in UK so stop trying to send her to FOREIGN land!
Then why is she acting like she's from a foreign land then?? I didn't know it was native British culture to dress in a veil which poses security concerns, and rightfully so.

Also, FYI, a lot of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are also born and bred in Saudi Arabia but the Arabs don't give their South Asian Muslim brothers citizenship right away. Something to ponder about.
Being secular means same law/rules for all. Now why would a secular nation change the very rules they were built on to please one particular community who does not like those laws/rules.

so what about the hindu communities in western nations carrying forward hindu practices like forced marriages, dowry,honor killing and stupid mythological beliefs ( like the "ganesha drinks milk" episode of madness in 1990's britain )??

I know these are too difficult thing for some to follow and they will jump to defend all the stupid acts of muslims worldwide with some bizarre going round and round logic.

i am socialist muslim ( so, real muslim ) and i condemn anyone willing to wear that tent called "burqa"... so please answer to my above point.
Then why is she acting like she's from a foreign land then?? I didn't know it was native British culture to dress in a veil which poses security concerns, and rightfully so.

Also, FYI, a lot of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are also born and bred in Saudi Arabia but the Arabs don't give their South Asian Muslim brothers citizenship right away. Something to ponder about.
She is acting according to what her faith tell her to nothing to do with foriegn land
Some people have difficulty understanding what secularism, tolerance and what not, they keep inciting to defend their acts, really mean.
I already asked twice on this VERY THREAD to define each meaning for me because when I used the dictionary and I even presented the meanings that came up when I googled the terms but people didnt agree so now I ask people to present me the meanings of these terms but so far not a single person bothered to google it and read it up!

As for the later part of your post please go cry elsewhere...none of these are my acts I am defending the meaning of liberal, secular and tolerant which of course many of you arent and hence oversea this as foreign!

Being tolerant does not mean you can be pushed to extreme. Something that is not a norm is non-acceptable and you will be tolerated as long as you meet the norms.There is a reason there is a saying - When in rome act like rome.
I have repeated no less than 3 times on this thread that...let me put it in your words...SUDDENLY after Summer this very school became Rome because this lady was allowed the face veil all the way till THIS SUMMER (1 yr - yes she recently started...I dont see how 1 yr and it can still be considered new? ) And mind you I have posted 2 times on this thread that some previous students have claimed that they went to that school and have word a face veil and have seen others wore it too (NORM ENOUGH?) ...what happened this summer AFTER HER O LEVEL results is what is being questioned...

At least bother to look up the case you wish to bash!

Being secular means same law/rules for all. Now why would a secular nation change the very rules they were built on to please one particular community who does not like those laws/rules.
The rules of this private school hasnt changed for a while and even since the 1 year she wore the veil ....it has been the same....so question comes back what happened in summer?

I know these are too difficult thing for some to follow and they will jump to defend all the stupid acts of muslims worldwide with some bizarre going round and round logic.
I also know its too difficult for you to grasp this case esp when you havent even read it!

A liberal and tolerant society doesnt mock the believes of others no matter how stupid it may sound....Makes you look uncivilized (yup very words you throw around on others are being depicted by you) though

The only reason we are going round is coz I am being quoted with the same questions and after answering a new string of same questions are being repeated as no one wants to even read the case up!
She is acting according to what her faith tell her to nothing to do with foriegn land

First fight with your own brothers on this platform who say this Niqab issue has nothing to do with "Faith" but "Culture"...
Now come and tell me if it is a religious issue if you claim the faith?
Then why is she acting like she's from a foreign land then?? I didn't know it was native British culture to dress in a veil which poses security concerns, and rightfully so.
1stly, face veil is not foreign to British culture....esp since she has been using it for 1yr in a school she has been going to for 5 yrs...

And how is it acting foreign? She is acting very much like a Brit...she chose something and is practising it coz her senses tell her that her tolerant and liberal society will not raise eyebrows like they would in "a foreign land"

Also, FYI, a lot of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are also born and bred in Saudi Arabia but the Arabs don't give their South Asian Muslim brothers citizenship right away. Something to ponder about
Yes but Arabs never claim to be secular, liberal nor tolerant....so the comparison doesnt even work!

i am socialist muslim ( so, real muslim )
This just made me laugh can you please show me from the Quran where it says something about Socialist Muslim or real Muslims?

Muslim is 1 who practices Islam you are either one or you are just one who is claiming to be one (as in you arent)
She is acting according to what her faith tell her to nothing to do with foriegn land
Her faith also tells her to live in a Muslim country where it will be easier for her to practice her faith, which is why she should be deported to ISIS land ("Islamic State").
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