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‘Too upset and angry’: Muslim teen barred from top London school for wearing veil quits

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It could be due to the phobia from the media, no doubt. But media doesn't write about thin air and doesn't have the power to stir phobia's where there is no basis for it. It feeds on fears and desires of the general populace, .

What you see as media phobia, i see as a natural step in correcting the wrongs of rampant immigration/asylum seeker policy and an overly obsessive PC culture infested with pandering to minorities.

At least switzerland stood its ground with its minaret ban law.
So far they havent impressed me with repeating the term open when they dont practice what they preach!

You cant really be intolerant and then call yourselves liberal...it kills the definition...You can say liberal but intolerant towards religion like France...they have said what others are SCARED TO SAY!

Keep your Indian victim to yourself...I have answered enough of this on this very thread!

ME NON MUSLIM is caveman language to me...

You do the same but when a Muslim calls you Kafir (non Muslim) you want to make an issue out of it! :tsk:

@Zarvan you shouldnt say such things... It makes you sound like a crazy person which you arent....

Prophet never said such shit so I suggest you dont try to be holier than the Prophet!
I am telling the obvious things you can't question holocaust and women can wear bikni but they ban niqab and there attitude will only result in more anger which will eventually lead to more attacks
I am telling the obvious things you can't question holocaust and women can wear bikni but they ban niqab and there attitude will only result in more anger which will eventually lead to more attacks

We are not living in 15th century. BTW, did LeT attack Mumbai on 26/11 to avenge Minarette Ban in Switzerland?

Islamists are not reactionaries, they want to turn the whole world green. In short, the attacks won't stop.
I am telling the obvious things you can't question holocaust and women can wear bikni but they ban niqab and there attitude will only result in more anger which will eventually lead to more attacks

yes but that is for them to realize...

we can only hint but nor can we wish them that ....

Prophet always said use kind words so plz watch your words...

We are not living in 15th century. BTW, did LeT attack Mumbai on 26/11 to avenge Minarette Ban in Switzerland?

Islamists are not reactionaries, they want to turn the whole world green. In short, the attacks won't stop.
reported for derailing....
We are not living in 15th century. BTW, did LeT attack Mumbai on 26/11 to avenge Minarette Ban in Switzerland?

Islamists are not reactionaries, they want to turn the whole world green. In short, the attacks won't stop.
Mumbai was attacked because off mass murder off Muslims in Kashmir and Gujarat and other parts off India and yes living in 21st century where Delhi is known as Rape capital off Indian where with every product shown in adds women are shown as free by product where women and her body is sold to sell products where 70000 women are raped each year in UK alone
It could be due to the phobia from the media, no doubt. But media doesn't write about thin air and doesn't have the power to stir phobia's where there is no basis for it.
I beg to disagree...Media is more powerful than you think in terms of influencing than one gives it credit...they can very well give a balanced view...If they air 200 mins worth of rubbish against Islam daily I suggest they air 200 mins worth of something Muslims do and goes unaired ....balance out their phobia instead of building it up...
It feeds on fears and desires of the general populace, .
Which it shouldnt...It should not be biased...

What you see as media phobia, i see as a natural step in correcting the wrongs of rampant immigration/asylum seeker policy and an overly obsessive PC culture infested with pandering to minorities.
Those policies sure need to be addressed even I wouldnt approve of someone sitting on their *** and demanding to be fed....that is no way to live....

But by alienating everything and then putting on fake shows of tolerance and actually stuffing it in ones face like look we did this for you and that...is not exactly helpful...

If person A can scream out and say he wants to be a gay then person B should be equally free to say I want to cover up my face...

True I do take security into consideration that can be stated due to security risk we wont allow this (like this school should state in its rules) ....

But by hiding (not putting it in their rules) and avoiding (not amending their rules yet barring) is not gonna win you anything it is just gonna raise eyebrows and questions even from the everyday citizens who see that as an alien thing to bar someone based on something that is not foreign to the school (esp since previous students HAVE used face veil and even this particular girl used it in Summer for her O levels)...

You cant expect a liberal society to not ask questions when you do something without reasons!

Mumbai was attacked because off mass murder off Muslims in Kashmir and Gujarat and other parts off India and yes living in 21st century where Delhi is known as Rape capital off Indian where with every product shown in adds women are shown as free by product where women and her body is sold to sell products where 70000 women are raped each year in UK alone
kindly remove this post and dont feed the derailing troll....
let's look at the big picture...

1. why are these burqa'ed and bearded "muslims" so much present in nato nations??

2. what are the opinions of those self-same burqas and beards regarding socialist muslim nations like nasser's egypt, baathi iraq and syria. plo palestine and the libyan jamahiriya??

3. why do those self-same burqas and beards become so ready to wage war against socialist muslim nations ( libya, syria ) whenever their resident nato nations ( britain, belgium, france, holland etc ) conspire against those socialist muslim nations??
It is not their responsibility to bridge gaps when the other side will try to exploit any such act.
Maybe not India's but it is their responsibility in the West to sustain a multicultural society!
The chips on their shoulders vanished on the day Islamists started raising their voices and started threatening the locals. They know what will happen if the phenomenon is not nipped in the bud. They are morally obliged to protect their people first, others come later.
Stop comparing the West with your psychological disorder...You are other while the girl is not other....Why? Coz welcome to what we call a liberal secular and tolerant society which doesnt look at you based on who your daddy was! As long as you are a citizen you get equal rights and there is no their people and others when you compare a CITIZEN....

liberal secular and tolerant society doesnt give 2nd class citizen status so kindly keep your narrow mindedness to yourselves!

let's look at the big picture...
1. why are these burqa'ed and bearded "muslims" so much present in nato nations??
Due the freedom and being allowed to practice their faith ...Because of what these countries advertise that they are tolerant, secular and liberal and will accept you and not judge you like in some countries....

Others come for the money ...

2. what are the opinions of those self-same burqas and beards regarding socialist muslim nations like nasser's egypt, baathi iraq and syria. plo palestine and the libyan jamahiriya??
Most of these people (born and raised on Western soil) have never been to Egypt or Iraq or Syria so their opinion about such a nation is prob shock that one is forced to do something they are allowed to do in their land (West) ...

They enjoy this freedom and are utilizing it....

Its like you advertise some chocolate and then dont let the person eat it?

3. why do those self-same burqas and beards become so ready to wage war against socialist muslim nations ( libya, syria ) whenever their resident nato nations ( britain, belgium, france, holland etc ) conspire against those socialist muslim nations??

Not all and painting everyone with the same brush shows limitation of ones ability to accept or understand! Most just want to lead a normal life based on their choice...Like no one questions an emo or a punk lifestyle....and no one equates every punk/ tattooed person as a gang member...

I could also take news on a certain issue in India and question why are these Indians so ready to do xyz...
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Due the freedom and being allowed to practice their faith ...

the faith of the burqa'ed and bearded is what i call fake-muslim.

Because of what these countries advertise that they are tolerant, secular and liberal and will accept you and not judge you like in some countries....

which are those "some countries"??

Others come for the money ...

libyan jamahiriya was one of the wealthiest and most comfortable societies in human history... yet many of the "rebels" who entered libya under protection of nato planes... would not have had as comfortable lives in nato nations as they would have had being loyal to libyan jamahiriya... free electricity, free medical system, free education, free water, housing as human right, no burqas... and many of the libyan "rebels" were not even libyan origin...

so what faith, akheilos??

edit : and freedom to do what?? go to libya and syria to cut, burn and roast??

Most of these people (born and raised on Western soil) have never been to Egypt or Iraq or Syria so their opinion about such a nation is prob shock that one is forced to do something they are allowed to do in their land (West) ...

They enjoy this freedom and are utilizing it....

they are as confused as your wording... and as easily manipulated, i expect, in mosques run by south asians and funded by saudia.

I could also take news on a certain issue in India and question why are these Indians so ready to do xyz...

why do you think i am indian nationalist?? i am socialist, whose belief says that nationalism is a disease of the mind.

so what are you, akheilos??
the faith of the burqa'ed and bearded is what i call fake-muslim.
Doesnt justify anything....

Many call different things with different names...One would call Hinduism fake others would call Christianity as fake some would call Islam as barbaric and fake...list goes on...

which are those "some countries"??
Western free, liberal, secular, and tolerant...

libyan jamahiriya was one of the wealthiest and most comfortable societies in human history... yet many of the "rebels" who entered libya under protection of nato planes... would not have had as comfortable lives in nato nations as they would have had being loyal to libyan jamahiriya... free electricity, free medical system, free education, free water, housing as human right, no burqas... and many of the libyan "rebels" were not even libyan origin...
so what faith, akheilos??
Libya started of as a Monarchy...it continued then to Ghadaffi for decades and no one uttered a voice against it coz USA was happy with Ghadaffi....

And as for the free human right issues you are talking about MOST of the Middle East offers you all that and a tax free pay....

Except SOME consider the black gown should be worn

I am not sure how you picked up Libya and want to compare that to the West...which western country offers free electricity, free medical system, free education, free water, housing as human right??

2ndly, These people you want to compare with Libyan rebels are almost 3rd generation CITIZENS...not fresh off the boat so either try a different analogy or elaborate what you wish to say

they are as confused as your wording... and as easily manipulated, i expect in mosques run by south asians and funded by saudia.

No one calls drug addicts confused, no one calls punk lifestyle confused, no one calls transgenders as confused (no not the natural ones but those who actually undergo the surgery) no one calls the calls this confused: Incest a 'fundamental right', German Committee says

Its just they have a problem when it has to do with religion or anything outside Christianity just a few weeks back in a few threads some people were trying to convince me West has far passed all the confusion and have learned to accept I think they are still in the learning process or have somehow managed to undo the learning...

why do you think i am indian nationalist?? i am socialist, whose belief says that nationalism is a disease of the mind.
so what are you, akheilos??
I dont limit myself by classification....

1. you are contradicting your words... you first said "some countries" judge people by how they dress and western countries are too liberal to do that, you said... and i then asked you which those "some countries" are which judge people based on dress... to that you did not reply.

2. the first publicly-known western assasination plot against muammar gaddafi was in 1971... within two years of his "al fatah" socialist revolution... muammar gaddafi then spent the next 40 years supporting every socialist revolution every freedom movement that rose up against usa hegemony or western hegemony... western government assassination plots were made against muammar, whether by direct aircraft bombardment or by funding of taliban-type mullah groups ( like lifg )... there was the pre-2011 warming of relations between libyan jamahiriya and the western government.... but western government did ultimately go back to their natural enmity of such a socialist hero ( and the imaam of all muslims )... so you sense of history and present is totally wrong.

3. you said those youngsters ( "rebels" ) who went to libya and syria and murdered those citizens did not ever personally know those societies... very true... so why do you think they did as nato militaries commanded??

4. libya and syria had much much more comforts and true freedoms than the west... so why do you think a burqa'ed female willingly wore burqa in london but willingly went to syria to wage war against a system which considered the burqa as dirty??

5. so you are both a socialist, centrist, mullah-ist and capitalist?? you are all those?? please be sincere.
but they ban niqab and there attitude will only result in more anger which will eventually lead to more attacks

"Submit to our rules in your own countries or there will be more attacks ".Yeah,that will make those westerners/Europeans more tolerant,no chance of a violent backlash .:what:
If person A can scream out and say he wants to be a gay then person B should be equally free to say I want to cover up my face...

You and Zarvan are being dishonest with these examples. Anything goes, from bikini (which would not be allowed in any school probably) to gays (being gay doesn't hamper teacher/student interaction-niqab/burqa does).

Being dishonest like this is your trademark in these debates. Your "inability" to understand how allowing bikini isn't even comparable to disallowing niqab/burqa or "confusion" between what liberalism allows and common security needs don't.
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Wear a veil like a ninja, why do not you take off revealing beautiful face of it?
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