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Incest a 'fundamental right', German Committee says

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Jul 29, 2010
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Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says

Anti-incest laws in Germany could be scrapped after a government-backed group said relationships between brothers and sisters should be legal

Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination.

“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”

Their intervention follows a notorious case in which a brother and sister living as partners in Saxony had four children together. The couple had been raised separately and only met when the brother, identified only as Patrick S, was an adult, and his sister Susan K was 16.

Patrick S was sentenced to more than three years in prison for incest and the couple have since failed in their bid to have the guilty verdict overturned by the European Court of Human Rights.

The family was forced to live apart after the courts ruled that there was a duty to protect their children from the consequences of their relationship.

Two of the couple’s children are disabled, and it is believed that incest carries a higher risk of resulting in children with genetic abnormalities.

But the Ethics Council dismissed that argument, on the basis that other genetically affected couples are not banned from having children.

The Council said it based its recommendation on extensive research, in which it found many incestuous couples are forced to live in secret.

In one case, it found a woman was being blackmailed by her father and ex-husband, who threatened to depive her of access to her children unless she ended a new relationship with her half-brother.

Incest remains illegal in the UK and most European countries, although France abolished its incest laws under Napoleon I and there has been growing debate over the taboo in Germany.

Around two to four per cent of Germans have had “incestuous experiences”, according to an estimate by the Max Planck Institute.

But a spokeswoman for Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats indicated the government was unlikely to adopt the Ethics Council’s recommendations.

“The abolition of the offense of incest between siblings would be the wrong signal,” said Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, legal policy spokeswoman for the party’s group in parliament.

“Eliminating the threat of punishment against incestuous acts within families would run counter to the protection of undisturbed development for children.”

Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says - Telegraph

I would have thought that the illegality of incest does not warrant debate but evidently not in a EU obsessed with human rights over basic common sense (although I note ECHR has taken a different view on the matter). What next, legalisation of sexual relationships between parents and children?? Disgusting...
This is endogenous psychosis - so died out ancient Egyptians and Ellins and Mayas. If the Europeans do not change their minds, then in a very short historical period Continent Europe will be inhabit by other peoples, other civilization - Muslims, for example.
I saw this coming long time ago.After Gay and Lesbian LGBT rights and legalization this was bound to come.Next to arrive are Pedophilia,rape,bestiality,Necrophilia
All those Libtards and rights arseholes here who were arguing for LGBT rights.This will come up eventually now support this too.:D:D:D
I thought it is already legal in Pakistan. My co-worker recently married his cousin in Lahore.

When I asked him like WTF, he said it is acceptable in Pakistan and popular!!!

You are talking like cousin marriages don't happen in India. Facepalm.
I saw this coming long time ago.After Gay and Lesbian LGBT rights and legalization this was bound to come.Next to arrive are Pedophilia,rape,bestiality,Necrophilia
All those Libtards and rights arseholes here who were arguing for LGBT rights.This will come up eventually now support this too.:D:D:D

Not "next to arrive". This is what India was before Muslims arrived:

op don't you have any other topics to post??? shity article. .even disgusting to read
As the article clearly says "Incest remains illegal in the UK and most European countries"
Source: Incest a 'fundamental right', German Committee says

Nice how you guys oversimplify and take the whole thing out of context.

This is endogenous psychosis - so died out ancient Egyptians and Ellins and Mayas. If the Europeans do not change their minds, then in a very short historical period Continent Europe will be inhabit by other peoples, other civilization - Muslims, for example.
Like those fine ISIS lads....
Err...no they are not...Its a very vile thing to do in popular Indian culture. Thats why i was shocked.
Well as far as I know they are very common.
Yes it is a very common practise among south Indians and as far as I know in muslims too. One of my muslim friend from UP is married to his first cousin.
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