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‘Too upset and angry’: Muslim teen barred from top London school for wearing veil quits

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If its not a part of the native culture then its foreign.
The culture is not exactly 2 points but a spectrum of various combinations...

Yes. The veil was brought to England by Muslim immigrants. Immigrant is someone who migrated from a foreign land. Thus, the veil is foreign.
O dear god:

The veil was in Medieval Europe far before it knew what Islam was:



his can change soon, especially with the rise of the far right groups all throughout Europe.
And that is what I am waiting for something in black and white...
just like there are some backward practices in hindu religion and modern hindus have stoped following them so should muslims too.. no point in trying to justify foolish conduct in the name of religion. Heck no one will think she is very pios women because she is in burka but will curse her overtly or covertly for being such a drama queen
The culture is not exactly 2 points but a spectrum of various combinations...

But this veil worn by Muslim women was never a part of English culture.

O dear god:

The veil was in Medieval Europe far before it knew what Islam was:


View attachment 91116

That is nothing like the veil worn in Islamic countries, that's (the image you posted) not even a veil, and was limited to Church nuns and certain women of nobility:


And that is what I am waiting for something in black and white...
With all of the rape cases and extremism within the immigrant Muslim communities of Europe, you just might get your wish granted.
Bikini's have no security consideration which is why it isn't banned in general, but similarly to burqa/niqab it would most likely hamper student-teacher interaction, and so, surprise, surprise, you aren't allowed to wear bikini in school.

Well was just an example... ..as the other end of the spectrum....

And FYI, you probably think bikini's were thought of to degrade women in the heathen west, but history tells us they are more a product of a lack of proper materials post WWII when everything was in short supply.
Thats good knowledge :tup:

Ya, but i also said phobia's don't appear out of thin air, in on themselves. Somehow you missed that (or to be more precise, arbitrarily dismissed this as me not being aware of the power of mass media).
Well in a civilized educated society, you would think they would know better than to be brainwashed (I am liberally using this word to mean following media blindly)

As for doesnt appear out of thin air...i did answer that bit...or thought I did now I cant even find your question nor my answer...
The culture is not exactly 2 points but a spectrum of various combinations...

O dear god:

The veil was in Medieval Europe far before it knew what Islam was:


View attachment 91116

And that is what I am waiting for something in black and white...

that is not burka where only the eyes aree visible.. that's acceptable clothing but yet it is medivial and not modern..Europeans have moved on
Khala, Burkas scare me, are Hijabs not better?
I am not here to compare just question....

Its her choice

that is not burka where only the eyes aree visible.. that's acceptable clothing but yet it is medivial and not modern..Europeans have moved on
she is not wearing a burqa the question was veil

The veil was brought to England by Muslim immigrants. Immigrant is someone who migrated from a foreign land. Thus, the veil is foreign.

But this veil worn by Muslim women was never a part of English culture.
You calimed it to be foreign...veils are not foreign....

That is nothing like the veil worn in Islamic countries, that's not even a veil:
It is typed and considered a veil....

Now if the chosen colour is black then it will look like what you see....but mind you it isnt foreign!
I am not here to compare just question....
Its her choice
well, i dont know much, but NUST also said that when applying the face of the applicant should be visible, and besides i think the Pakistan way of a dupatta is the best, after which hijab is ok, but u could hide a tank under that tent called a "burka' even its name is strange, no?
Ahh my bad I did miss that...

These "some countries" are those which do not label themselves as liberal, secular nor tolerant

names, please...

Yet it took 40 yrs for USA to "liberate them?"

i don't know what you mean by that.

Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi - Features - Al Jazeera English

al jazeera and fox news... qatar government mouthpiece and usa government mouthpiece... both disinfo and propaganda agencies... why didn't you post something from a russian source or syrian source or north korean source??

from your second source...
"While President Obama calls Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi a threat to his own people, just one month before attacking Libya the president asked Congress to increase U.S. aid for Qaddafi's military to $1.7 million. "

libyan jamahiriya earned billions from oil sales every year... it funded many many projects in africa and rest of the world... what do you want to prove with 1.7 million?? can that have been arms sales or some such?? and did you read the other nations listed below in that article...
Of 192 countries in the world, the U.S. gives aid to 174 -- including repressive regimes in Africa and the Middle East like those of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and Omar al-Bashir in the Sudan; U.S. adversaries like Kim Jong Il in North Korea and Evo Morales in Bolivia; and countries like Russia and China.

so, when did north korea, russia, venezuela and china become slaves of usa government??

did you know that just before 35+ nato militaries and puppets invaded libyan jamahiriya, muammar gaddafi was going to be awarded a "human rights champion prize" by the "united nations organization"??

Smoking Gun: Gaddafi Was To Receive U.N. Human Rights Award | Libyan Free Press

and then suddenly, the invasion happens and the united nations "human rights commission" chief, navi pillay, indian origin, promotes the burqa from yemen, by name "tawakkul karman", for the nobel peace prize for 2011... because this burqa had been crucial in promoting the mullah, morsi ( ikhwaan, egypt ), and for campaigning against muammar gaddafi and bashar al assad.... her two co-awardees were females who were also nato puppets...

so, what do you make of that??

I said this:

The these people refers to those with an ideology different to the West for this thread those who want to cover their face...

I am not sure how you managed to twist my words to suit yourself?

i seriously don't understand your words.

I have never lived in Syria nor in Libya...I dont know their ground reality nor do I know what goes on in those countries...I am also not sure why you are painting each Burqa lady as ALL BURQA ladies?

1. do you wear burqa??

2. what do say about fatima jinnah writing in "songs of blood and sword" about zulifkar ali bhutto's time not seeing the burqa much in pakistan??

3. what do you say about aasiya andrabi, a female leader of burqas from indian part of kashmir, threatening a few years ago to throw acid on faces of ladies who don't cover their faces??

4. what do you say about saddam's daughters, and ayesha gaddafi, and asma al assad... all who would never touch a burqa??

5. do you support taliban, ikhwaan, tableeghi jamaat??
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well, i dont know much, but NUST also said that when applying the face of the applicant should be visible, and besides i think the Pakistan way of a dupatta is the best, after which hijab is ok, but u could hide a tank under that tent called a "burka' even its name is strange, no?
second that...dupatta is good.. burka is insulting to men.
With all of the rape cases and extremism within the immigrant Muslim communities of Europe, you just might get your wish granted.
That was 99% due to bigots and nothing to do with being a Muslim nor wanting to choose a face veil!

1% due to stupid police not wanting to be labelled ...

Racism fears stopped social workers saving children from sexual exploitation from Asian men in ONE TOWN | Daily Mail Online

Rotherham child abuse scandal: Paedophile gang's appalling crimes lasted 16 YEARS as authorities feared being labelled racist if they tackled it - Mirror Online

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye - Telegraph

BUT THAT is a story for a different thread and I have already posted at least 2-3 of them on this forum under the same thread when these assholes were caught!
western nations give equal rights to muslim immigrants yet they dispise their way of life and insult them and these same muslims not even have citizenship rights in rich gulf countries where islam was born and talk about umma brotherhood. get discriminated by arabs yet will bum kiss them.
Well in a civilized educated society, you would think they would know better than to be brainwashed (I am liberally using this word to mean following media blindly)

You can spin many things, in lots of directions too if you're good, the only condition/limitation is, that there is something to spin in the first place.
well, i dont know much, but NUST also said that when applying the face of the applicant should be visible, and besides i think the Pakistan way of a dupatta is the best, after which hijab is ok, but u could hide a tank under that tent called a "burka' even its name is strange, no?
Well NUST said it on black and white if someone put on a burqa I would literally question that lady for her ignorance of the rules! But this school refuses to put it on black and white hence the controversy!
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