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‘Too upset and angry’: Muslim teen barred from top London school for wearing veil quits

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Niqab issue has nothing to do with "Faith" but "Culture"
I would say there are a handful of hadith and some translations of the Quran that could counter this....and I put that as a different sect of Islam...or should I say some sects...just like some sects say rafadain is important while others say nope and so on....

Her faith also tells her to live in a Muslim country where it will be easier for her to practice her faith, which is why she should be deported to ISIS land ("Islamic State").
I beg to disagree....it doesnt tell us in our faith to do so....

2ndly, I dont know how wearing a niqab is equated to ISIS....this really shocks me!
16 year old wearing the Burka? Don't be surprised she is being pushed by her parents too. Probably also trying to get attention.
16 year old wearing the Burka? Don't be surprised she is being pushed by her parents too. Probably also trying to get attention.
Dear God not you too!

Read OP ...she only recently started ...1 yr back...were she pushed it would have been way before she started her O levels!
1stly, face veil is not foreign to British culture....esp since she has been using it for 1yr in a school she has been going to for 5 yrs...

The veil is not a part of British culture. Tell me, did Queen Elizabeth wear the veil?? Or what about Queen Victoria??

Veil is a part of the pre-Islamic Middle Eastern culture.

And how is it acting foreign? She is acting very much like a Brit...she chose something and is practising it coz her senses tell her that her tolerant and liberal society will not raise eyebrows like they would in "a foreign land"

That is pretty much foreign, its not even a cultural norm in the native British community.

Yes but Arabs never claim to be secular, liberal nor tolerant....so the comparison doesnt even work!
But Arabs are our Islamic brothers who are supposed to treat their fellow Muslims equally according to the last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Why should Kafir Christian Europeans accept Muslims as one of their own?? You are aware that such laws can change overnight once the possibility arises.
The veil is not a part of British culture. Tell me, did Queen Elizabeth wear the veil?? Or what about Queen Victoria??
Veil is a part of the pre-Islamic Middle Eastern culture.
I said it is not foreign never said it is PART of the culture....

That is pretty much foreign, its not even a cultural norm in the native British community.
Are you sure?

But Arabs are our Islamic brothers who are supposed to treat their fellow Muslims equally according to the last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Why should Kafir Christian Europeans accept Muslims as one of their own?? You are aware that such laws can change overnight once the possibility arises.
Dear God they should accept coz they advertise acceptance (liberal, secular and tolerance)

I am aware the laws can change but any change should be in black and white....otherwise in liberal and tolerant societies it is questionable!
Dear God not you too!

Read OP ...she only recently started ...1 yr back...were she pushed it would have been way before she started her O levels!

She could have wore the head scarf. There are many Muslim women who are doing great jobs all over the UK. They wear the Hijab and have no problem whatsoever. Full face covering is totally opposite to European culture and values. We are living in their nations, the least we should do is respect their culture. Just like we expect Europeans to give us days off to celebrate Eid, build mosques, convert them to our religion shouldn't we at east respect them?
I beg to disagree....it doesnt tell us in our faith to do so....

Yes, in Islam Muslims are discouraged from living within environments where it becomes difficult for us to practice our faith.

In the Sunnah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

2ndly, I dont know how wearing a niqab is equated to ISIS....this really shocks me!
In the "Islamic State" (ISIS), she can practice her faith easily however she wants to, though i don't think the ISIS allows girls to go to school.
She could have wore the head scarf. There are many Muslim women who are doing great jobs all over the UK. They wear the Hijab and have no problem whatsoever.
I agree

Full face covering is totally opposite to European culture and values. We are living in their nations, the least we should do is respect their culture.
How is it a disrespect to their culture?

Just like we expect Europeans to give us days off to celebrate Eid, build mosques, convert them to our religion shouldn't we at east respect them?
Well that was expecting on the basis of equal rights...no harm trying but forcing is stupid...

convert them to our religion? by showing you can cover your veil you would convert them?

Again how covering her OWN face is disrespect to them? the same action was not disrespectful before summer....nor was it disrespectful for the 1 yr she has been practicing it..
How is it a disrespect to their culture?

Talk to any native European in either a full face covering or a Ski mask on a street, they will either fear you or ignore you. Facial expressions are a important part of languages of Europe.
Yes, in Islam Muslims are discouraged from living within environments where it becomes difficult for us to practice our faith.
In the Sunnah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
I am sorry I am not one who is well versed in all the hadith....esp not Abu Dawood ones...

Can we know the circumstance this hadith was presented in? Can we also be sure it wasnt quoted out of context?

In the "Islamic State" (ISIS), she can practice her faith easily however she wants to,
Not really, in there you dont have FREEDOM OF CHOICE...you practice how the ISIS tell you ...for her to be told is foreign ...
though i don't think the ISIS allows girls to go to school.
hence that is not easily practicing her faith...nor is that even a part of Islam (to oppress women)
I said it is not foreign never said it is PART of the culture....
If its not a part of the native culture then its foreign.

Are you sure?
Yes. The veil was brought to England by Muslim immigrants. Immigrant is someone who migrated from a foreign land. Thus, the veil is foreign.

Dear God they should accept coz they advertise acceptance (liberal, secular and tolerance)

I am aware the laws can change but any change should be in black and white....otherwise in liberal and tolerant societies it is questionable!
This can change soon, especially with the rise of the far right groups all throughout Europe.
Talk to any native European in either a full face covering or a Ski mask on a street, they will either fear you or ignore you. Facial expressions are a important part of languages of Europe.
Maybe I live with a really tolerant and liberal set of people but yes so far it has only been ignorance and prob the girl was raised with such people and expected the ignoring bit!
I am sorry I am not one who is well versed in all the hadith....esp not Abu Dawood ones...

Can we know the circumstance this hadith was presented in? Can we also be sure it wasnt quoted out of context?

I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion but visit this link to read more:

Can Muslims settle in kaafir countries for the sake of a better life? - islamqa.info

Not really, in there you dont have FREEDOM OF CHOICE...you practice how the ISIS tell you ...for her to be told is foreign ...
hence that is not easily practicing her faith...nor is that even a part of Islam (to oppress women)
Well then in that case she has to compromise by wearing a Hijab instead. She gets to go to school and cover herself Islamically, a win win situation.
I am giving how tolerance is skewed to accept one and reject another BOTH being foreign to the West (at least initially)...

Bikini's have no security consideration which is why it isn't banned in general, but similarly to burqa/niqab it would most likely hamper student-teacher interaction, and so, surprise, surprise, you aren't allowed to wear bikini in school.

And FYI, you probably think bikini's were thought of to degrade women in the heathen west, but history tells us they are more a product of a lack of proper materials post WWII when everything was in short supply.

I am far from confused but labeling me did not answer my questions which btw, you did agree it has something to do with the phobia...

Ya, but i also said phobia's don't appear out of thin air, in on themselves. Somehow you missed that (or to be more precise, arbitrarily dismissed this as me not being aware of the power of mass media).
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