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Featured COAS is on official visit to Ukraine - ISPR

The uncles are at it again 🙄
Why not get Turkish subsystems?
They offered a package for Al Khalid II.
Or start making key susbsystems at home? And get engines from Ukraine?
Simply because Ukrainian systems are better than Turkish ones. While I respect Turkish defense industry and it’s growth, I don’t know why Pakistanis are obsessed with what they make. Ukraine has decades more experience in tanks than Turkey. Turkish systems are also rarely fully indigenous, they use a lot of European and American Technology while Ukraine is not dependent on foreign countries in this regard. Not to mention due to our historical usage of Ukrainian components, logistics would be infinitely easier.
Pakistan will not and should not buy Turkish stuff unless it’s ready to change its entire logistical and production lines to go along with it. Not to mention most of the Turkish stuff is still under development, while Ukrainian stuff is readily available.
Whatever Ukraine falls behind in, we can always order from China, Turkey is like the third option.
Simply because Ukrainian systems are better than Turkish ones. While I respect Turkish defense industry and it’s growth, I don’t know why Pakistanis are obsessed with what they make. Ukraine has decades more experience in tanks than Turkey. Turkish systems are also rarely fully indigenous, they use a lot of European and American Technology while Ukraine is not dependent on foreign countries in this regard. Not to mention due to our historical usage of Ukrainian components, logistics would be infinitely easier.
Pakistan will not and should not buy Turkish stuff unless it’s ready to change its entire logistical and production lines to go along with it. Not to mention most of the Turkish stuff is still under development, while Ukrainian stuff is readily available.
Whatever Ukraine falls behind in, we can always order from China, Turkey is like the third option.
Ahh yes Iron Brother. How could I forget.
Ahh yes Iron Brother. How could I forget.
If you look at Pakistans purchase decisions and history, you can see a pattern, a pattern where China is never the first option. The west and USA (formerly) were always preferred by all three services over Chinese tech, because Chinese tech in the 60s-2000s was rather bad. this trend still somewhat continues, if Pakistan can make something itself, it will, if it can get it from a non Chinese source, it will, but in many many cases, China is simply the best option now, as their tech has improved twenty-fold and they give Pakistan a good deal. Usually including ToT.
For example: attack helicopters, Chinese ones were the last option. AWACS and MPAS, Pakistan went to Europe before it even considered Chinese ones. Pakistan wanted many western systems in JF, including the radar, but China was simply a better choice. All of the AK prototypes had western tech, Pakistan simply didn’t want anything Chinese on it. Oplot was the option before VT-4 was.
The navy and AF have an easier time buying Turkish stuff (especially the navy) as it has no dependence of architecture on China or Ukraine, it’s buying alot of stuff for the first time, in an Era where Chinese and Turkish tech can be combined, hence Turkey is a much easier option for them than for the army.

Pakistan already makes most of the systems for AK itself. AK/AK-1 barely use any Chinese components apart from the original hull design, everything is either Pakistani or Ukaranian, with some western tech, like the thermal imaging systems.
If you look at Pakistans purchase decisions and history, you can see a pattern, a pattern where China is never the first option. The west and USA (formerly) were always preferred by all three services over Chinese tech, because Chinese tech in the 60s-2000s was rather bad. this trend still somewhat continues, if Pakistan can make something itself, it will, if it can get it from a non Chinese source, it will, but in many many cases, China is simply the best option now, as their tech has improved twenty-fold and they give Pakistan a good deal. Usually including ToT.
For example: attack helicopters, Chinese ones were the last option. AWACS and MPAS, Pakistan went to Europe before it even considered Chinese ones. Pakistan wanted many western systems in JF, including the radar, but China was simply a better choice. All of the AK prototypes had western tech, Pakistan simply didn’t want anything Chinese on it. Oplot was the option before VT-4 was.
The navy and AF have an easier time buying Turkish stuff (especially the navy) as it has no dependence of architecture on China or Ukraine, it’s buying alot of stuff for the first time, in an Era where Chinese and Turkish tech can be combined, hence Turkey is a much easier option for them than for the army.

Pakistan already makes most of the systems for AK itself. AK/AK-1 barely use any Chinese components apart from the original hull design, everything is either Pakistani or Ukaranian, with some western tech, like the thermal imaging systems.
If HIT and POF were doing their job properly we would not be going to West or East for basic tanks, rifles, mraps and apcs etc.

Need to raise our own subsystems. As China will one day start acting like America.
VTOL capable flyer drone looked interesting, could act as spotter for tanks.
If HIT and POF were doing their job properly we would not be going to West or East for basic tanks, rifles, mraps and apcs etc.

Need to raise our own subsystems. As China will one day start acting like America.
I don't understand why we cannot make rifles???
If HIT and POF were doing their job properly we would not be going to West or East for basic tanks, rifles, mraps and apcs etc.

Need to raise our own subsystems. As China will one day start acting like America.
HIT and POF have done amazing work considering the kind of funding they were getting, I’ve discussed this at length in another thread, but from the timeframe of 2005-2015, our local industries were barely given money in the defense budget due to the war on terror, that’s why the navy fell so far behind too, their entire acquisition budget was being given to army and Air Force to keep them funded through the war. It cost us more than people realize. If you go back to the early 2000s you will Pakistan see had so so many projects to make local systems that we haven’t even made now, many basic things that countries like Turkey are making in large numbers, Artillery, rifles, armored cars and APCs, MRAPS and basic drones, the list goes on. But all these projects had to be halted due to those budget cuts, otherwise HIT and POF were more than eager.
Now that things are back on track, the navy is buying is like crazy, and all these programs will slowly be starting again, we have programs to build radars now, POF even tried their hand at rifles, sure they weren’t good, but it’s experience for the next time, they will only get better from here. I too wish we could make all this ourselves, but our conditions were certainly not ideal. Now we will improve IA.
The Oplot stuff might be related to upgrading our existing T-80UD tanks to this standard (or perhaps applying only some of the oplot upgrades to T-80UD ) rather than buying new tanks.

Ukraine may be pushing for sale of some Oplots with ToT for tanks and helicopters, if all goes well PA may purchase some Oplots to get other stuff from Ukraine, 100 Oplot-Ms with upgraded T-80 UDs to Oplot standard will be good addition to current force as HIT will take time to make AKs in required numbers.
Why we are not doing JV with Ukraine in transport air crafts?? They have good ones which will allow retirement of old C-130s.
As far as I know

- This is the only (Official) source who commented about negotiation for TOT of Helicopter engines, no further detail about any development related to this project in in my knowledge

- Turkey enter in negotiation with Ukraine for JV of helicopter engine separately Pakistan is not a party in their negotiation.
But, if Pak wants to have 10 ton ATAK-2 with the Ukranian engines it’s prudent to ensure that Ukraine has no problem with that. It’s like double safeguarding....
This video show some of stuff Ukraine make.

Simply because Ukrainian systems are better than Turkish ones. While I respect Turkish defense industry and it’s growth, I don’t know why Pakistanis are obsessed with what they make. Ukraine has decades more experience in tanks than Turkey. Turkish systems are also rarely fully indigenous, they use a lot of European and American Technology while Ukraine is not dependent on foreign countries in this regard. Not to mention due to our historical usage of Ukrainian components, logistics would be infinitely easier.
Pakistan will not and should not buy Turkish stuff unless it’s ready to change its entire logistical and production lines to go along with it. Not to mention most of the Turkish stuff is still under development, while Ukrainian stuff is readily available.
Whatever Ukraine falls behind in, we can always order from China, Turkey is like the third option.
Ukraine has purchased the Turkish UAVs for a reason....

Let’s see what have been achieved so far with the Turkish systems under development:

  • Offensive ops inside Syria backed by Russia (S-300/400). The backbone of the Syrian Army go broken
  • Offensive ops in Libya to crush Russia/UAE/Egypt/KSA etc. backed Hafter with great successes
  • Offensive ops against Russian/French armed Armenian to liberate Karabag’
  • Ops in the East Med against the combined naval/air power of Greece/France/Germany/Italy etc. to claim her EEZ rights. The French frigates were locked while the Rafaels were lurking by
  • Offensive ops in the Northern Irak against USA/KSA/Israil/UAE/EU etc. armed and trained PKK to crush them to the ground. Lands are being permanently taken back

What can be achieved when the systems get developed?

By the by, other the engines almost every thing else is indecency’s. As for the engines the folk rings are done:

  • Turbo diesel aero engines for UAVs: done
  • Turbo jet engines for cruise missiles, kamikaze and target drones: done
  • Turbo shaft engines for choppers: pro types fine. Serial production by 2023
  • Turbo prop engines: both indigenous and JV with Ukraine on-going
  • Diesel engines for armored, SPGs, IFVs, MRAPs: prototype done. Serial production within a couple of yesrs
  • Gas turbine engines for naval platforms, batteries and AIP for submarines: under development
  • Turbo-fan engines for fighters: under development
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Let say if you buy OPOLOT M with TOT. Will they allowed you to completely manufacture engines in Pakistan. No they won't. What I am trying to say if you somehow can only get engine technology that is worth it.
Hazrat, I think its better to get the VT4 engine which is 1500HP and better likelihood of getting that engine. The 6TD series engine although boxer engine( if you anything about Subaru rally in the 90's) has most likely the one main plus point going for it in its favour.
Ukraine has purchased the Turkish UAVs for a reason....

Let’s see what have been achieved so far with the Turkish systems under development:

  • Offensive ops inside Syria backed by Russia (S-300/400). The backbone of the Syrian Army go broken
  • Offensive ops in Libya to crush Russia/UAE/Egypt/KSA etc. backed Hafter with great successes
  • Offensive ops against Russian/French armed Armenian to liberate Karabag’
  • Ops in the East Med against the combined naval/air power of Greece/France/Germany/Italy etc. to claim her EEZ rights. The French frigates were locked while the Rafaels were lurking by
  • Offensive ops in the Northern Irak against USA/KSA/Israil/UAE/EU etc. armed and trained PKK to crush them to the ground. Lands are being permanently taken back

What can be achieved when the systems get developed?

By the by, other the engines almost every thing else is indecency’s. As for the engines the folk rings are done:

  • Turbo diesel aero engines for UAVs: done
  • Turbo jet engines for cruise missiles, kamikaze and target drones: done
  • Turbo shaft engines for choppers: pro types fine. Serial production by 2023
  • Turbo prop engines: both indigenous and JV with Ukraine on-going
  • Diesel engines for armored, SPGs, IFVs, MRAPs: prototype done. Serial production within a couple of yesrs
  • Gas turbine engines for naval platforms, batteries and AIP for submarines: under development
  • Turbo-fan engines for fighters: under development
I’m not doubting Turkish tech, it’s very impressive, especially the drones and the MILGEM/MILDEN projects. Not to mention Turkey is trying it’s hand at everything now, something Pakistan wanted to try in the 90s/2000s but couldn’t as I mentioned above. And the issue I mentioned is only with the PA mainly, PAF and PN are buying a lot of Turkish stuff because they are not similarly logistically alienated from what Turkey uses.

The other thing Turkey is doing right is the sort of saturation it’s bringing to its own market, unlike in Pakistan where historically one company designs one thing for the army, the correct route is to let everyone present their ideas and then test and pick the best one, as the USA and Russia do it, and now Turkey is doing too, it ensures that all the capable people are put on the map for future projects. Pakistan is only starting to do this recently at a small scale.

The issue I see with Turkish tech is it’s current dependence on countries with whom Turkey now has a sort of friction, particularly the USA and some European countries. The dependence isn’t the issue, Pakistan too is dependent on foreign tech, but our relations with said countries are secure. Turkey is obviously trying to indigenize everything, but these issues with the USA (or looming issues with Europe) will delay the big Turkish plan for its industry, especially when it comes to export, as is being seen with the ATAK, these issues might carry forward to Atlay or TFX. Because while Turkey is fully capable of making all this tech on their own, foreign help significantly speeds up these processes, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with ToTs, JVs and technical help while trying to indigenize products, no country can do it alone. Even Russia and China used a lot of reverse engineering to get where they are now,
Turkey will still achieve its indigenization even if these issues become real, but it will take longer, without access to the best of western tech, and this is an issue for Pakistan because it too has certain gripes with the west now, and cannot use some of the Turkish tech until it’s dependence on western suppliers ends.

Turkish tanks are currently all foreign, but modernized by Turkey, particularly their Leo 1 and 2s and M60Ts, these have all been modernized with Israeli or western support. So Pakistan cannot exactly buy Turkish tank tech (even excluding logistical reasons)
The Atlay is the Turkish solution to this, as it’s going to be almost fully indigenous, and Pakistan has shown interest in it, but again, it’s still a few years down the line and will require major logistical restructuring to use apart from in very small numbers.
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