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Zardari Looking To Replace Kayani?

A person of the character of Zardari on the post of the President is already a shame for Pakistan and Pakistanis. While he may have constitutional powers, his credibility does not allow him send home a person how is better than him in each and every respect. Zardari is stupid to think that Americans will help him sending Kiyani home. Like the entire nation was behind Iftikhar Choudhry, this time the entire nation will be behind the Kiyani and this time this whole thing will end up with Zardari’s disgraceful departure from the President House. Zardari’s departure is already long overdue.

A very, emmotional, note BY you! sir.
Who will replace , ZARDARI ?
imran khan?
MULANA dissel?
i mean , who?

pakistan's largest poliotical party's WOULD been kicked out of PRESIDENCY? is this a real option, sory to say, you think peoples like you ! who had dedicated thier! post after post, in the support of media , "juicetiz, democrazy" 2 YEARS BEFORE, are going to protest , a democracticly elected govt.;):cheers:
i guss, no 1 in our poliotical leadership, can dare to challenge ,UNHOLY but democratic, & just G O USA?
ever our, DEAR! "chowdry justice" will be suppprting KLR.
A person of the character of Zardari on the post of the President is already a shame for Pakistan and Pakistanis. While he may have constitutional powers, his credibility does not allow him send home a person how is better than him in each and every respect. Zardari is stupid to think that Americans will help him sending Kiyani home. Like the entire nation was behind Iftikhar Choudhry, this time the entire nation will be behind the Kiyani and this time this whole thing will end up with Zardari’s disgraceful departure from the President House. Zardari’s departure is already long overdue.

What’s wrong Zardari being a president. This nation has seen Malik Ghulam Muhammad, Iskander Mirza, Gen Eyub Khan, Gen Yahya Khan, Gen Zia-i-Haq and Gen Pervez Musharraf.

One does not have to research how these “shinning stars” came to power and what were their activities and state of mind.

Very surprisingly people love to keep quite during the era of their “golden rule” but as soon as to some extent legitimate govt comes then all types of stories pop in media.

Now if we put a side it should be or it should not be what’s wrong if president of Pakistan who is also supreme commander fires one of his subordinate.

Unfortunately in Pakistan it has become culture to “jump out of trousers” and most unfortunately generals love to do that.
As far as Mr Z is concerned this illiterate person who has not seen an educational institution past junior school level will decide the promotions of War College Graduates Masters and Ph D holders, this idea is totaly bezerk. Or Mr Z or Mr G or Mr R Malik will teach the people of pakistan their Hinglish that US ambassador to Pakistan Mr Haqqani has tought them consisting of only one word $$$ and more $$$.
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This is one torture video I would love to watch and that is Ghadari and Malik getting the day light beaten out of them and not by the army, cause those guys are badnam any ways but the common public. Drag these B@$tards out of the luxury they live in and give them what they deserve.

Zaedari already has residences in many countries and Malik also owns luxury flats in London. These guys have escape palns all the time, they will run away and the torture video you wish to see would not be possible.
Zaedari already has residences in many countries and Malik also owns luxury flats in London. These guys have escape palns all the time, they will run away and the torture video you wish to see would not be possible.

But like many posters said above, the tussle b/w Army chief and President must be avoided eventhough the president has the constitutional right to remove the army chief. The turmoil we are passing through required unity of some sort atleat. Cant afford any more mockeries....
I THINK CANT, BECAUSE constitutionaly ! its PRESIDENT , who can replaces COAS, & that COAS , who belives in "DAM DEMOCRAZY"!;):pakistan:
Yes, in constitutional hierarchy PREZ was powerful enough to sack COAS but (the very but) Zardari had to be PPP chairman in order to climb to the echelon of presidency, wasn't it? Did he ever make “Benazir’s power transfer will to him” in public, by which he took over the PPP's chairmanship? I doubt that he could like war party wasn't able to bring OBL in public. See, 'Force and deception' are the main weapons of murderous empire-builders/interest pursuers that can be seen in empowering stooges like Zardari in PAK, Kharzai in AF, Hasina in BD and Maliki in Iraq etc. If concerned people understand it and rally it to the proper channels to create hurdle then they can make the “Stooge's/their master's scheme of things” harder in each passing day, shouldn’t we do just that for the sake of humanity?
Yes, in constitutional hierarchy PREZ was powerful enough to sack COAS but (the very but) Zardari had to be PPP chairman in order to climb to the echelon of presidency, wasn't it? Did he ever make “Benazir’s power transfer will to him” in public, by which he took over the PPP's chairmanship? I doubt that he could like war party wasn't able to bring OBL in public. See, 'Force and deception' are the main weapons of murderous empire-builders/interest pursuers that can be seen in empowering stooges like Zardari in PAK, Kharzai in AF, Hasina in BD and Maliki in Iraq etc. If concerned people understand it and rally it to the proper channels to create hurdle then they can make the “Stooge's/their master's scheme of things” harder in each passing day, shouldn’t we do just that for the sake of humanity?


RUSSIAN "democrazy" is the best role model for the rest of US!:agree:
GOOD to mention the names of, all the dam,stooges like Zardari in PAK, Kharzai in AF, Hasina in BD and Maliki in Iraq etc. :lol::tup:
I THINK , WE ALL NEED, A PUTIN, in our countries?;):tup:
wht you say!;)
US and NATO will never let Zaradari to replace Kiayani. Because Kiayani and his team has very good working relations with US and NATO. And its rule of US armed forces, they never replace any top ranking officer if they are part of any on going operation. And we all know he is part of war against terror and most effective person.
It is within Zardari's power to appoint a COAS of his choice, or at least give his input. Zardari will most likely do this once the present COAS' term expires, next year I believe. That is the more worrying point here, not a short term replacement. Military personnel I have spoken to have expressed their concerns over this. The Army, for a large part, has still not forgiven Musharraf for the declining support he brought. The three forces, particularly the Army and Air Force, have worked hard to restore public confidence and pride in the military. A puppet COAS will be disasterous.
US and NATO will never let Zaradari to replace Kiayani. Because Kiayani and his team has very good working relations with US and NATO. And its rule of US armed forces, they never replace any top ranking officer if they are part of any on going operation. And we all know he is part of war against terror and most effective person.

WHT you would like to say, tht once GEN.musharaf was more thn , WHT you mention , for the above stated, person!:azn:
i guss US , dont give DAM about! the personalities, all they care, who can better serve thier , intersts? & when & about wht?;)
It is within Zardari's power to appoint a COAS of his choice, or at least give his input. Zardari will most likely do this once the present COAS' term expires, next year I believe. That is the more worrying point here, not a short term replacement. Military personnel I have spoken to have expressed their concerns over this. The Army, for a large part, has still not forgiven Musharraf for the declining support he brought. The three forces, particularly the Army and Air Force, have worked hard to restore public confidence and pride in the military. A puppet COAS will be disasterous.

how, about a RUSSIAN PUTIN, in pakistan ? will you back him?;):pakistan:
What’s wrong Zardari being a president. This nation has seen Malik Ghulam Muhammad, Iskander Mirza, Gen Eyub Khan, Gen Yahya Khan, Gen Zia-i-Haq and Gen Pervez Musharraf.

One does not have to research how these “shinning stars” came to power and what were their activities and state of mind.

Very surprisingly people love to keep quite during the era of their “golden rule” but as soon as to some extent legitimate govt comes then all types of stories pop in media.

Now if we put a side it should be or it should not be what’s wrong if president of Pakistan who is also supreme commander fires one of his subordinate.

Unfortunately in Pakistan it has become culture to “jump out of trousers” and most unfortunately generals love to do that.

What does that tell you?

Pakistan is not ready for democracy because our people keep on electing thieves.

First educate the people, then talk about democracy.

Alhamdulillah Pakistan has a strong army or Zardrai would sell the country to the highest bidder and run to his mansion/villa in Dubai and London. And for God's sake keep the 19 y/o Bilawal Bhutto out of Pakistan. PPP is nothing but a hereditary party :tdown:
I don't think that is possible..zardari and the current democratically elected govt has virtually no powers...it is the best example of sham democracy....it's the army that calls shots in pakistan..so how can Kayani throw himself out??.....no way
As far as Mr Z is concerned this illiterate person who has not seen an educational institution past junior school level will decide the promotions of War College Graduates Masters and Ph D holders, this idea is totaly bezerk. Or Mr Z or Mr G or Mr R Malik will teach the people of pakistan their Hinglish that US ambassador to Pakistan Mr Haqqani has tought them consisting of only one word $$$ and more $$$.

This is typical argument which comes from person who has seen nothing but a military rule in Pakistan. Unfortunately this kind of theories popped during military dictator’s rule that “these generals” were the best and civilian rules are no match to them.

Their short sighted vision has put Pakistan in situation which today we feel very agonizing.

As soon as any civil rule comes, “invisible forces” come in action and these forces use their paid / benefited buddies in all spheres to create a atmosphere that these “idiot civil” are cause of every problem. Exactly same is happening now. These players float all different kind of stories everyday just to give impression that everything is going to hell.

All we see in our northern parts is a “golden product” of our short sighted military establishment. If some one has any doubt just watch interviews of Imtiaz Billa which explain every thing how these generals impose their personal agenda
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