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Zardari Looking To Replace Kayani?

By so called LAW yes Zardari have complete rights to replace but u think Zardari have enough gutz ? to remove even any Major from military ??? COAS is something very out of zardari brain limits.

I love to see such situation when Zardari annouce we are going to remove KIYANI because i know WHAT NEXT with Zardari i love this (GO ZARDARI GO) if zardari try to take such action I know THATS VERY EASY OUR DREAMS COME TRUE ;) i know What military and Kiyani do after Zardari action...

WE ARE WAITING Zardari go na go go go lol
What does that tell you?

Pakistan is not ready for democracy because our people keep on electing thieves.

First educate the people, then talk about democracy.

Alhamdulillah Pakistan has a strong army or Zardrai would sell the country to the highest bidder and run to his mansion/villa in Dubai and London. And for God's sake keep the 19 y/o Bilawal Bhutto out of Pakistan. PPP is nothing but a hereditary party :tdown:

I think only islamic democratic will be better solution in western democracy more emphesis is on quality not quantity.

Army has its own intrests and polititian have their own , nation is looking this drama from last 60 years enough is enough .

We need to select cream of nation all sect of life and let them select a khalifah or amir ul momineen , we need very strong shariah law to do operation clean up from top to bottom.
Reports that Zardari has been contemplating to replace COAS for his opposition to Kerry Lugar Bill are not based upon facts. Such reports are an attempt to destabilize Pakistan, especially to demoralize President Zardari. As far as Army’s opposition to Kerry Lugar is concern, Prime Minister has already explained that government has taken COAS into confidence. It is hoped that government will be able to build consensus over it. Kerry Lugar Bill is being politicized by anti-democratic forces to create disorder in the system. We know that President Zardari and COAS working together smoothly. They meet frequently to discuss ongoing issues of Pakistan. We have seen that working relationship between Army and civilian government is at its best compare to previous regimes. There can be difference on any issue which doesn’t mean that everything is going to perish.
If someone lives here still talk about Pakistan then it does not mean that he has no stake in Pakistan. So if you apply your theory that I abandoned Pakistan what about those servicemen who came here and did huge investments from where the money came from I don’t want to say anything.

The fact still remains I am here in my homeland while libral fascist abandoned Pakistan. And will remain here and defend my country:sniper:

Here in Toronto some people from FC college started sort of “old boys” get-together. Majority of these people were army. Many of those live in million dollar houses. In one meeting when people were doing chit-chat few mentioned how they came here and what was actual source of income, after that those “few” were never invited to any meeting.

This self created MUMBO JUMBO does not change a thing.

Pakistan is not anybody’s personal property but this applicable to all even for those “scared cows” who engineered election and have stolen peoples will.

Our Brave SSG Commandos Brigadier Lt Col and jawans laid there live while libral fascist can only blame others for them ditching Pakistan. Mr Zardari and Company will soon join you in Canada.

If you think Pakistan is meant for Generals rule so every time they will not be lucky enough to escape unscratched like Mushraff.

Pakistan is not ment to be ruled by un patriotic plundering libral fascists who abuse pakistan and abuse people of pakistan abuse The Brave Pakistan Army that lays there lives on daily basis and make money writing self created false BS in so called think tanks either. I am no friend of Busharraf but by just blaming Busharraf does not raise the profile of the sold out Political Elite that have there sons and daughters there property and bank balances outside Pakistan. Wanting to sell Pakistan to the highest bidder. We will never tolerate this and will never let this happen.:sniper:

Pakistan Zindabad
Pak Fauj Zindabad
Our Shauhda Zindabad:pakistan:
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The fact still remains I am here in my homeland while libral fascist abandoned Pakistan. And will remain here and defend my country:sniper:

This self created MUMBO JUMBO does not change a thing.

Our Brave SSG Commandos Brigadier Lt Col and jawans laid there live while libral fascist can only blame others for them ditching Pakistan. Mr Zardari and Company will soon join you in Canada.

Pakistan is not ment to be ruled by un patriotic plundering libral fascists who abuse pakistan and abuse people of pakistan abuse The Brave Pakistan Army that lays there lives on daily basis and make money writing self created false BS in so called think tanks either. I am no friend of Busharraf but by just blaming Busharraf does not raise the profile of the sold out Political Elite that have there sons and daughters there property and bank balances outside Pakistan. Wanting to sell Pakistan to the highest bidder. We will never tolerate this and will never let this happen.:sniper:

Pakistan Zindabad
Pak Fauj Zindabad
Our Shauhda Zindabad:pakistan:

What ever you want to think, think. I am not going to reply same argument over and over. It’s really good you live there and want to die for motherland, I hope when the time will come you will not have stomach ache and other excuses to run away. Its easy to shout like thunder but when time will come you will not be paper tiger.
Kiyani is one of the most popular Army chiefs. This will not go down well with anyone. Kiyani will do his tenure and then leave. Army is in no mood for outside interference right now.
Kiyani is one of the most popular Army chiefs. This will not go down well with anyone. Kiyani will do his tenure and then leave. Army is in no mood for outside interference right now.

but his tenurewill end in March 2010 ... this gives an opp to Zaradri.

I think Zardari may not give him extension at that point.

WHat do you think?
No Gen Kiyani will retire in Nov 2010. I do not think there is a need to give him an extension but he should finish his term as CoAS and then have someone else take over.
Kerry Lugar Bill has definite Issues

The Kerry-Lugar Bill: details and conditions

(The Bill starts off with saying that No money and Defence equipment will be issued to Pakistan unless a "Certificate" is issued by US officials)

(A) ceasing support, including by any elements within the Pakistan military or its intelligence agency, to extremist and terrorist groups, particularly to any group that has conducted attacks against the United States or coalition forces in Afghanistan, or against the territory or people of neighbouring countries;

(B) preventing al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated terrorist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, from operating in the territory of Pakistan, including carrying out cross-border attacks into neighbouring countries, closing terrorist camps in the Fata, dismantling terrorist bases of operations in other parts of the country, including Quetta and Muridke, and taking action when provided with intelligence about high-level terrorist targets; and

(C) strengthening counterterrorism and anti-money laundering laws; and
(3) the security forces of Pakistan are not materially and substantially subverting the political or judicial processes of Pakistan.

(a) Pakistan Assistance Strategy Report- Not later than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report describing United States policy and strategy with respect to assistance to Pakistan under this Act. The report shall include the following: (1) A description of the principal objectives of United States assistance to Pakistan to be provided under title I of this Act.

lol , its funny , sign the document frist , and then we will define what the US strategy is with respect to Pakistan , :what: should it not be defined ... look here is what we want you to do ... etc:police:

(D) cease all support for extremist and terrorist groups; ??? wtf moment - Of course the line is a 1 liner hidden in legal mumbo jumbo lawyers do to his it ...

(13) an assessment of whether assistance provided to Pakistan has directly or indirectly aided the expansion of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, whether by the diversion of United States assistance or the reallocation of Pakistan’s financial resources that would otherwise be spent for programs and activities unrelated to its nuclear weapons program;

a list of persons or entities from the United States or other countries that have received funds in excess of $100,000 to conduct projects

Pakistan should provide the list - Try asking anyone in US gov to give their personal information fro ISI usage ? exactly ... you don't do such things - there is something called privacy of businesses and people

(forget doing business ppl ... with companies you can't move money now lol)
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a) ISI of Pakistan should be independent body
b) Army should be independent
c) No one in Pakistan supports terrorist , these were created by CIA
in 1980's. The document should state that clearly
d) Pakistan gov does not need a certificate from US congress ,
Pakistan is not Congressess property -

Either the cash should be - cash for our loses due to so called war which is not even our war , or forget about it take your tanks and go back else the Pak Army will move in Afghanistan

6.5 billon dollar is it worth ? Weakening your country ?? :toast_sign:

Pakistan does 205 billion dollar worth of trade -

Pakistan has lost 3-4 billion in toursim alone , do to this so called freedom war in Afghanistan , we all know that there is a currupt pupet in Afganistan.

Pakistan has lost Champion's trophy and other cricket tourmanet woth 300-400 million to this so called stupid war for freedom my ***...

Pakistani people have also lost , lively hood in swat operations and property damage and 3million people displaced who will fork up that bill ???

Pakistan also have lost heavilly when its planes ran patrols over missions ...

I think the bill has to be - rejected -

Pakistan will generate 5-10 billion with trade with Iran and 4-5 billion extra from china
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PM hints at ‘important decisions’ on security on return from China

* Says Balochistan is top priority
* Parliamentary resolution to be forwarded to US on Kerry-Lugar bill

ON BOARD PM'S SPECIAL AIRCRAFT: Important decisions will be taken on national security issues in consultation with the civil and military leadership, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Monday.

Talking to a media team accompanying him on board his special aircraft to China, the PM said he has had detailed discussions with Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kiyani on important security matters.

He condemned the attack on the General Headquarters and said important decisions would be taken to strengthen national security.

Top priority: When asked about his foremost priority, he said, "I want to resolve the Balochistan issue as soon as possible."

He said he planned to hold a debate on the situation in Balochistan at a joint sitting of parliament and discuss administrative, economic and constitutional issues relating to the province.

Regarding the Kerry-Lugar bill, the PM said the legislation had some broad-based positive points apart from some controversial clauses.

Forwarded: He said he had taken the civil and military leadership into confidence and the outcome of the debate about the bill in parliament would be forwarded to the US government in the form of a resolution.

He said his discussions were part of efforts to bring harmony among the political leadership of the country and to seek the views of political leaders on the Kerry-Lugar bill.

"I always feel that leadership is the opinion maker, even if they are not in the parliament, they are opinion makers. I have taken everybody into confidence and believe parliament is the forum where it should be debated and a national response be given on this issue," he said.

About his forthcoming talks with the Chinese leaders he said he would discuss security, defence, education and health matters during his meetings.

Gilani said Pakistan would also try to upgrade its status from observer to member at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). He said security issues were having an impact on the entire region and the world needed concerted efforts to resolve them. He urged the world to realise Pakistan’s role in the war against terror and help it in capacity building. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
^if zardari replaces kiyani before his tenure, right or wrong, it will lead to further fissures between the military establishment and the civilians which BTW kiyani is trying to improve!
The fact still remains I am here in my homeland while libral fascist abandoned Pakistan. And will remain here and defend my country:sniper:

This self created MUMBO JUMBO does not change a thing.

Our Brave SSG Commandos Brigadier Lt Col and jawans laid there live while libral fascist can only blame others for them ditching Pakistan. Mr Zardari and Company will soon join you in Canada.

Pakistan is not ment to be ruled by un patriotic plundering libral fascists who abuse pakistan and abuse people of pakistan abuse The Brave Pakistan Army that lays there lives on daily basis and make money writing self created false BS in so called think tanks either. I am no friend of Busharraf but by just blaming Busharraf does not raise the profile of the sold out Political Elite that have there sons and daughters there property and bank balances outside Pakistan. Wanting to sell Pakistan to the highest bidder. We will never tolerate this and will never let this happen.:sniper:

Pakistan Zindabad
Pak Fauj Zindabad
Our Shauhda Zindabad:pakistan:


You have been on the board for less than 30 days---and already you have started to use offencive language---'liberal fascist' against other members.

Please kindly respect the decorum of the board. Thanks.
No Gen Kiyani will retire in Nov 2010. I do not think there is a need to give him an extension but he should finish his term as CoAS and then have someone else take over.

you are100% correct, dear sir!
but will the , incomming COAS, will going to follow , the footsteps of GE.KIYANI?
its a big question, i guss ! GEN KIYANI is one of the best, militry strike planners of PAKARMY, that was the reason , why gen . musharaf selected him , as the next coas. he looks a cool customer, but i dont think the next COAS will be , cool like him, wht you think.:smitten:
The current Lt Gens all have been selected & promoted by Kiyani & persons reaching the rank of Lt Gen are always cool, But yes few of them few times are brilliant among the others. Plus the Maj Generals who would be promoted to Lt Gen in the next one year would also be done by him & their political affiliations would be taken into account, if someone does have any.

And if we look at history, no matter who has been selected COAS based on favoritism or for support, that COAS has taken down that same president or PM.

Army will remain a neutral & independent organization until & unless some very revolutionary thing happens.
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